Joe Kaboski’s Research Page
3039 Nanovic Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
1. Structural Change and Development
“The Stable Transformation Path.” with Francisco J. Buera, Marti Mestieri, and Daniel O’Connor, 2024, revision requested at Review of Economic Studies, Online Appendix
“Melitz Meets Lewis: The Impacts of Roads on Structural Transformation and Businesses.” with Jianyu Will Lu, Wei Qian, and Lixia Ren, 2024, revision requested at the Journal of International Economics
“Skill-Biased Structural Change.’’ with Francisco J. Buera, Richard Rogerson, and Juan I. Vizcaino, Review of Economic Studies, 89 (March 2022): 592–625 Online Appendix
“Quantifying the Growth in Services: the Role of Skills, Scale, and Female Labor Supply.’’ with Francisco J. Buera and Kent Zhao, Journal of Human Capital, 57 (Summer 2019): 157-187
“The Rise of the Service Economy.” with Francisco J. Buera, American Economic Review, 102 (October 2012): 2540-69
“Finance and Development: A Tale of Two Sectors”, with Francisco J. Buera and Yongseok Shin, American Economic Review, 101 (August 2011): 1964-2002
“Scale and the Origins of Structural Change.” with Francisco J. Buera, Journal of Economic Theory, 147 (March 2012): 684-712
“Can Traditional Theories of Structural Change Fit the Data?” with Francisco J. Buera, Journal of the European Economic Association 7 (April 2009): 469-477
2. Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Development
“How Important are Indivisibilities for Development? Experimental Evidence from Uganda?” with Molly Lipscomb, Virgiliu Midrigan, and Carolyn Pelnik, 2024, revision requested at the Journal of Political Economy, Online Appendix
“Financing Costs and Development.” with Tiago Cavalcanti, Bruno Martin, and Cezar Santos, 2024, revision requested at the American Economic Review, Online Appendix
“Capitalizing Village Economies.” with Wyatt Brooks and Danice Guzman, 2024
"Crisis Credit, Employment Protection, Indebtedness, and Risk" with Federico Huneeus, Mauricio Larrain, Sergio JL Schmukler, and Mario Vera, 2023, Online Appendix, resubmitted to the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
“The Macroeconomics of Microfinance.” with Francisco J. Buera and Yongseok Shin, Review of Economic Studies, 88 (January 2021): 126–161
“Can Self-Help Groups Really be ‘Self-Help’?” with Brian Greaney and Eva Van Leemput, Review of Economic Studies, 83 (October 2016): 1614-1644 Appendix
“Taking Stock of the Evidence on Micro-Financial Interventions.” with Francisco J. Buera and Yongseok Shin, in NBER book, The Economics of Asset Accumulation and Poverty Traps, edited by Christopher Barrett, Michael Carter, and Jean-Paul Chavas, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press), 2019
“Entrepreneurship and Financial Frictions: A Macro-Development Perspective.” with Francisco J. Buera and Yongseok Shin, Annual Review of Economics, 7 (August 2015): 409-436
“The Aggregate Impact of Household Saving and Borrowing Constraints: Designing a Field Experiment in Uganda.” with Molly Lipscomb and Virgiliu Midrigan, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 104 (May 2014): 171-176
“Macro-Perspective on Asset Grant Programs: Occupational and Wealth Mobility.” with Francisco J. Buera and Yongseok Shin, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 104 (May 2014): 159-164
“The Impact of Credit on Village Economies.” with Robert M. Townsend, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, (April 2012): 98-133
“A Structural Evaluation of a Large-Scale Quasi-Experimental Microfinance Initiative.” with Robert M. Townsend, Econometrica, 79 (September 2011): 1357-1406
“Finance and Development: A Tale of Two Sectors”, with Francisco J. Buera and Yongseok Shin, American Economic Review, 101 (August 2011): 1964-2002
“Policies and Impacts: An Analysis of Village-Level Microfinance Institutions.” with Robert M. Townsend, Journal of the European Economic Association 3 (March 2005): 1-50
3. Market Power and Development:
“Outsourcing Policy and Worker Outcomes: Causal Evidence from a Mexican Ban” with Alejandro Estefan, Roberto Gerhard, Illenin O. Kondo, and Wei Qian, 2024, Appendix
“Big Fish in Thin Markets: Competing with the Middlemen to Increase Market Access in the Amazon.” with Viva Bartkus, Wyatt Brooks, and Carolyn Pelnik, Journal of Development Economics, 155 (March 2022): 102757
“Growth Policy, Agglomeration, and (the Lack of) Competition.” with Wyatt Brooks and Yao Amber Li, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 13 (October 2021): 483-519 Appendix
