Seabase II Case Study

Module C

Module C


The 2-22 meeting starts with Bob explaining how he could not get the initial values from the ME team, as they did not have a meeting, but rescheduled it. Hank provides some advice on how to have productive meetings, and fills in the initial values question where he can.

[Intra-Team Values 2-22.mp3, 11min.]

Bob: Some folks from the other team got back to me, but they were not able to meet themselves this week. We will get together later in the week on Thursday.

Hank: What do you hope to get out of that meeting?

Bob: See how they are testing code, and how they are using Simulink

Hank: The reason to have that meeting with them was to understand their system, right? Specifically.

Bob: Trying to see what values they are using for Simulink

Hank:Like sensors...

Bob: Yes, like sensors, values for testing

Hank: So what you might want before that meeting is the things you need, like the sensors list that you would need. You wont have a list and they wont have a list, but since you folks have the diagram for that block. Do you know from that what values you will need?

[They look at the diagram and discuss some input parameters like sway, swing angle, hoist, lock, etc.]

Hank: It might be a good idea to have this picture when you talk to them.

Justin: There are 11 values that we need from them.

Hank: Do you have a list of the values?

[They discuss the relevance of some of values and start making a list together, led by Hank and then taking the opinion of the CS team folks, attempting to decide what they need]

Hank: Ok, here is a low-level question .How do you want to go about it when you meet them then? You are at the interface, you provide them the list of things you need.

Keep in mind that they are a senior design group team just like the platform team. It would be good if you have that dialogue with them. I guess what I am trying to say is that you might not get a quick answer. They should know, but they might not.

[Hank describes the real-world meaning of some of the values and how they are calculated and measured. Hank then makes suggestions about how to use the inputs in the code and also of how to coordinate with the other team.]

Hank: You may want to incorporate all the inputs into a large data structure and introduce that into your code. Or you may want to use it separately. I dont know, there may be advantages to both approaches. You might want to ask them to show you some of the other inputs.

Hank, as the client, still guides the meeting, even at the end when team responsibilities are established.

[Client Guides.mp3, 6 min.]

Hank describes what he would prefer the team do different from the previous team.

Matlab discussion on input parameters and how matlab is machine dependent. Some c functions are machine dependent.

Hank: What do you want to do next?

Denise: Hypothesizing about H files and structures which are present everywhere, we were planning to put things together so that we can see how they work.

Hank: You were going to put them together as S functions. You mentioned that things hadn't gone as fast as you'd hoped. There could be two reasons for that. I am not trying to pass the blame but it usually comes down to two things, that it is a time on hand or you're stuck. If it is a time issue, then I know you'll find time, but if you're stuck then I need to know.

Denise: I've been sick. I was ill last week, and definitely not fine on Thursday and Friday.

Hank: So there are no big issues like understanding or functions not working, virus or bugs in the code.

Denise: No it is completely me being sick.

Hank: (directed at Bob and Justin) And then what do you want to do next?

Justin : trying to get a matlab diagram, trying to get it, but not sure yet how to get that done.

Bob: This week I've been busy with exams, next week I will sit down and start matlab functions going. Once I get these values, and I will probably start. I'll try to implement small matlab functions. Justin has got the top down approach, I will have the bottom up approach.

Hank: There is a lot of technical information I could give you, but you need to Tell me to figure it out, this is the high level stuff I need to know to be able to finish this project. Asking those questions. It is important that someone is looking at it from a high level standpoint and that everyone else is looking at it from a low level. Also, I'm not going to be here next week, certainly if there are any questions, feel free to email me. But let me qualify that, if you are looking at all these functions and trying put them in these bins, send me something somewhat organized. From the last group I used to get these hand scratches, piece of paper, stand in notes, to look over. You want to rise to a level of, hate to use the word professional, but something more organized. In that case, I gave up on them, and just started doing the analysis myself. [S1]

Denise: Next week we will be on spring break, even seniors get spring break.

Hank : Do seniors really need spring break?

Denise: Yes, we go to visit our families.

Hank : Ok, I'll be available so send me any questions on email. Is anyone going anyplace interesting?

Justin: Just home.

Hank: Ok, lets wind up.

But the discussion becomes more collegial, less “student-teacher”, as they move to a laptop and discuss Matlab.

[Matlab 2-22.mp3, 14 min.]

The discussion is while they are looking at Hank's laptop and watching him do things on his machine.

Some technical issues arise, centered around access to the ME computer labs. This is necessary since Matlab is not installed on the computers in the CS department.

[Access 2-22.mp3, 5min.]

Justin: I'll get a webpage going.

Denise: I'll get a directory going for all of this.

Justin: We can ask Dave if we can get our passwords changed.

