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Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop - ND XVirtual June 8-10, 2022


A Virtual Fifteenth Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop will be held June 8-10, 2022. This smaller-scale virtual-only event will feature a selection of the submitted panel and paper proposals. Full schedule and virtual conferencing details below.

Call for Proposals (now closed)

The call for session and individual paper proposals has closed. (→click here← for original proposal details)

Workshop Details

Details about this year's workshop are available through the below links:

Conference Theme: Communicating Astronomy

The theme for NDXV is communicating astronomy. How is astronomical knowledge and expertise communicated, both within and beyond the astronomical community? Communication might include means of transferring or transmitting data between astronomers and other practitioners—involving issues of standardization, uniformity, and translation—or between experts and their instruments, as well as across disciplinary boundaries and to the wider public. How is knowledge produced and transformed through these processes? How have changes in tools and methods of communication impacted astronomy? Papers exploring methods and aspects of communicating astronomy in any context, geographical region, or time period are welcome. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to: manuscripts and their circulation; epistolary networks; print culture and scholarly publishing; the use of diagrams and other visual resources to present data, concepts, and theories; communication technologies and devices; and the popularization of astronomy through print, performance, and broadcasting.

Announcement (03/15/22): Due to the ongoing challenges that COVID-19 has posed to in-person gatherings and international travel, the organizing committee for NDXV, the Fifteenth Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop at Notre Dame planned for June 2022, has made the difficult decision to postpone our in-person workshop for another year.

While we are eager to welcome everyone in-person again, we strongly value this workshop’s tradition of providing rich opportunities for discussion and scholarly collaboration with others in the history of astronomy community. In consultation with our speaker, our support at Notre Dame, and our partners at the Adler Planetarium, we have decided that postponing a year provides the best prospects for ensuring that we can deliver a workshop that fulfills these goals for all those attending.

To enable ongoing connections within our community this year, we will instead hold a smaller scale virtual-only event within the same dates as we had planned (June 8 - 10, 2022), featuring a small selection of the submitted panel and paper proposals. Details are still being sorted out, but when finalized, will be posted to this website and sent out via announcements to HASTRO mailing list and other outlets.

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