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Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop - ND I June 24-27, 1993


The first Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop took place on June 24-27, 1993, with “over 40 historians of science and scientist-practitioners” attending.

Workshop Details

Details about the 1993 workshop are available through the below links:

Workshop Announcement from the April 1993 History of Science Society Newsletter

The History of Astronomy Interest Group of the History of Science Society is sponsoring a workshop at Notre Dame University, 24-27 June 1993. Organizers are Michael Crowe, John Lankford, and Marc Rothenberg. The registration fee, which includes the cost of the meeting dinner, is $50. Participants will be housed in Knott Hall, an air-conditioned dormi­tory. The cost will be $21 per person per night for a single room; $16 per person for a shared twin. Each session will consist of a round-table discussion, under the guidance of discussion leaders. The topics include: Astronomy in Social Context; Teaching History of Astronomy; History of Post-World War II Astronomy; and History of Celestial Mechanics. In addition, there will be a session devoted to brief reports on work in progress by graduate students and junior post-docs. For further information, or to obtain a registration form, please contact: Marc Rothenberg, Joseph Henry Papers, MRC 429, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560. Telephone: 202-357-2787; fax: 202-786-2878; email: jhpem002@sivm.bitnet.

History of Science Society Newsletter 22:2, April 1993, p. 6

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