NSF Workshop on Ethics and Computing

Fraud / Unfair Business Dealings Freedom of Speech
Hacking / Security Intellectual Property
Privacy and Spam Safety Critical Systems
Whistle-blowing Discrimination, Harassment and Workplace Issues
Professional Responsibility / Liability Critical-Thinking
Encryption Other
* Date in parentheses indicates when page was created/last modified.
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  1. Download the HTML file(s) related to your work.
  2. Edit these HTML documents on your machine.
  3. Email the file(s) to Kevin Bowyer (kwb@cse.nd.edu) indicating the names of the files you transferred and which exercise is being updated.

If you'd like to contribute a new exercise for this page, please use these templates: Mail your completed assignment as an attachment to Kevin Bowyer (kwb@cse.nd.edu).

Page maintained by: kwb@cse.nd.edu