
- S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, and M. Whiteley, "Aero-Optical Effects: Physics, Analysis and Mitigation”, 1st edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2023.
Available on Amazon
and Barnes&Noble.
Journal papers
- S. Gordeyev, and L. Butler,"Aero-Optical Distortions of a Turbulent Boundary Layer at Back-Looking Viewing Angles"
, on-line, AIAA Journal, 2025.
- E.D. Chu, T.J. Bukowski, and S. Gordeyev,
"Characterization of shock-related distortions in Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors for improved wavefront reconstruction", submitted to Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2024.
- M. Kalensky, S. Gordeyev, M.R. Kemnetz., and M.F. Spencer,
"Aero-optical effects, part I. System-level considerations: tutorial"
, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 41, 2163-2174, 2024.
(Editor's Pick of the Month)
- M. Kalensky, S. Gordeyev, M.R. Kemnetz., and M.F. Spencer,
"Aero-optical effects, part II. Sources of aberrations: tutorial"
, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 41, 2175-2187, 2024.
- P. Castillo, A. Gross, N.E. Miller, K.P. Lynch, D.R. Guildenbecher, and S. Gordeyev,"Numerical Investigation of Aero-Optical Distortions from High-Speed Turbulent Boundary Layers"
, AIAA Journal, 62(10), pp. 3616-3629, 2024.
- P.A. Lax, S. Elliott, S. Gordeyev, M.R. Kemnetz, and S.B. Leonov,"Flow Structure Behind Spanwise Pin Array in Supersonic Flow"
, Aerospace 11(1), 93, 2024.
- M. Lozier, F.O. Thomas, and S. Gordeyev,"
Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Boundary Layer Response to a Synthetic Large-Scale Structure" ,
AIAA Journal, 62(2), pp. 573-589, 2024.
- T.J. Bukowski, S. Gordeyev, M. Kalensky, and M.R. Kemnetz, "Study of unsteady surface flow fields on and around turrets with different protrusions"
, AIAA Journal, 61(12), pp. 5320-5331, 2023.
- M. Lozier, F.O. Thomas, and S. Gordeyev,"Experimental Studies of Boundary Layer Dynamics via Active Manipulation of Large-Scale Structures"
, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 103, 109194, 2023.
- K.P. Lynch, N.E. Miller, D.R. Guildenbecher, L. Butler, and S. Gordeyev, “Aero-Optical Measurements of a Mach 8 Boundary Layer”
, AIAA Journal, 61(3), pp. 991–1001, 2023.
- C. Liu, I. Gluzman, M. Lozier, S. Midya, S. Gordeyev, F.O. Thomas, and D.F. Gayme,
"Spatial input–output analysis of large-scale structures in actuated turbulent boundary layers"
, AIAA Journal, 60(11), pp. 6313-6327, 2022. doi: doi/abs/10.2514/1.J061706.
- M. Kalensky, M.F. Spencer, E.J. Jumper, and S. Gordeyev,
"Estimation of atmospheric optical turbulence strength in realistic airborne environments"
, Applied Optics, 61(21), 2022.
- J. Sontag, and S. Gordeyev, "Optical Diagnostics of Spanwise-Uniform Flows",
AIAA Journal, 60(9), pp. 5031-5045, 2022.
- M. Kalensky, E.J. Jumper, M.R. Kenmetz, and S. Gordeyev,
"In-Flight Measurement of Atmospheric-Imposed Tilt: Experimental Results and Analysis",
Applied Optics, 61(16), pp. 4874-4882, 2022. (Editor's Pick of the Month)
- A.L. Roeder, and S. Gordeyev,
"Wake Response Downstream of a Spanwise-Oscillating Hemispherical Turret"
, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 109, 103470, 2022.
- M.R. Kemnetz, and S. Gordeyev, "Analysis of Aero-Optical Jitter in Convective Turbulent Flows Using Stitching Method"
, AIAA Journal, 60(1), pp. 14-30, 2022.
- Y. Diskin, M. Whiteley, M. Grose, K. Jackovitz, R. Drye, B. Hampshire, M. Owens, E. Smith, E. Magee, M. Kalensky, E. Jumper, S. Gordeyev, and A. Archibald,
"Aircraft to Ground Profiling: Turbulence Measurements and Optical System Performance Modeling"
, AIAA Journal, 59(11), pp. 4610–4625, 2021.
- M. Kalensky, J. Wells, and S. Gordeyev, "Image Degradation Due to Different In-Flight Aero-Optical Environments"
, Journal of Optical Engineering, 59(10), 104104 (2020),
doi: 10.1117/1.OE.59.10.104104
- Gordeyev, S. and Kalensky, M.
"Effects of Engine Acoustic Waves On Aero-Optical Environment In Subsonic Flight"
, AIAA Journal, 58(12), pp. 5306-5317, 2020.
- P. Ranade, S. Duvvuri, B. McKeon, S. Gordeyev, K. Christensen, and E.J. Jumper, "Turbulence Amplitude Amplification in an Externally Forced,
Subsonic Turbulent Boundary Layer",
AIAA Journal, 57(9), pp. 3838 - 3850, 2019,
- T.Saxton-Fox, B.J. McKeon and S Gordeyev, "Effect of coherent structures on aero-optic distortion in a heated turbulent boundary layer
", AIAA Journal, 57(7), pp. 2828-2839, 2019,
- D.G. Coleman, F. O. Thomas, S. Gordeyev, and T.C. Corke, "A Parametric Modal Decomposition of Dynamic Stall"
, AIAA Journal, 57(1), pp. 176-190, 2019.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper and D.J. Wittich, "
Effects of engine acoustic waves on optical environment around turrets in-flight on AAOL-T", Optical Engineering, 57(6), 064107, June 2018.
- B. Hedlund, A. Houpt, S. Gordeyev, S. Leonov, "
Measurement of Flow Perturbation Spectra in a Mach 4.5 Corner Separation Zone
", AIAA Journal, 56(7), pp. 2699-2711, 2018
- S. Gordeyev and T.J. Juliano, "Optical Measurements of Transitional Events in a Mach-6 Boundary Layer"
AIAA Journal, 55(11), pp. 3629-3639, 2017. doi:
- S. Gordeyev, R. M. Rennie, and E. J. Jumper,
Airborne test systems study and mitigate aero-optical effects"
Laser Focus World, 53(3), 29-33 (Mar. 2017).
