Student Houshold size and income

One of the biggest factors in child development is their uprbringing and housing situation. Being that students

There is Large trend between low economic districts and a high rate of student employment. There is also a trend in higher work hours and lower CAASP scores. Suprisingly there does not to seem to be a racial/Ethnic trend as especially seen with Capistrano Unified

This data was taken from the Orange County open source data portal. Key economic characteristics of the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS), 5-year estimates for Unified School Districts in Orange County, California.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Being a full time student and employee.(As if school wasnt hard enough.) Learn how districts vary in student employment.


How do students from different disctrict environments compare on a standardizes level? If its the same tests why does a different district make such a difference?


Students might spend most of their day at school, but it wont compare to their home. What effeccts do housing situations have on education aspects?
