Example of Strategic Pattern:
Another management pattern is adding intangible goals like “Get familiar with software/language/domain”. (Seabase I and II)
Frequent team meetings with constant agenda
Brief Description :
Internal team meetings may be called often to either discuss points of interest and decide on a micro level next steps for everyday working or simply to designate time to just get the assigned work done. These may be sub-team meetings if the actual team size is large.
WHAT This pattern has to do with communication as frequent internal team meetings. They may be scheduled regularly or ad hoc.
Context :
WHEN This type pf meeting is usually held face to face and difficult to implement as often in teams that are not co-located, as ad hoc scheduling may be difficult.
WHO The entire internal team or suitable sub-team would typically meet.
Style :
- This type of meeting is usually in the form of a learning – brainstorming session where a soft goal like learning the technology is pursued.
- These meetings are usually characterized by the absence of a constantly changing agenda. The agenda may be as simple as designating daily tasks to team members or to discuss minor roadblocks. They are usually held to comply with a rolling goal. The degree to which the meeting agenda is constant is dependent on whether the soft goal has work products associated with it.
- This type of meeting would typically not use meeting minutes to record communication, specially if the team is small. For larger teams, this type of meeting may still use some form of agenda or task tracking mechanism, like meeting minutes.
Goals :
- These type of meetings are usually held to allow the team to use their collective intellect and abilities.
- These meetings meet generically defined goals which are expected to take time to complete, like extensive system design, learning a new technology, etc.
- These meeting may be useful for leads of small teams to manage the everyday working of the team, and ensure that all members are making progress to meet larger task requirements.
Benefits Analysis :
- These type of meetings are helpful in allowing the team members to share what they have learned and improve their understanding by reflecting ideas off one another.
- Also, it allows for each team member to spend dedicated time working towards a goal. It is often observed that team members feel more motivated to work when there are frequent meetings being held and they feel like there is ongoing work.
- This type of communication pattern can be improved upon by perhaps meeting just as often, but also by setting milestones and including work products, like progress reports or analysis charts, etc.
- Meeting often becomes a pattern that is followed as it usually gives everyone a sense of forward momentum because something is happening.
Risks :
- As no tangible result is decided upon in most cases, meetings may revolve around discussing what should or has been learned, but in the absence of a target to achieve, teams have trouble assessing progress, or deciding on pace.
- Some team members may find frequent internal meetings a waste of their time, specially if they already have a clear idea of what is expected of them and how to get it done.