- K. Taira, S.L. Brunton, S.T.M. Dawson, C.W. Rowley, T. Colonius, B.J. McKeon, O.T. Schmidt, S. Gordeyev, V. Theofilis, L.S. Ukeiley,
"Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows: An Overview",
AIAA Journal, Vol. 55(12), pp. 4013-4041, 2017, + corrections
- R.M. Rennie, M. Nguyen, S. Gordeyev, E.J. Jumper, A.B. Cain and T.E. Hayden, "
Wavefront Measurements of a Supersonic Boundary Layer Using a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spark
", AIAA Journal, Vol. 55, No. 7, pp. 2349-2357, July 2017.
- J. Morrida, S. Gordeyev, N. De Lucca, E.J. Jumper, "
Shock-Related Effects on Aero-Optical Environment for Hemisphere-On-Cylinder Turrets at Transonic Speeds
", Applied Optics, 56(16), pp. 4814-4824, 2017. (Editor's Pick of the Month)
- E.J. Jumper, S. Gordeyev, "
Physics and Measurement of Aero-Optical Effects: Past and Present"
, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics,
Vol. 49, pp. 419-441, 2017, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-010816-060315
- A.M. Nightingale, R.M. Rennie, S. Gordeyev, R. Kelly, D. Cavalieri and E.J. Jumper,
"Flight-Test Measurement of the Aero-Optical Environment of a Helicopter in Hover
", AIAA Journal, Vol. 54, No. 9, Sep. 2016, pp. 2782-2790.
- S. Gordeyev, J.A. Cress, A Smith and E.J. Jumper, "
Aero-optical measurements in a subsonic, turbulent boundary layer with non-adiabatic walls", Physics of Fluids, 27, 045110, 2015.
- S. Abado, S. Gordeyev and E.J. Jumper, "
Approaches to Adaptive-Optic Correction for Aero-Optics as a Function of Viewing Angles", Journal of Optical Engineering, 53(10), 103103, 2014.
- S. Gordeyev, A. E. Smith, J.A. Cress and E.J. Jumper, "
Experimental studies of aero-optical properties of subsonic turbulent boundary layers", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 740, pp. 214-253, 2014.
- S. Gordeyev, N. De Lucca, E. Jumper, K. Hird, T.J. Juliano, J.W. Gregory, J. Thordahl and D.J. Wittich,
Comparison of Unsteady Pressure Fields on Turrets with Different Surface Features using Pressure Sensitive Paint
", Experiments in Fluids, 55, p. 1661, 2014.
- C. Porter, S. Gordeyev, M. Zenk and E. Jumper,
"Flight Measurements of the Aero-Optical Environment around a Flat-Windowed Turret",
AIAA Journal, Vol. 51, No. 6, Jun. 2013, pp. 1394-1403.
- S. Gordeyev and M Whiteley,
"Conformal phased array aero-optical modeling and compensation ", Journal of Optical Engineering, 52(7), 071409, 2013.
- A. M. Nightingale and S. Gordeyev,
"Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor Image Analysis: A Comparison of Centroiding Methods and Image Processing Techniques", Journal of Optical Engineering, 52(7), 071413, 2013.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev and E.J. Jumper,
"In-flight aero-optics of turrets", Journal of Optical Engineering, 52(7), 071405, 2013.
- E.J. Jumper, M. Zenk, S. Gordeyev, D. Cavalieri and M.R. Whiteley,
"Airborne Aero-Optics Laboratory", Journal of Optical Engineering, 52(7), 071408, 2013.
- C. Porter, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper,
"Large-Aperture Approximation for Not-So-Large Apertures",
Journal of Optical Engineering, 52(7), 071417, 2013.
- B. Vukasinovic, A. Glezer, S Gordeyev, E. Jumper and W. W. Bower,
"Flow Control for Aero-Optics Application", Experiments in Fluids, 54, p. 1492, 2013.
- S. Gordeyev and F.O.Thomas, "A Temporal Proper Decomposition (TPOD) for
Closed-Loop Flow Control", Experiments in Fluids, 54, p. 1477, 2013.
- S. Gordeyev, J. Cress and E. Jumper,
"Far-Field Laser Intensity Drop-Outs Caused by Turbulent Boundary Layers",
Journal of Directed Energy, 5(1), pp.58-75, Spring 2013.
- S. Abado, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper,
"Approach for two-dimensional velocity mapping"
Opt. Eng., 52(7), 071402, 2013.
- A.E. Smith; S. Gordeyev; E.J. Jumper.
Recent measurements of aero-optical effects caused by subsonic boundary layers.
Opt. Eng. 52 (7), 071404, 2013.
- S.Gordeyev, E. Jumper and T. Hayden, "Aero-Optical Effects of Supersonic Boundary Layers"
, AIAA Journal, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 682-690, 2012.
- M. Wang, A.Mani and S. Gordeyev, "Physics and
Computation of Aero-Optics", Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 44, pp. 299-321, 2012.
- B. Vukasinovic, A. Glezer, S.Gordeyev, E. Jumper and V. Kibens, "Hybrid
Control of a Turret Wake", AIAA Journal, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 1240-1255, 2011.
- S. Gordeyev, J.A. Cress, E. Jumper and
A.B. Cain, "Aero-Optical Environment Around a
Cylindrical Turret with a Flat Window", AIAA
Journal, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 308-315, 2011.
- S. Abado, S. Gordeyev and E.Jumper, "Two-dimensional High-Bandwidth Shack-Hartmann
Wavefront Sensor: Design Guidelines and Evaluation Testing",
Optical Engineering, 49(6),
064403, June 2010.
- S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "Fluid Dynamics and Aero-Optics of Turrets", Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 46, (2010), pp.
- B. Vukasinovic, A. Glezer, S.
Gordeyev, E. Jumper and V. Kibens, "Fluidic Control of a Turret
Wake: Aerodynamic and Aero-Optical Effects", AIAA
Journal, Vol. 48,No, 8, pp. 1686-1699, 2010.
- A. M. Nightingale, S.
Gordeyev and E.J. Jumper,"Optical Characterization of a Simulated
Weakly-Compressible Shear Layer: Unforced and Forced",
AIAA Journal, Vol. 47, No. 10, Oct. 2009, pp.