Denise: it would make sense to have matlab on the CS machines, so we could work in our labs.

Justin: I was thinking more along the lines of being able to use matab wherever we are working from.

Denise: I was actually able to use ftp to log into colossus, it let us log in last week so we could look into that.

[Denise describes some of the problems she has been having with the Access is further detail]

Hank: Do they work now?

Denise: I don't know about the last two days.

Hank: Were you able to log in before?

Keep me in the loop, sometimes non-ME students have difficulty logging in, since their logins are lower in the priority stack. Keep me in the loop if you have trouble logging in.

Justin: Yeah, I dont want that to slow us down.

Hank: Let us check now,

[Hank shows the team some of the steps on his machine]

Hank: So, you want to make a directory in the C drive, so everyone can know where it is, and you can access it working from elsewhere, using your email access.

So if you just create a directory and change permissions?

Denise: Yeah, I suppose we could try that.

Hank: See, if that works, if that doesn't work, we could look into how else that can be done.


  1. Bob is unable to get information from the other ME team.
  • Do you think delays because of dependencies on other teams are a common occurrence in the corporate world?
  • Can you think of alternate means of attempting to obtain information about the controller and platform?
  1. Hank gives the team pointers in having effective meetings with other teams.
  • As Hank was the manager of the other ME teams, would his advice be valuable?
  • What do you think was the motivation behind Hank giving the team pointers in conducting themselves during meeting with other teams.
  • As a student, would you have expected Hank to help you establish that channel of communication?
  1. “Hank: You were going to put them together as S functions. You mentioned that things hadn't gone as fast as you'd hoped. There could be two reasons for that. I am not trying to pass the blame but it usually comes down to two things, that it is a time on hand or you're stuck. If it is a time issue, then I know you'll find time, but if you're stuck then I need to know.”
  • What would you imagine is the tone of Hank's question? Is he taking a formal progress update or casually asking as one would ask collegues?
  • “then I know you'll find the time” Does it imply that Hank has confidence in the team's abilities?
  • Does Hank take individual updates from the team members in the meeting? Which team member would typically be answering, if hank would not individually ask everyone?
  • Do you think one team member appears more active on Hank's radar at this point in the project?
  • Compare with Seabase I to see whether there was one prominent member in that team too. Do you think it is common to have one team member appear as an implicit leader, even in what is a seemingly 'equal' team? Are there advantages/disadvantages to that?
  1. “Hank: There is a lot of technical information I could give you, but you need to Tell me to figure it out, this is the high level stuff I need to know to be able to finish this project. Asking those questions. It is important that someone is looking at it from a high level standpoint and that everyone else is looking at it from a low level. “
  • Do you think a division of work in looking at the same project from different granularity of view is helpful?
  • Compare with Seabase I and see whether they were also at any point instructed to look at the project or code from both a high level and a low level view.
  • What does Hank mean by the first sentence? Does he want the team to ask him structured questions?

The 2-22 meeting starts with Bob explaining how he could not get the initial values from the ME team, as they did not have a meeting, but rescheduled it. Hank provides some advice on how to have productive meetings, and fills in the initial values question where he can.

[Intra-Team Values 2-22.mp3, 11min.]

Bob: Some folks from the other team got back to me, but they were not able to meet themselves this week. We will get together later in the week on Thursday.

Hank: What do you hope to get out of that meeting?

Bob: See how they are testing code, and how they are using Simulink

Hank: The reason to have that meeting with them was to understand their system, right? Specifically.

Bob: Trying to see what values they are using for Simulink

Hank:Like sensors...

Bob: Yes, like sensors, values for testing

Hank: So what you might want

Hank is giving the team advice on how to make their meeting with the ME team more productive.

before that meeting is the things you need, like the sensors list that you would need. You wont have a list and they wont have a list, but since you folks have the diagram for that block. Do you know from that what values you will need?

[They look at the diagram and discuss some input parameters like sway, swing angle, hoist, lock, etc.]

Hank: It might be a good idea to have this picture when you talk to them.

Justin: There are 11 values that we need from them.

Hank: Do you have a list of the values?

[They discuss the relevance of some of values and start making a list together, led by Hank and then taking the opinion of the CS team folks, attempting to decide what they need]

Hank: Ok, here is a low-level question .How do you want to go about it when you meet them then? You are at the interface, you provide them the list of things you need.

Keep in mind that they are a senior design group team just like the platform team. It would be good if you have that dialogue with them. I guess what I am trying to say is that you might not get a quick answer. They should know, but they might not.

[Hank describes the real-world meaning of some of the values and how they are calculated and measured. Hank then makes suggestions about how to use the inputs in the code and also of how to coordinate with the other team.]

