Seabase I Case Study

Module P

An email from JoAnn on Dec. 7, with final documents attached:

Dear Bob and Ken: 
Here's presentation and "summary"

Crane Presentation


On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 08:21, JoAnn wrote:

Bob, Ken, Dave:
Any suggestions what to tell the leaders meeting? I can say that yes, a team of
CS students including Bob, will continue next term. I can say that we've prepared
a packet of information to get the new teammates up to speed quickly. What else?
Anything? Offer our powerpoint?
Subject: Re: what to tell leaders meeting?
Bring along your powerpoint, just in case they want to see it.

On December 13, Bob provides the Final Report:

Subject: Here is Final Report for Senior Design.
Dave- I will drop off the report in your mail box tomorrow. Sorry I didn't get
it there today but my car was buried with snow in my driveway today.

Final Report

And at last, the semester--and emails--come to an end.

Dear Ken, Arnie, and Bob:
Please come to my open house celebration of graduation on Saturday, December 18th
from 6-9pm at my house in Houghton. Friends and family welcome!
  1. Again, does their final summary include everything?
    • Is there more that Hank and the sponsors like to see?
    • Is there more that future students taking on the project would like to see?
  2. What do you think of the Powerpoint presentation?
    • Why would JoAnn chose this tone? Would you?
    • Is it appropriate? Constructive?
  3. Evaluate Project, and its conclusion.

Final reports and such: Are they good documentation of project? Taking the perspective of a newcomer to the project; useful for students to be on the "receiving" side of such documentation, as they will be both producers and receivers in the workplace.

Talk about good/bad points of JoAnn's PowerPoint. On one hand, she is not trying to hide the bad news and pointing out troublesome issues with the project (from her perspective). On the other hand, there's little in the way of suggestions for how to improve matters.

Time for reflection on project overall...