- D. Nahrstedt, Y-C. Hsia, E. Jumper, S. Gordeyev, J. Ceniceros, L. Weaver,
L. DeSandre, and T.
McLaughlin, "Wind Tunnel Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics-Based
Aero-Optics Model", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G:
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 223(G4), pp. 393-406.
- D. Cavalieri, D. Wittich, S.
Gordeyev, K. Cheung and E. Jumper, "Aero-Optical Measurements
Using High-Bandwidth Two-Dimensional Wavefront Sensor Array", Journal
of Directed Energy, v. 2, No. 4, pp. 285-296, 2007.
- V. Protasenko, S. Gordeyev
and M. Kuno, "Spatial and Intensity Modulation of Nanowire
Emission Induced by Mobile Charges ", Journal of
the American Chemical Society, v. 129, pp. 13160-13171, 2007.
- S. Gordeyev, M. Post, T.
MacLaughlin, J. Ceniceros and E. Jumper, "Aero-Optical Environment Around a
Conformal-Window Turret", AIAA Journal, vol. 45, No.
7, pp. 1514-1524, 2007.
- S. Gordeyev, T. Hayden and E.
Jumper, "Aero-Optical and Flow Measurements Over a
Flat-Windowed Turret", AIAA Journal, vol. 45, No.
2, pp. 347-357, 2007.
- Gordeyev S.V. and Thomas
F.O., "Coherent Structure in the Turbulent Planar Jet. Part
2. Structural Topology via POD Eigenmode Projection", Journal
of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 460, pp. 349-380, 2002.
- Gordeyev S.V. and Thomas
F.O., "Coherent Structure in the Turbulent Planar Jet. Part
1. Extraction of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Eigenmodes and Their
Self-Similarity", Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
vol. 414, pp. 145-194, 2000.
- Gordeyev S.V. and Thomas
F.O., "Temporal
Subharmonic Amplitude and Phase Behavior in a Jet Shear Layer: Wavelet
Analysis and Hamiltonian Formulation", Journal
of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 394, pp. 205-240, 1999.
- Gordeyev S.V., "Investigation
of Coherent Structure in the Self-Similarity Region of the Turbulent
Planar Jet Using POD and Wavelet Analysis", Ph.D.
Thesis, University of Notre Dame, 1999.
- Walker, S.H., Gordeyev, S.V. and Thomas, F.O., "A Wavelet Transform Analysis Applied to Unsteady
Aspects of Supersonic Jet Screech Resonance", Experiments in
Fluids, vol. 22, pp. 229-238, 1997.
- Gordeyev S.V., Betyayev S.K.
and Gaifullin A.M., "The Point-Circle Vortex", Journal
of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 58, No. 4, pp
749-754, 1994.
- Gordeyev S.V., Betyayev S.K.
and Gaifullin A.M., "Two Forms of Liquid Separation from a Smooth
Surface", Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics,
vol. 35, No. 1, pp 66-68, 1994
Reports, conference proceedings
- T. Bukowski, R.M. Rennie, and S Gordeyev,
"Sparse sensing and surface pressure field reconstruction for flow,"
AIAA SciTech Forum, January 6-10, 2025, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2025-1884.
- R. Torres, P. Castillo Gomez, A. Gross, A. Fassler, S.B. Leonov, and S. Gordeyev,
"Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations of Species-Mismatched Supersonic Mixing Layers for Aero-Optical Analysis," AIAA SciTech Forum, January 6-10, 2025, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2025-2767.
- A. Fassler, S. Leonov, S. Gordeyev,
"Optical Studies of a Supersonic Mixing Layer Using a Convergent-Divergent Beam Approach,"
AIAA SciTech Forum, January 6-10, 2025, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2025-2768.
- L. Nelson-Melby, G.T. Khokhar, K.M. Hanquist, M.M. Peck, B. Bemis, T.J. Juliano and S. Gordeyev,
"Numerical Study for Design of Experiment on Aero-Optical Effects of Crossflow Waves in Hypersonic Flow,"
AIAA SciTech Forum, January 6-10, 2025, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2025-2769.
- A. Fassler, S. Leonov, S. Gordeyev,
"Optical and thermal effects of a species-mismatched supersonic mixing layer formed over a cooled optical window,"
Proceedings Volume 13149, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2024; 131490B. 2024.
- T. Bukowski, R.M. Rennie, S Gordeyev, M. Kemnetz,
"Preliminary aero-mechanical jitter analysis of hemispherical turrets,"
Proceedings Volume 13149, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2024; 131490E, 2024.
- T. DeFoor, T. Bukowski, M. Kalensky, S. Gordeyev,
"Phase discontinuity classification from single-aperture irradiance patterns using machine learning,"
Proceedings Volume 13149, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2024; 131490F, 2024.
- T. Bukowski, M. Kalensky, D. Getts, S. Gordeyev,
"Comparison of Shack-Hartmann and digital holographic wavefront sensing using a benchtop turbulence generator,"
Proceedings Volume 13149, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2024; 1314910, 2024.
- E.D. Chu, S. Gordeyev,
"Parametric studies of effects of finite pixel and AOI sizes on the accuracy of Shack-Hartmann WFS,"
Proceedings Volume 13149, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2024; 131490C, 2024.
- P. Castillo Gomez, R. Torres, A. Gross, A. Fassler, S.B. Leonov, and S. Gordeyev,
"Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations of Temperature-Mismatched Supersonic Mixing Layers for Aero-Optical Analysis," AIAA AVIATION FORUM AND ASCEND, 29 July - 2 August 2024, Las Vegas, NV, AIAA Paper 2024-3768.
- M. Lozier, F. O. Thomas, and S. Gordeyev,"
Experimental Studies of Spanwise Correlation in an Actuated Turbulent Boundary Layer,"
13th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-13), Montréal, Canada, June 25-28, 2024.
- P. Castillo Gomez, A. Gross, A. Fassler, S.B. Leonov, and S. Gordeyev,
"Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Mixing Layer for Aero-Optical Distortion Analysis," AIAA SciTech Forum, January 8-12, 2024, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2024-2516.
- Z.A. Noel, S. Gordeyev, R.M. Rennie,
"Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Wavefront Aberration on the Flow Generated by Laser-Induced Breakdown," AIAA SciTech Forum, January 8-12, 2024, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2024-1654.
- A. Fassler, S. Leonov, S. Gordeyev,
"Optical Effects of a Temperature-Mismatched and Species-Mismatched Supersonic Mixing Layer," AIAA SciTech Forum, January 8-12, 2024, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2024-1027.
