Prof. Martin HaenggiDr. sc. techn., IEEE Fellow
M. Freimann Professor, Dept. of Electrical
04/2022 |
Invited talk in LINCS-NEMO Workshop on Vehicular Networks (Paris) "Transdimensional Modeling
and Reliability Analysis of Vehicular Networks on General Street Systems" [
Video |
Slides ]
02/2022 |
Invited talk at ISI/ETHZ "Wireless Networks and the Utopia of
Peak Performance" [
Video |
Slides ]
2021-2022 |
Guest Professor at the
Department of Information Technology and
Electrical Engineering at
ETHZ (Sabbatical Leave from Notre Dame).
03/2021 |
Two-part expository paper on meta distributions to appear in IEEE Comm. Letters:
Part 1: Definition and Examples and
Part 2: Properties and Interpretations.
09/2020 |
New blog on stochastic geometry and related topics: |
07/2020 |
NSF Award "Deep Stochastic Geometry: A New Paradigm for Wireless Networks Analysis and Design"
(PI, 2020-2023) |
07/2020 |
Signal fractions have several key advantages over signal-to-interference ratios -
also see this blog post. The paper is the
first-ever invited article published in the IEEE Communications Letters.
11/2018 |
Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher
12/2017 |
Keynote Speaker at the 2017 IEEE
International Workshop on Emerging Technologies on 5G Networks Using
Unlicensed Spectrum, GLOBECOM 2017, Singapore.
11/2017 |
Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher
05/2017 |
Keynote Speaker at the 2017 International
Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless
Networks (SpaSWiN'17), Paris, France, May 19, 2017. [ Slides
] |
04/2017 |
Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize for "Coordinated
Multipoint Joint Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks",
IEEE Trans. Comm., Nov. 2014 (with G. Nigam and P. Minero) |
04/2017 |
Communications Society Best Survey Paper Award for "Stochastic
Geometry for Modeling, Analysis, and Design of
Multi-tier and Cognitive Cellular Wireless Networks: A
Survey", IEEE Comm. Surveys & Tutorials, July
2013 (with H. ElSawy and E. Hossain) |
2017-2018 |
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications |
12/2016 |
Keynote Speaker at the 2016 IEEE
International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G
Wireless Cellular Networks (ET5G), Washington, DC. [ Slides
] |
01/2016 |
Appointed Frank M. Freimann Chair in
Electrical Engineering III |
07/2015 |
NSF Award "Toward a Stochastic Geometry for
Cellular Systems" (PI, 2015-2019) |
05/2015 |
Mini-Course at the Simons
Conference on Networks and Stochastic Geometry in
Austin, TX: Slides for Part 1
and Part 2. A video of
the second part on the SIR asymptotics is available here.
12/2014 |
Keynote Speaker at the 2014 IEEE
International Workshop on Heterogeneous and Small Cell
Networks (HetSNets'14),
Austin, TX. Slides and
on the ASAPPP method for the SIR analysis in HetNets. |
11/2014 |
Presentation at EPFL on the modeling and
analysis of next-generation cellular networks [ Video
] |
11/2014 |
Keynote Speaker at the 2014 International
Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal
Processing (WCSP'14),
Hefei, China. |
2014-2015 |
Professor at the School of Computer and
Communication Science at EPFL
(Sabbatical Leave from Notre Dame) |
01/2014 |
Appointed Chair of the Executive
Editorial Committee of the IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications |
01/2014 |
Elevated to IEEE Fellow "for contributions
to the spatial modeling and analysis of wireless networks" |
05/2013 |
Keynote Lecturer at the 2013 International
Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless
Networks (SpaSWiN'13), Tsukuba Science City, Japan, May
13, 2013. [Slides] |
09/2012 |
NSF Award on "Virtual Full-Duplex Wireless Networking" (PI, 2012-2015; collaborative research with D. Guo, Northwestern) |
08/2012 |
Award on "Interference Engineering in Wireless
Systems" (PI, 2012-2016) |
07/2012 |
on the first implementation of superposition
coding appears in the IEEE Trans. Wireless
Comm. Here
are slides explaining the problem and
solution. |
04/2010 |
Paper "Stochastic Geometry and Random Graphs for the Analysis and Design of Wireless Networks" (IEEE JSAC, Sept. 2009, with J. Andrews, F. Baccelli, O. Dousse, and M. Franceschetti) receives the 2010 IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper award. |
Current Course:
EE 37024 EE in the Era of ChatGPT
Former Courses:
EE 471 Digital Signal Processing (Spring 2001)
EE 598H Applied
Networking Theory (Fall 2001)
EE 471 Digital
Signal Processing (Spring 2002)
EE 598A
Topics in Wireless Networking (Fall 2002)
EE 471 Digital
Signal Processing (Spring 2003)
EE 344
Signals and Systems I (Fall 2003)
EE 598Q Topics
in Wireless Networking (Spring 2004)
EE 344
Signals and Systems I (Fall 2004)
EE 554
Communication Networks (Spring 2005)
EE 30344
Signals and Systems I (Fall 2005)
EE 67011
Topics in Wireless Networking (Spring 2006)
EE 30344 Signals
and Systems I (Fall 2006)
EE 60554
Communication Networks (Spring 2007)
EE 87021
Advanced Topics in Random Wireless Networks (Fall 2008)
EE 40471 Digital
Signal Processing (Spring 2009)
EE 60554
Communication Networks (Fall 2009)
EE 40471 Digital
Signal Processing (Spring 2010)
EE 87021
Advanced Topics in Random Wireless Networks (Fall 2010)
EE 40471 Digital
Signal Processing (Spring 2011)
EE 60554
Communication Networks (Fall 2011)
EE 40471 Digital
Signal Processing (Spring 2012)
EE 40471 Digital Signal
Processing (Spring 2013)