Seabase II Case Study

Module E

Module E

Sunday, 6th March 2005 - Tuesday, 22nd March, 2005

The next week, Denise reminds the others of the regular Tuesday meeting with Hank


During the meeting on the 15th  Hank checks on the teams’ progress. He asks how they are dividing the tasks, which Denise explains. He also shows appreciation for the flowchart Justin sent out, as well as for Denise’s hand-drawn chart.

[Checking Progress 3-15.mp3, 14 min.]

Hank: So we're waiting for Bob?

Denise: (updates on what she had tried to do the previous day)

Hank: So where are things at? Any action since the last, I missed one right?

Denise: Yes, we've made some progress.

Hank: Did you folks have a meeting?

Denise: Yes we did and we have pretty much decided everything, like everything that needs to be called and for the code blocks the ones that are pretty much not needed.

Hank: Is this your chart?

Denise: Yes

Hank: It looks exactly like his.(another chart from a company that is a navy contractor, to keep track of the code)

Denise: No, his chart is much nicer.

Hank: So have you folks started diviying it up?

Denise: This is where we need some help. So this is what happens in the code(pointing at Denise's chart)

[Denise explains on her chart that she has color coded based on which locks are her responsibility and how the chart dscribes the blocks ]

Hank: Can you show me some example within the code? This is great. Don't throw this out. Is this hand-drawn?

Denise: Yes, I love the colors.

[Denise shows Hank some parts of code alongside what is present in the blocks in her chart. And explains where she got stuck in the code regarding inline code and function calls]

Hank: Can I see your simplified file?

[Hank asks Denise some questions about her chart and the code, and Denise answers based on her understanding.]

Hank: You know what it would take is about an hour and a half to sit down with the code and compare it with the blocks on the sheet. Let us set that up, and we don't all have to be there but the more the merrier. The goal of that session will be to trim this down into the necessary functions and to organize the S functions. By the end of that session, we will have that done. Now, have you folks tried writing an S function yet?

Bob: Not really.

Hank: I would suggest that you try writing one before that session and it will make a lot of sense once you write one. Try something simple, like matrix multiplication. Have you tried and have there been barriers in writing S functions?

Denise: No

Justin: Well, I have been wondering about the global parameters.

Hank: Yes, that is something which you can try and that will be helpful.

Justin describes his attempt at trying to run an S function and the problem encountered.

Hank: Here is what I would do is I would just get an S function working, and get a H file and stick some things in it.

Denise: When are you available to meet for this.

[The team decides to meet the next week half and hour before and till after their regular session]

Hank: In the Matlab documentation they mention some examples.

Denise: I have tried some of those.

Hank: And try to push the boundaries and write something of your own. So I sent you a lot of examples right? I think I sent them on that computer.

[Hank asks them about what they would have to submit to Dave for being graded on it, and Bob says that they might have to do a report but they would discuss it with Dave.]

[Crane 2\Crane 2 Drawings\Drawing3-15.pdf]

They spend some time going over the code, and Matlab

[Matlab-Code 3-15.mp3, 14 min.]

Denise describes some problems with the code, regarding the damping mode block. Hank suggests using one block to calculate the active damping values and use that instead of the way the code was previously structured. Or to use an S-function which also does the same way. There is a healthy exchange of ideas in this meeting between Denise and Hank. Hank shows the working of particular flags being set in certain S-functions on his computer. And then leaves it to the team to decide how they prefer doing it. Denise asks if Hank knows where the logical breaks in the code are, because it is not structured such that it is easy to determine that. Hank makes some suggestions in ways to identify the breaks and other things which might help the team structure the code. They discuss using different data structures like arrays or structs to help manipulate the code better. Denise says the documentation is not completely helpful in explaining how to use structures and passing them. Hank says that trying to use the structs might be taken as a challenge and could keep things interesting. They also discuss problems in initialization.

And spend some time trying to get some terms defined, especially ‘deadman’

[Terms 3-15.mp3, 4 min.]

Denise asks Hank some questions regarding the role of “deadman”. Hank explains what deadman is, along with its relevance. Bob also asks some questions regarding how matlab is using the flags in the code. Hank draws a picture to accompany his explanation.

Before the meeting with Hank on the 22nd, Bob sends an example he got from the platform team:

Then asks:

And Denise replies:

Following the meeting, Denise posts this summary, with a “to-do” list as well:


  1. Denise shows Hank her hand-drawn chart, and Justin shares his flowchart of how the code works. Hank and Denise compare that with a chart that a navy contractor made.
  • Do think a hand-drawn chart is a good artifact of technical communication? Did Hank and Denise find it an effective tool?
  • Did the presence of the chart affect Hank's opinion of the team's efforts positively?
  • A work product is any artifact of which is produced as a result of some work. What are the advantages of having work products in a project? Are they necessary?
  1. Denise sends out a to-do list in an email. What could be some of the purposes of this? Wa it regular practice in the project by this time?
  2. What is the difference between ‘checking progress’ and controlling the project? Which might you encounter in the workplace, and how would you cope with each?
  3. Compare and contrast where the Seabase I team was with code analysis at the same chronological point in the project.

Sunday, 6th March 2005 - Tuesday, 22nd March, 2005

The next week, Denise reminds the others of the regular Tuesday meeting with Hank


During the meeting on the 15th  Hank checks on the teams’ progress. He asks how they are dividing the tasks, which Denise explains. He also shows appreciation for the flowchart Justin sent out, as well as for Denise’s hand-drawn chart.