- A. Fassler, S. Leonov, S. Gordeyev,
"Optical effects of a temperature-mismatched supersonic mixing layer,"
Proceedings Volume 12693, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2023; 1269316.
- E.D. Chu, T.J. Bukowski, S. Gordeyev,
"Studies of local shock effects on Shack-Hartmann and digital holography wavefront sensors,"
Proceedings Volume 12693, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2023; 1269317.
- Z.A. Noel, M.R. Kemnetz, S. Gordeyev, R.M. Rennie,
"Robust, regularized wavefront reconstruction of Shack-Hartmann data in discontinuous flow,"
Proceedings Volume 12693, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2023; 1269318.
- Z.A. Noel, T.J. Bukowski, S. Gordeyev, R.M. Rennie,
"Shack-Hartmann wavefront reconstruction by deep learning neural network for adaptive optics,"
Proceedings Volume 12693, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2023; 126930G.
- T.J. Bukowski, S. O'Sullivan, M. Kalensky, D. Getts, E.M. Bates, K. Miller, S. Gordeyev,
"Optical-turbulence characterization of a littoral test environment using a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor,"
Proceedings Volume 12693, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2023; 126930Q.
- P. Castillo Gomez, A. Gross, A. Fassler, S.B. Leonov, and S. Gordeyev,
"Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Flow over Backward-Facing Step for Aero-Optical Distortion Analysis," AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, San Diego, CA, 12-16 June 2023, AIAA Paper 2023-3243.
- L.N. Butler, and S. Gordeyev,
"Further Refinement and Validation of the Spatially Filtered Wavefront Sensor as a Novel Aero-Optical Measurement Technique," AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, Jan 23 - 27, 2023, National Harbor, MD, AIAA Paper 2023-0224.
- M. Lozier, F. O. Thomas, and S. Gordeyev,
"PIV Investigation of Turbulent Boundary Layer Response to Active Manipulation of Large-Scale Structures," AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, Jan 23 - 27, 2023, National Harbor, MD, AIAA Paper 2023-0467.
- T.J. Bukowski, M. Kalensky, S. Gordeyev, and M. Kemnetz, "
Modal analysis of pressure fields on and around turrets with different protrusions,"
Proceedings Volume 12239, Unconventional Imaging and Adaptive Optics 2022; 122390F, 2022.
- S. Midya, F. O. Thomas, and S. Gordeyev,"
On the spectral decomposition of skewness in canoncial and actuated turbulent boundary layers," Paper 207,
12th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-12), July 19-22, 2022, Osaka, Japan (Online).
- M. Lozier, F. O. Thomas, and S. Gordeyev,"
Experimental studies of boundary layer dynamics via active manipulation of large-scale structures," Paper 244,
12th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-12), July 19-22, 2022, Osaka, Japan (Online).
- S. Midya, F. O. Thomas, M. Lozier and S. Gordeyev,
"The Spectral Decomposition of Skewness in the Turbulent Boundary Layer," AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, June 27-July 1, 2022, Chicago, IL, AIAA Paper 2022-3253.
- L.N. Butler, and S. Gordeyev,
"Development of the Focused Malley Probe as a Local Aero-Optical Measurement Technique," AIAA SciTech Forum, January 3-7, 2022, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper 2022-0988.
- M. Kalensky, E.J. Jumper, and S. Gordeyev,
"Extracting Atmospheric Optical Turbulence Parameters from AAOL-BC Wavefront Measurements," AIAA SciTech Forum, January 3-7, 2022, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper 2022-0829.
- P.Lax, S.Elliott, S. Gordeyev and S.B. Leonov,
"Optical Characterization of Flowfield behind Spanwise Pin-Array in Supersonic Flow," AIAA SciTech Forum, January 3-7, 2022, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper 2022-0593.
- N.E. Miller, K.P. Lynch, S. Gordeyev, D.R. Guildenbecher, L.Duan, and R.M. Wagnild,
"Aero-Optical Distortions of Turbulent Boundary Layers: Hypersonic DNS," AIAA SciTech Forum, January 3-7, 2022, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper 2022-0056.
- M. Lozier, F.O. Thomas, and S. Gordeyev,
"PIV Investigation of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Response to Active Control Actuator," AIAA SciTech Forum, January 3-7, 2022, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper 2022-0053.
- M. Kalensky, B. Catron, S.Gordeyev, E.J. Jumper, and M. Kemnetz,
"Investigation of aero-mechanical jitter on a hemispherical turret," Proc. SPIE 11836, Unconventional Imaging and Adaptive Optics 2021, 1183606 (1 August 2021)
- M. Kalensky, B. Catron, S. Gordeyev, E.J. Jumper, and M. Kemnetz
"Pressure sensitive paint measurements on a hemispherical turret,"
Proc. SPIE 11836, Unconventional Imaging and Adaptive Optics 2021, 1183607 (1 August 2021);
- K.P. Lynch, R. Spillers, N.E. Miller, D. Guildenbecher and S. Gordeyev,
"Aero-Optical Measurements of a Mach 8 Boundary Layer," AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM. August 2021, AIAA Paper 2021-2831.
- C. Liu, I. Gluzman, M. Lozier, S. Midya, S. Gordeyev, F.O. Thomas and D.F. Gayme,
"Spatial input-output analysis of large-scale structures in actuated turbulent boundary layers," AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM, Aug 2-6, 2021, AIAA Paper 2021-2873.
- L.N. Butler, S. Gordeyev, K.P. Lynch and D. Guildenbecher,
"Development of a Spatially Filtered Wavefront Sensor as an Aero-Optical Measurement Technique," AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM. August 2021, AIAA Paper 2021-3123.
- M.T. Kalensky, E.J. Jumper, S. Gordeyev, A. Archibald and M.R. Kemnetz "
Experimental Investigation of Atmospheric Induced Beam Jitter
", AIAA SciTech Forum, Jan 11-15 & 19-21, 2021, Virtual Event, AIAA Paper 2021-0334.
- L. Butler, and S. Gordeyev, "
Local Aero-Optical Measurements of a Wake behind a Cylinder in Turbulent Flow using a Focused Jitter Probe
", AIAA SciTech Forum, Jan 11-15 & 19-21, 2021, Virtual Event, AIAA Paper 2021-0937.
