Current Teaching

Fall 2021. ACMS 80870: Topics in Statistics: Bayesian Nonparametric modeling and theory .

Previous Teachings

Courses taught at Notre Dame

1.Fall 2016. ACMS 80870: Topics in Statistics: Network Analysis.

2. Spring 2017. ACMS 30540-1: Mathematical Statistics.

3. Spring 2018. ACMS30540-1: Mathematical Statistics.

4. Spring 2018. ACMS 60801-01: Statistical Inference.

5. Fall 2018. ACMS 80870: Topics in Statistics: Network Analysis.

6. Spring 2019. ACMS30540-1: Mathematical Statistics.

7. Spring 2019. ACMS 60801-01: Statistical Inference.

8. Fall 2019. ACMS 80870: Topics in Statistics: High dimensional statistics.

9. Spring 2020. ACMS 60801-01: Statistical Inference.

10. Fall 2020. ACMS 60850: Applied Probability

11. Spring 2021. ACMS 80870: Topics in Statistics: Geometry and Statistics.

Courses taught at UT-Austin

1. Fall 2014: SDS 302. Data Analysis for the Health Sciences.

2. Summer 2015: SSI 2015 short course. Introduction to Mixed Models with Applications.

3. Fall 2015: SDS 302. Data Analysis for the Health Sciences

4. Spring 2016. SDS 383D, Statistical Modeling II (Bayesian Nonparametrics).

5. Summer 2016: SSI 2015 short course. Introduction to Mixed Models with Applications.

Courses taught at U-Arizona

1. Fall 2007: Math 110, College Algebra.

2. Spring 2008: Math 110, College Algebra.

3. Summer 2008: Math 110, College Algebra.

4. Spring 2009: Math 160, Basic Statistics.

5. Fall 2009: Math 120R, Calculus Preparation.

6. Spring 2010: Math 263, Introduction to Statistics and Biostatistics.