“Infrastructure Investment and Labor Monopsony Power.” with Wyatt J. Brooks, Illenin Kondo, Yao Amber Li, and Wei Qian, IMF Economic Review, 69 (August 2021): 470-504
“Exploitation of Labor? Classical Monopsony Power and Labor’s Share.” with Wyatt Brooks, Yao Amber Li, and Wei Qian, Journal of Development Economics 150 (May 2021): 102627
4. International Trade: Trade Flows and Pricing
“Microeconomic Uncertainty, International Trade, and Aggregate Fluctuations.” with George Alessandria, Horag Choi, and Virgiliu Midrigan, Journal of Monetary Economics, 69 (January 2015): 20-38
“Trade Wedges, Inventories, and International Business Cycles.” with George Alessandria and Virgiliu Midrigan, Journal of Monetary Economics, 60 (January 2013): 1-20
“U.S. Trade and Inventory Dynamics.” with George Alessandria and Virgiliu Midrigan, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 101 (May 2011): 303-307
“Pricing to Market and the Failure of Absolute PPP.” with George Alessandria, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 3 (January 2011): 91-127
“Inventories, Lumpy Trade and Large Devaluations.” with George Alessandria and Virgiliu Midrigan, American Economic Review, 100 (December 2010): 2304–39
“The Great Trade Collapse of 2008-09: An Inventory Adjustment?” with George Alessandria and Virgiliu Midrigan, IMF Economic Review, 58 (September 2010): 254-294
5. Education, Technological Change, and Development
“Skill-Biased Structural Change.’’ with Francisco J. Buera, Richard Rogerson, and Juan I. Vizcaino, Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming Online Appendix
“Quantifying the Growth in Services: the Role of Skills, Scale, and Female Labor Supply.’’ with Francisco J. Buera and Kent Zhao, Journal of Human Capital, 57 (Summer 2019): 157-187
“Technological Endowments and the Returns to Skill: New Evidence from the American Past.” with Trevon Logan, Journal of Human Capital, 5 (Summer 2011): 111-152
“Education, Sectoral Composition, and Growth. ” Review of Economic Dynamics, 12 (January 2009) 168-182
“Factor Price Uncertainty, Technology Choice and Investment Delay. ” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29 (March 2005): 509-527
“Explaining Returns to Schooling and Output Across Countries.”, 2007
“Supply Factors and the Mid-Century Fall in the Skill Premium.”, 2005
6. Review Articles
“New views of structural transformation: insights from recent literature” with Douglas Gollin, Oxford Development Studies, (December 2023)
“Financial frictions, financial market development, and macroeconomic development.” Oxford Development Studies, (December 2023)
“From Micro to Macro Development.” with Francisco J. Buera and Robert M. Townsend, 2021, Journal of Economic Literature, forthcoming
“Taking Stock of the Evidence on Micro-Financial Interventions.” with Francisco J. Buera and Yongseok Shin, in NBER book, The Economics of Asset Accumulation and Poverty Traps, edited by Christopher Barrett, Michael Carter, and Jean-Paul Chavas, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press), 2019
“Entrepreneurship and Financial Frictions: A Macro-Development Perspective.” with Francisco J. Buera and Yongseok Shin, Annual Review of Economics, 7 (August 2015): 409-436
7. Religious/Ethics/Catholic Social Thought Lectures and Writings
“Christian Humanism and Poverty in the World.” in Poverty, Inequality, and Injustice as Challenges for Christian Humanism, edited by Msgr. Martin Schlag (Berlin: Duncker and Humblot), 2018
“Economy at the Service of the Integral Human Being.” keynote lecture for II Social Congress at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile , 2014
“Structural Transformation: Causes, Implications, and Ethics.” in Wirtschaftsordnung und Sozialgerechtigkeit: Globale Perspektiven, edited by Karlies Abmeier and Josef Thessing (Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung e.V.), 2013, pp. 145-158
“What Would a Moral Economy Look Like? Values and Metrics.” Panel discussion for the Lumen Christi Institute’s conference “Toward a Moral Economy: Policies and Values for the 21st Century”, 2012
“Comment on Hittinger’s ‘Divisible Goods and Common Goods: Reflections on Caritas in Veritate.’” Faith and Economics, 58 (Fall 2011): 47-57
“Charity and the Technical Economist: A Response to Paul Knitter.” in The World Market and Interreligious Dialogue, edited by Catherine Cornille, (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock), 2011