- M. Lozier, T.O. Thomas, and S. Gordeyev, "
Turbulent Boundary Layer Response to Active Control Plasma Actuator
", AIAA SciTech Forum, Jan 11-15 & 19-21, 2021, Virtual Event, AIAA Paper 2021-1455.
- M.T. Kalensky, E.J. Jumper, and S. Gordeyev, "
Preliminary Investigation of Jitter Induced by the Atmosphere on Laser Beam Propagation from an Airborne Platform
", AIAA AVIATION Forum, Jun 15-19, 2020, Virtual Event, AIAA Paper 2020-2819.
- Y. Diskin, M. Grose, M. Whiteley, K. Jackovitz, R. Drye, B. Hampshire, M. Owens, E. Smith, E. Magee, M. Kalensky, E. Jumper, S. Gordeyev, and A. Archibald,
"Atmospheric and Aero Disturbance Characterization for DE System Applications
", AIAA AVIATION Forum, Jun 15-19, 2020, Virtual Event, AIAA Paper 2020-3234.
- J. Sontag, and S. Gordeyev, "
Spanwise Aero-Optical Measurements in a Subsonic Turbulent Boundary Layer to Study Velocity Field
", AIAA AVIATION Forum, Jun 15-19, 2020, Virtual Event, AIAA Paper 2020-3235.
- A. Roeder, D. Kurihara, H. Sakaue, and S. Gordeyev, "
PSP Studies of the Wake Response Downstream of a Spanwise-Oscillating Hemispherical Turret
", AIAA AVIATION Forum, Jun 15-19, 2020, Virtual Event, AIAA Paper 2020-3237.
- M.E. Lozier, F.O. Thomas and S. Gordeyev, "
Streamwise Evolution of Turbulent Boundary Layer Response to Active Control Actuator
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 6 - 10 Jan 2020, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2020-0097.
- M. Kalensky, E. Jumper, M. Whiteley, Y. Diskin, S. Gordeyev, R. Drye, A. Archibald, and M. Grose, "
Turbulence Profiling Using AAOL-BC
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 6 - 10 Jan 2020, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2020-0682.
- B.L. Catron, M.R. Rennie, S. Gordeyev, and E.J. Jumper, "
Filtering of Acoustic Disturbances from Aero-Optical Measurements
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 6 - 10 Jan 2020, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2020-0683.
- A.L. Roeder, S. Gordeyev, and D.J. Wittich, "
Wake Response Downstream of Spanwise-Oscillating Hemispherical Turret
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 6 - 10 Jan 2020, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2020-0685.
- M. Kalensky, J.Wells, E.J. Jumper, and S. Gordeyev, "
Image degradation due to various aero-optical environments,"
SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 11102, Applied Optical Metrology III; 111020F, 2019,
- M. Lozier, S. Midya, F. O. Thomas, and S. Gordeyev,"
Experimental Studies of Boundary Layer Dynamics Using Active Flow Control of Large-Scale Structures," Paper 5B-3,
11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-11), Jul 30 - Aug 2, 2019, Southampton, UK.
- M. Kalensky, S. Gordeyev, and E.J. Jumper, "
In-Flight Studies of Aero-Optical Distortions Around AAOL-BC
", AIAA AVIATION Forum, 17 - 21 Jun 2019, Dallas, TX, AIAA Paper 2019-3253.
- L. Butler, M. Lozier, and S. Gordeyev, "
Effect of Varying Beam Diameter on Global Jitter of Laser Beam Passing Through Turbulent Flows
", AIAA AVIATION Forum, 17 - 21 Jun 2019, Dallas, TX, AIAA Paper 2019-3385.
- J. Sontag, M. Kemnetz, and S. Gordeyev, "
Spanwise Wavefront Analysis of Turbulence Amplification in a Turbulent Boundary Layer Forced by an External Shear Layer
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 7 - 11 Jan 2019, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper 2019-0054.
- J. Sontag, S. Gordeyev, A. Duong, F. Thomas, and T. Corke, "
Studies of Pulsed-DC Plasma Actuator and Its effect on Turbulent Boundary Layers Using Novel Optical Diagnostics
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 7 - 11 Jan 2019, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper 2019-0468.
- M. Kemnetz, S. Gordeyev, and E.J. Jumper, "
Optical Investigation of a regularized shear layer for the examination of the aero-optical component of the jitter
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 7 - 11 Jan 2019, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper 2019-0469.
- B. Catron, R.M. Rennie, S Gordeyev, and E.J. Jumper, "
Effect of Acoustic Disturbances on Aero-Optical Measurements
", AIAA AVIATION, 2018, 25 - 29 Jul 2018, Atlanta, GA, AIAA Paper 2018-3903.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, J. Morrida, E.J. Jumper, and D.J. Wittich, "
Modal Analysis of the Surface Pressure Field Around a Hemispherical Turret using Pressure Sensitive Paint
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 8 - 12 Jan 2018, Kissimmee, FL, AIAA Paper 2018-0932.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, J. Morrida, and E.J. Jumper, "
Investigation of Flow Dynamics Over Turrets with Different Spanwise Aspect Ratios Using PSP
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 8 - 12 Jan 2018, Kissimmee, FL, AIAA Paper 2018-2047.
- S. Gordeyev, N. De Lucca, J. Morrida, E.J. Jumper, and D.J. Wittich, "
Conditional Studies of the Wake Dynamics of Hemispherical Turret Using PSP
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 8 - 12 Jan 2018, Kissimmee, FL, AIAA Paper 2018-2048.
- S. Gordeyev, N. De Lucca, Y. Diskin, E.J. Jumper, M.R. Whiteley, "
Image blurring due to turbulent wakes for airborne systems: flight tests",
SPIE Proceedings Volume 10408: Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans VI; 104080M; doi: 10.1117/12.2275632,
September 2017.
- Y. Diskin, D. Goorskey, M.R. Whiteley, R. Drye, N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, E.J. Jumper, "
Image blurring due to turbulent wakes for airborne systems: simulation and modeling ",
SPIE Proceedings Volume 10408: Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans VI; 104080N; doi: 10.1117/12.2275648,
September 2017.
- M. Kemnetz, S. Gordeyev, P. Ranade and E.J. Jumper, "
Optical Investigation of Turbulence Modulation in an Externally Forced, High Reynolds Number Boundary Layer
", Paper 5B-3, 10th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-10),
July 6 - 9, 2017, Chicago, USA.