Hank: You may want to incorporate all the inputs into a large data structure and introduce that into your code. Or you may

Hank is teaching the team how to strategize to make the meeting and their work more effective. At this point, Hank appears to have full faith in the team's abilities and seems to want to help them as a mentor.

want to use it separately. I dont know, there may be advantages to both approaches. You might want to ask them to show you some of the other inputs.

Hank, as the client, still guides the meeting, even at the end when team responsibilities are established.

[Client Guides.mp3, 6 min.]

Hank describes what he would prefer the team do different from the previous team.

Matlab discussion on input parameters and how matlab is machine dependent. Some c functions are machine dependent.

Hank: What do you want to do next?

Denise: Hypothesizing about H files and structures which are present everywhere, we were planning to put things together so that we can see how they work.

Hank: You were going to put them together as S functions. You mentioned that things hadn't gone as fast as you'd hoped. There could be two reasons for that. I am not trying to pass the blame but it usually comes down to two things, that it is a time on hand or you're stuck. If it is a time issue,

Again, Hank is inquiring about the team's plan and progress, but now, he explicitly states that he knows they will make time for it, and he is offering help if they need technical assistance.

then I know you'll find time, but if you're stuck then I need to know.

Denise: I've been sick. I was ill last week, and definitely not fine on Thursday and Friday.

Hank: So there are no big issues like understanding or functions not working, virus or bugs in the code.

Denise: No it is completely me being sick.

Hank: (directed at Bob and Justin) And then what do you want to do next?

Justin : trying to get a matlab diagram, trying to get it, but not sure yet how to get that done.

Bob: This week I've been busy with exams, next week I will sit down and start matlab functions going. Once I get these values, and I will probably start. I'll try to implement small matlab functions. Justin has got the top down approach, I will have the bottom up approach.

Hank: There is a lot of technical information I could give you, but you need to Tell me to figure it out, this is the high level stuff I need to know to be able to finish this project. Asking those questions. It is important that someone is looking at it from a high level standpoint and that everyone else is looking at it from a low level. Also, I'm not going to be here next week, certainly if there are any questions, feel free to email me. But let me qualify that, if you are looking at all these functions and trying put them in these bins, send me something somewhat organized. From the last group I used to get these hand scratches, piece of paper, stand in notes, to look over. You want to rise to a level of, hate to use the word professional, but something more organized. In that case, I gave up on them,

Hank mentions his experience as an example of behavior that he does not want to witness from the Seabase 2 team. He is very clear about the form and nature of material he wants to review, something perhaps that he had not done with S1, probably due to his lack in confidence in their commitment

and just started doing the analysis myself. [S1]

Denise: Next week we will be on spring break, even seniors get spring break.

Hank : Do seniors really need spring break?

Denise: Yes, we go

Denise decides to speak up for the team, and tell Hank that they will not be available over Spring Break. Notice how Denise makes sure she tells Hank, instead of asking, ensuring that the issue is not something that is open for discussion.

to visit our families.

Hank : Ok, I'll be available so send me any questions on email. Is anyone going anyplace interesting?

Justin: Just home.

Hank: Ok, lets wind up.

But the discussion becomes more collegial, less “student-teacher”, as they move to a laptop and discuss Matlab.

[Matlab 2-22.mp3, 14 min.]

The discussion is while they are looking at Hank's laptop and watching him do things on his machine.

Some technical issues arise, centered around access to the ME computer labs. This is necessary since Matlab is not installed on the computers in the CS department.

[Access 2-22.mp3, 5min.]

Justin: I'll get a webpage going.

Denise: I'll get a directory going for all of this.

Justin: We can ask Dave if we can get our passwords changed.

Denise: it would make sense to have matlab on the CS machines, so we could work in our labs.

Justin: I was thinking more along the lines of being able to use matab wherever we are working from.

Denise: I was actually able to use ftp to log into colossus, it let us log in last week so we could look into that.

[Denise describes some of the problems she has been having with the Access is further detail]

Hank: Do they work now?

Denise: I don't know about the last two days.

Hank: Were you able to log in before?

Keep me in the loop, sometimes non-ME students have difficulty logging in, since their logins are lower in the priority stack. Keep me in the loop if you have trouble logging in.

Justin: Yeah, I dont want that to slow us down.

Hank: Let us check now,

[Hank shows the team some of the steps on his machine]

Hank: So, you want to make a directory in the C drive, so everyone can know where it is, and you can access it working from elsewhere, using your email access.

So if you just create a directory and change permissions?

Denise: Yeah, I suppose we could try that.

Hank: See, if that works, if that doesn't work, we could look into how else that can be done.

Department of Computer Science | MTU