PAM Bulletin Online

February 1997



  • Astronomy
  • Mathematics
  • Membership
  • PAMnet
  • Physics

  • Announcements
  • Officer Nominations
  • Hospitality Committee
  • PAM Award
  • Volunteer Opportunity
  • Chair's Message

  • AAS Publications Board
  • Government Relations
  • Library Dedication
  • Announcements


    The Nominating Committee, composed of Jean Poland, Molly White, and Alice Primack, Chair, is pleased to report that the slate of PAM Officers for 1997/98 is:

    Brenda Corbin
    U.S. Naval Observatory
    Washington, DC USA

    Jane Holmquist
    Princeton University
    Princeton, New Jersey USA

    Additional nominations, accompanied by a written acceptance from the nominee, may be entered by a petition of ten or more members if filed with the Nominating Committee at least 60 days prior to the annual business meeting (i.e. April 10, 1997).

    The Hospitality Committee is looking for volunteers to help with the Division Suite open houses: setting up, serving, bartending, and clean up. The open houses are currently scheduled for Sunday night at the University of Washington Physics/Astronomy Library, and Monday night at the Westin Hotel Division Suite. Tuesday night's open house is a joint production with other divisions at the Pacific Science Center.

    Contact Martha Tucker to volunteer.

    The Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the PAM Award. This award is given at irregular intervals to (an) individual(s) for a "significant contribution to the literature of physics, mathematics, or astronomy or to honor work which demonstrably improves the exchange of information in physics, mathematics, or astronomy. The contribution should also significantly benefit libraries or enhance the ability of librarians to improve service."

    Please send the Awards Committee your suggestion with a brief note on why you think the individual(s) should receive the PAM Award.

    PAM Volunteer Opportunity!
    PAM Bulletin Editor

    The Editor is responsible for getting authors to contribute articles on time, editing contributions, and typesetting the Bulletin for the printer and for the web. In addition, the Editor handles questions about sponsorship notices. The job requires about 15-20 hours of work per issue. Most of the time is spent during a three week time frame each quarter.

    For your chance to be a PAM volunteer, contact Joanne Goode or Thurston Miller.

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    [Astronomy News] [Mathematics News] [Membership News] [PAMnet News] [Physics News]
    [Announcements] [Chair's Message] [AAS Publications Board] [Government Relations] [Library Dedication]

    Created by: Thurston Miller, January 8, 1997
    Modified by: Thurston Miller, February 4, 1997