- B. Hedlund, A. Houpt, S. Gordeyev, S. Leonov, "
Corner Separation Zone Response to Plasma Actuation in the Hypersonic Boundary Layer over a Compression Ramp
", AIAA AVIATION 2017, 5 - 9 Jun 2017, Denver, CO, AIAA-2017-3341.
- J. Morrida, N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, E.J. Jumper, "
Simultaneous Pressure and Optical Measurements Around Hemispherical Turret in Subsonic and Transonic Flight
", AIAA AVIATION 2017, 5 - 9 Jun 2017, Denver, CO, AIAA-2017-3654.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, E.J. Jumper, "
Simultaneous Pressure and Optical Measurements Around Hemispherical Turret in Subsonic and Transonic Flight
", AIAA AVIATION 2017, 5 - 9 Jun 2017, Denver, CO, AIAA-2017-3654.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, E.J. Jumper, "
Effects of Acoustic Waves on Optical Wavefronts in Flight on AAOL-T
", AIAA AVIATION 2017, 5 - 9 Jun 2017, Denver, CO, AIAA-2017-3832.
- J.M. Sontag, S. Gordeyev, "
Studies of Density Fields in Non-Adiabatic Boundary Layers Using Wavefront Sensors
", AIAA AVIATION 2017, 5 - 9 Jun 2017, Denver, CO, AIAA-2017-3835.
- B. Hedlund, A. Houpt, S. Gordeyev, S.B. Leonov, "
Measurement of Plasma Induced Flow Perturbations Affecting a Mach 4.5 Corner Separation Zone
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 9 - 13 Jan 2017, Grapevine, TX, AIAA-2017-0154.
- M.R. Kemnetz and S. Gordeyev, "
Multiple aperture approach to wavefront prediction for adaptive-optic applications
", AIAA SciTech Forum, 9 - 13 Jan 2017, Grapevine, TX, AIAA Paper 2017-1344.
- S. Gordeyev and T.J. Juliano, "
Optical Measurements of Transitional Events in a Mach-6 Laminar Boundary Layer
", 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 13 -17 June 2016, Washington, DC, AIAA-2016-3348.
- W.R. Burns, E. Jumper and S. Gordeyev, "
A Robust Modification of a Predictive Adaptive-Optic Control Method for Aero-Optics
", 47th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 13 -17 June 2016, Washington, DC, AIAA-2016-3529.
- M.R. Kemnetz, W.R. Burns and S. Gordeyev, "
Multiple Aperture Approach for the Study of Large-Scale Boundary-Layer Structures
", 47th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 13 -17 June 2016, Washington, DC, AIAA-2016-3530.
- S. Gordeyev and A.E. Smith, "
Studies of the Large-Scale Structure in Turbulent Boundary Layers Using Simultaneous Velocity-Wavefront Measurements
", 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 13 -17 June 2016, Washington, DC, AIAA-2016-3804.
- A. Houpt, B. Hedlund, S. Gordeyev, T.J. Juliano, S.B. Leonov, "
Transient Plasma Impact on Spectra of Flow Disturbances in a Corner Separation Zone at Mach 4.5
", 47th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 13 -17 June 2016, Washington, DC, AIAA-2016-4304.
- P. Ranade, S. Duvvuri, B. McKeon, S. Gordeyev, K. Christensen and E. Jumper, "
Turbulence Amplitude Modulation in an Externally Forced, Subsonic Turbulent Boundary Layer
", 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4 - 8 Jan 2016, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2016-1120.
- J. Morrida, S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, S. Gogineni and D.J. Wittich, "
Investigation of Shock Dynamics on a Hemisphere Using Pressure and Optical Measurements
", 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4 - 8 Jan 2016, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2016-1348.
- J. Morrida, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "
Transonic Flow Dynamics Over a Hemisphere in Flight
", 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4 - 8 Jan 2016, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2016-1349.
- S. Gordeyev, A. Vorobiev, E. Jumper, S. Gogineni and D.J. Wittich, "
Studies of Flow Topology around Hemisphere at Transonic Speeds Using Time-Resolved Oil Flow Visualization
", 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4 - 8 Jan 2016, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2016-1459.
- M.R. Kemnetz and S. Gordeyev, "
Optical investigation of large-scale boundary-layer structures
", 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4 - 8 Jan 2016, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2016-1460.
- S. Gordeyev and T.J. Juliano, "
Optical Characterization of Nozzle-Wall Mach-6 Boundary Layers
", 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4 - 8 Jan 2016, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2016-1586.
- A. Houpt, S. Gordeyev, T.J. Juliano and S. Leonov "
Optical Measurement of Transient Plasma Impact on Corner Separation in M=4.5 Airflow
", 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4 - 8 Jan 2016, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2016-2160.
- S. Gordeyev, A.E. Smith, T Saxton-Fox and B. McKeon, "
Studies of the large-scale structure in adiabatic and moderately-wall-heated subsonic boundary layers
", Paper 7A-3, 9th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-9),
June 30 - July 3, 2015, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
- R.M. Rennie, M. Nguyen, S. Gordeyev, E.Jumper, A.B. Cain and T. Hayden, "
Windspeed and Flow Angle Measurement by Tracking of a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spark
", 46th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 22 -26 June 2015, Dallas, TX, AIAA Paper 2015-2574.
- M. Nguyen, R.M. Rennie, S. Gordeyev, E.Jumper, A.B. Cain and T. Hayden, "
Wavefront Measurements of a Supersonic Boundary Layer Using a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spark
", 46th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 22 -26 June 2015, Dallas, TX, AIAA Paper 2015-2804.
- S. Gordeyev, R.M. Rennie, A.B. Cain and T. Hayden, "
Aero-Optical Measurements of High-Mach Supersonic Boundary Layers
", 46th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 22 -26 June 2015, Dallas, TX, AIAA Paper 2015-3246.
- J. Sontag and S. Gordeyev, "
Non-intrusive Velocity and Density Measurements in Subsonic Turbulent Boundary Layer
", 46th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 22 -26 June 2015, Dallas, TX, AIAA Paper 2015-3247.
- E.J. Jumper, S. Gordeyev, D. Cavalieri, P. Rollins, M.R. Whiteley and M.J. Krizo , "
Airborne Aero-Optics Laboratory - Transonic (AAOL-T)
", 53th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 5 - 9 Jan 2015, Kissimmee, Florida, AIAA Paper 2015-0675.
