
According to Spotify's Valence data, this song has highest valence score between all of the songs that we were able to find. It is clear that beat, rythm, timber, and lyrics all play a vital role in the calcualtion of a song's valence score as "September" is quite upbeat and energetic.

According to Spotify's Valence data, “September” by Earth has the highest valence score among all of the songs that we were able to find. It is clear that beat, rhythm, timbre, and lyrics all play a vital role in the calculation of a song's valence score as "September" is quite upbeat and energetic.

One of the main insights that we found from this graphical representaiton was the distribution of the songs based on the valence. No song in any specific language was more prevalent than another in terms of either happy or sad music.


According to Spotify's Valence data, “Lo Vas A Olvidar” by Billie Ellish has the lowest non-zero valence score among all of the songs that we were able to find. It is clear that beat, rhythm, timbre, and lyrics all play a vital role in the calculation of a song's valence score as this song is quite slow and moody.

One of the main insights that we found from this graphical representaiton was the distribution of the songs based on the valence. No song in any specific language was more prevalent than another in terms of either happy or sad music.