[Checking Progress 3-15.mp3, 14 min.]

Hank: So we're waiting

A recurring pattern where Bob is missing from meetings again, and Hank making sure that the team realizes that it is not going unnoticed. This has probably shaken his confidence a little bit, as he appears to be taking updates with a slightly more firm tone than the team had probably become accustomed to in the last few successful meetings.

for Bob?

Denise: (updates on what she had tried to do the previous day)

Hank: So where are things at? Any action

The way Hank is taking updates has significantly changed at this point, from asking how much progress was made up front, to casually asking if there was 'any action'

since the last, I missed one right?

Denise: Yes, we've made some progress.

Hank: Did you folks have a meeting?

Denise: Yes we did

There is a huge amount of confidence with which Denise updates Hank, and tells him how they 'pretty much decided everything'

and we have pretty much decided everything, like everything that needs to be called and for the code blocks the ones that are pretty much not needed.

Hank: Is this your chart?

Denise: Yes

Hank: It looks exactly like his.(another chart from a company that is a navy contractor, to keep track of the code)

Denise: No, his chart is much nicer.

Hank: So have you folks started diviying it up?

Denise: This is where we need some help. So this is what happens in the code(pointing at Denise's chart)

[Denise explains on her chart that she has color coded based on which locks are her responsibility and how the chart dscribes the blocks ]

Hank: Can you show me some example within the code? This is great.

Even though the meeting started off on a slightly sour note due to Bob's tardiness, but Denise saves the day by impressing Hank with her code block chart, demonstrating the depth of her understanding of the code and in some ways proving the worth of having the team involved.

Don't throw this out. Is this hand-drawn?

Denise: Yes, I love the colors.

[Denise shows Hank some parts of code alongside what is present in the blocks in her chart. And explains where she got stuck in the code regarding inline code and function calls]

Hank: Can I see your simplified file?

[Hank asks Denise some questions about her chart and the code, and Denise answers based on her understanding.]

Hank: You know what it would take is about an hour and a half to sit down with the code and compare it with the blocks on the sheet. Let us set that up, and we don't all

Hank again makes a small reference to issues with attendance, perhaps also subtly indicating that having Denise around should be enough, as even he can see now that she really knows what she is talking about.

have to be there but the more the merrier. The goal of that session will be to trim this down into the necessary functions and to organize the S functions. By the end of that session, we will have that done. Now, have you folks tried writing an S function yet?

Bob: Not really.

Hank: I would suggest that you try writing one before that session and it will make a lot of sense once you write one. Try something simple, like matrix multiplication. Have you tried and have there been barriers in writing S functions?

Denise: No

Justin: Well, I have been wondering about the global parameters.

Hank: Yes, that is something which you can try and that will be helpful.

Justin describes his attempt at trying to run an S function and the problem encountered.

Hank: Here is what I would do is I would just get an S function working, and get a H file and stick some things in it.

Denise: When are you available

Denise in some small measure taking charge of a meeting with Hank, and driving decisions about meetings to be taken.

to meet for this.

[The team decides to meet the next week half and hour before and till after their regular session]

Hank: In the Matlab documentation they mention some examples.

Hank again tries to assess if the team have been doing what they were told or expected to and Denise lets him know that they had tried some examples, to assure him that they had not been slacking off. At this point, Hank can clearly see that Denise has been doing a significant share of the work and is in charge.

Denise: I have tried some of those.

Hank: And try to push the boundaries and write something of your own. So I sent you a lot of examples right? I think I sent them on that computer.

[Hank asks them about what they would have to submit to Dave for being graded on it, and Bob says that they might have to do a report but they would discuss it with Dave.]

[Crane 2\Crane 2 Drawings\Drawing3-15.pdf]

They spend some time going over the code, and Matlab

[Matlab-Code 3-15.mp3, 14 min.]

Denise describes

We can see Denise and Hank discussing almost as equals here. This shows how much the dynamics of the team, at least Denise have changed with Hank.

some problems with the code, regarding the damping mode block. Hank suggests using one block to calculate the active damping values and use that instead of the way the code was previously structured. Or to use an S-function which also does the same way. There is a healthy exchange of ideas in this meeting between Denise and Hank. Hank shows the working of particular flags being set in certain S-functions on his computer. And then leaves it to the team to decide how they prefer doing it. Denise asks if Hank knows where the logical breaks in the code are, because it is not structured such that it is easy to determine that. Hank makes some suggestions in ways to identify the breaks and other things which might help the team structure the code. They discuss using different data structures like arrays or structs to help manipulate the code better. Denise says the documentation is not completely helpful in explaining how to use structures and passing them. Hank says that trying to use the structs might be taken as a challenge and could keep things interesting. They also discuss problems in initialization.

And spend some time trying to get some terms defined, especially ‘deadman’

[Terms 3-15.mp3, 4 min.]

Denise asks Hank some questions regarding the role of “deadman”. Hank explains what deadman is, along with its relevance. Bob also asks

Here we can see Bob, perhaps for one of the first times, asking very structured, specific questions of technical significance. Hank would start to see that the team is working as a whole, because so far, he had seen a lot of input from Denise, but not as much from the rest of the members of the team.

some questions regarding how matlab is using the flags in the code. Hank draws a picture to accompany his explanation.

Before the meeting with Hank on the 22nd, Bob sends an example he got from the platform team:

Then asks:

And Denise replies:

Following the meeting, Denise posts this summary, with a “to-do” list as well:

Department of Computer Science | MTU