- J. Morrida, S. Gordeyev, N. De Lucca, E. Jumper, "
Aero-Optical Investigation of Transonic Flow Features And Shock Dynamics on Hemisphere-On-Cylinder Turrets
", 53th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 5 - 9 Jan 2015, Kissimmee, Florida, AIAA Paper 2015-0676.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev and E.J. Jumper, "
Global Unsteady Pressure Fields Over Turrets In-Flight
", 53th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 5 - 9 Jan 2015, Kissimmee, Florida, AIAA Paper 2015-0677.
- W.R. Burns, E.J. Jumper and S. Gordeyev, "
A Latency-Tolerant Architecture for Airborne Adaptive Optic Systems
", 53th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 5 - 9 Jan 2015, Kissimmee, Florida, AIAA Paper 2015-0679.
- Coleman, D.G., Thomas F.O., Gordeyev S., Heintz, K.C. and Corke, T.C., "
Investigation of Incompressible Dynamic Stall Physics by Application of a Parametric Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
", 53th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 5 - 9 Jan 2015, Kissimmee, Florida, AIAA Paper 2015-1068.
- D.J. Wittich III, M. Paul, H. Ahmed, A. Ahmed, A.E. Smith and S. Gordeyev, "
Aero-Optic Characterization of Supersonic Boundary Layers in the Trisonic Gasdynamic Facility
", 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 16 -20 June 2014 , Atlanta, GA, AIAA Paper 2014-2356.
- A. Vorobiev, S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, S.Gogineni, A. Marruffo and D.J. Wittich, "
Low-Dimensional Dynamics and Modeling of Shock-Separation Interaction over Turrets at Transonic Speeds
", 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 16 -20 June 2014 , Atlanta, GA, AIAA Paper 2014-2357.
- A.E. Smith, S, Gordeyev, T. Saxton-Fox and B. McKeon, "
Subsonic Boundary-Layer Wavefront Spectra for a Range of Reynolds Numbers
", 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 16 -20 June 2014 , Atlanta, GA, AIAA Paper 2014-2491.
- A.E. Smith, S. Gordeyev, H. Ahmed, A. Ahmed, D.J. Wittich III and M. Paul, "
Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Measurements of Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers in the TGF
", 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 16 -20 June 2014 , Atlanta, GA, AIAA Paper 2014-2493.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, A.E. Smith; E.J. Jumper, M. Whiteley and T. Neale, "
The Removal of Tunnel Vibration Induced Corruption in Aero-Optical Measurements
", 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 16 -20 June 2014 , Atlanta, GA, AIAA Paper 2014-2494.
- W.R. Burns, S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, S. Gogineni, M. Paul and D.J. Wittich, "
Estimation of Aero-Optical Wavefronts Using Optical and Non-Optical Measurements
", 52th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 13 - 17 Jan 2014, National Harbor, Maryland, AIAA Paper 2014-0319.
- A. Smith and S. Gordeyev, "
Aero-Optical Mitigation of Turbulent Boundary Layers Using Large-Eddy Break-Up Devices
", 52th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 13 - 17 Jan 2014, National Harbor, Maryland, AIAA Paper 2014-0321.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "
Effect of Surface Unsteady Pressure Field on Global Beam Jitter for a Hemisphere-on-Cylinder Turret
", 52th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 13 - 17 Jan 2014, National Harbor, Maryland, AIAA Paper 2014-0322.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "
The Improvement of the Aero-Optical Environment of a Hemisphere-on-Cylinder Turret using Vortex Generators
", 44nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 24-27 June 2013, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2013-3132.
- A. Smith and S. Gordeyev, "
The Effects of Wall Cooling on Aero-Optical Aberrations Caused by Subsonic Turbulent Boundary Layers
", 44nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 24-27 June 2013, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2013-3133.
- K. Hird, T.J. Juliano, J.W. Gregory, S. Gordeyev, N. De Lucca, E. Jumper, J. Thordahl and D.J. Wittich, "
Study of Unsteady Surface Pressure on a Turret via Pressure-Sensitive Paint
", 44nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 24-27 June 2013, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2013-3135.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, K. Hird, T.J. Juliano, J.W. Gregory, J. Thordahl and D.J. Wittich, "
The Estimation of the Unsteady Aerodynamic Force Applied to a Turret in Flight
", 44nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 24-27 June 2013, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2013-3136.
- S. Gordeyev, N. De Lucca, E. Jumper, K. Hird, T.J. Juliano, J.W. Gregory, J. Thordahl and D.J. Wittich, "
The Comparison of Unsteady Pressure Field over Flat- and Conformal-Window Turrets using Pressure Sensitive Paint
", 44nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 24-27 June 2013, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper 2013-3137.
- S. Gordeyev, W.R. Burns, E. Jumper, S. Gogineni, M. Paul and D.J. Wittich, "
Aero-Optical Mitigation of Shocks Around Turrets at Transonic Speeds Using Passive Flow Control
", 51th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 6 - 10 Jan 2013, Grapevine, Texas, AIAA Paper 2013-0717.
- A. Smith and S. Gordeyev, "
Evaluation of Passive Boundary Layer Flow Control Methods for Aero-Optic Mitigation
", 51th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 6 - 10 Jan 2013, Grapevine, Texas, AIAA Paper 2013-0718.
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper and D.J.Wittich, "
Aero-Optical Environment around Turrets at Forward-Viewing Angles
", 51th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 6 - 10 Jan 2013, Grapevine, Texas, AIAA Paper 2013-0721.
- B. Vukasinovic, A. Glezer, S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper and W. Bower, "
Flow Control for Turret Aero-Optics Applications
", 51th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 6 - 10 Jan 2013, Grapevine, Texas, AIAA Paper 2013-1014.
