Student Employment and School Attendance

Its not always the case that students are able to focus a full 100% on being a student. Many times they have to take on different roles. How does the task of taking on these roles balance with being a student. It may be the case that some students can balance better while others are forced to chose.

There is Large trend between low economic districts and a high rate of student employment. There is also a trend in higher work hours and lower CAASP scores. Suprisingly there does not to seem to be a racial/Ethnic trend as especially seen with Capistrano Unified

This data was taken from the national education research center.

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Being a full time student and employee.(As if school wasnt hard enough.) Learn how districts vary in student employment.


How do students from different disctrict environments compare on a standardizes level? If its the same tests why does a different district make such a difference?


Students might spend most of their day at school, but it wont compare to their home. What effeccts do housing situations have on education aspects?