- A. Smith, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "
Aperture Effects on Aero-Optical Distortions Caused by Subsonic Boundary Layers",
43nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 25 - 28 June 2012, New Orleans, Lousiana, AIAA Paper 2012-2986
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "
Comparison of Aero-Optical Measurements from the Flight Test of Full and Hemispherical Turrets on the Airborne Aero-Optics Laboratory",
43nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 25 - 28 June 2012, New Orleans, Lousiana, AIAA Paper 2012-2985
- E Jumper, M Zenk, S Gordeyev, D Cavalieri and M. Whiteley, "
The Airborne Aero-Optics Laboratory, AAOL",
Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies XXVI, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 8395, Paper 8395-6, June, 2012. (invited paper)
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "
The Airborne Aero-Optics Laboratory, Recent Data",
Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies XXVI, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 8395, Paper 8395-7, June, 2012. (invited paper)
- Abado, S., Gordeyev, S., and Jumper, E.J., "
AAOL Wavefront Data Reduction Approaches",
Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies XXVI, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 8395, Paper 8395-9, June, 2012. (invited paper)
- Smith, AE, Gordeyev, S and Jumper, E, "
Recent Measurements of Aero-Optical Effects Caused by Subsonic Boundary Layers",
Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies XXVI, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 8395, Paper 8395-11, June, 2012. (invited paper)
- N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "
The Study of Aero-Optical and Mechanical Jitter for Flat Window Turrets
", 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 9 - 12 Jan 2012, Nashville, Tennessee, AIAA Paper 2012-0623.
- J. Tesch, S, Gibson, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "
Identification, Prediction and Control of Aero Optical Wavefronts in Laser Beam Propagation", 42nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers
Conference, 27 - 30 June 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, AIAA Paper 2011-3276.
- A. Smith, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "
Aero Optics of Subsonic Boundary Layers over Backward Steps", 42nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 27 - 30 June 2011,
Honolulu, Hawaii, AIAA Paper 2011-3277.
- C. Porter, S.Gordeyev, M. Zenk and E. Jumper, "
Flight Measurements of Aero-Optical Distortions from a Flat-Windowed Turret on the Airborne Aero-Optics Laboratory (AAOL)", 42nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers
Conference, 27 - 30 June 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, AIAA Paper 2011-3280. (voted Best Paper by the AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Technical Committee in 2012)
- Z.Ponder, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "
Passive Mitigation of Aero-Induced Mechanical Jitter of Flat-Windowed Turrets", 42nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 27 - 30 June 2011,
Honolulu, Hawaii, AIAA Paper 2011-3281.
- D. Goorskey, M Whiteley, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper,"
Recent AAOL In-Flight Wavefront Measurements of Aero-Optics and Implications for Aero-Optics Beam Control in Tactical Laser Weapon Systems", 42nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 27 - 30 June 2011,
Honolulu, Hawaii, AIAA Paper 2011-3282.
- S.Gordeyev, L Neuharth, F. Thomas and M. Wicks,"
Further Experiments on Temporal Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Closed-Loop Flow Control", 41st AIAA
Fluid Dynamics Conference, 27 - 30 June 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, AIAA Paper 2011-3717.
- S.Gordeyev, J. Cress and E. Jumper, "
Far-Field Intensity Drop-Outs Caused by Turbulent
Boundary Layers", DEPS, Beam Control Conference,
23-26 May, 20011, Orlando, FL. Paper 11-BC-050
- S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper and T. Hayden,"
Aero-Optics of Supersonic Boundary Layers", 49th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, 4-7 Jan, 2011, AIAA Paper 2011-1325.
- S.Gordeyev, J. Cress, A. Smith and E. Jumper "Improvement
in Optical Environment over Turrets with Flat Window Using Passive Flow
Control" , 41th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference,
Chicago, IL, Jun, 28 -Jul 1, 2010, AIAA Paper 2010-4492.
- K. Wang, M. Wang, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper "Computation
of Aero-Optical Distortions over a Cylindrical Turret with Passive Flow
Control" , 41th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference,
Chicago, IL, Jun, 28 -Jul 1, 2010, AIAA Paper 2010-4498.
- S. Gordeyev, D. Wittich and E. Jumper, "Aero-Optical
Issues for Free-Space Communication", invited paper for Beam Control
Conference, 5th Directed Energy Systems Symposium, Monterey,
CA, 12-16 Apr, 2010.
- S. Gordeyev and F. Thomas "A
Temporal Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (TPOD) Method for Closed-Loop
Flow Control" , 48th Aerospace Science Meeting and
Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, 4-7 Jan, 2010, AIAA Paper 2010-0359.
- J. Cress, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper
Measurements in a Heated, Subsonic, Turbulent Boundary Layer"
, 48th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, 4-7 Jan,
2010, AIAA Paper 2010-0434.
- B. Vukasinovic, A. Glezer, S. Gordeyev,
E. Jumper and V. Kibens "Hybrid
Flow Control of a Turret Wake, Part I: Aerodynamic Effects"
, 48th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, 4-7 Jan,
2010, AIAA Paper 2010-0086.
- S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, B. Vukasinovic,
A. Glezer and V. Kibens "Hybrid
Flow Control of a Turret Wake, Part II: Aero-Optical Effects"
, 48th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, 4-7 Jan,
2010, AIAA Paper 2010-0438.
- S.
Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "Fluid
Dynamics and Aero-Optical Environment Around Turrets," 40th
AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, San-Antonio, TX, 22-25 June,
2009, AIAA Paper 2009-4224.
- S.
Abado, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "Designing
and Testing a New Shack- Hartmann High Bandwidth 2- D Wave-Front Sensor,"
40th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, San-Antonio, TX, 22-25
June, 2009, AIAA Paper 2009-4225.
- Bower,
W. W., Kibens, V., Nahrstedt, D. A., Vukasinovic, B., Glezer, A.,
Gordeyev, S., Jumper, E., and Saunders, D., "Directed
Energy Beam Improvement Using Binary Control for the Advanced Tactical
Laser (DEBI-BATL)", Proc. Beam Control Conference 2009 , April
6-10, 2009, Monterey, CA.
- B. Vukasinovic, A.
Glezer, S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper and V. Kibens "Fluidic
Control of a Turret Wake, Part I: Aerodynamic Effects",
47th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, 5-8 Jan,
2009, AIAA Paper 2009-0816.
- S.
Gordeyev, E. Jumper, B. Vukasinovic, A. Glezer and V. Kibens "Fluidic
Control of a Turret Wake, Part II: Aero- Optical Effects",
47th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, 5-8 Jan,
2009, AIAA Paper 2009-0817.
- J.
Cress, S. Gordeyev, M. Post and E. Jumper ""Aero-Optical
Measurements in a Turbulent, Subsonic Boundary Layer at Different
Elevation Angles", 39th Plasmadynamics and Lasers
Conference, Seattle, Washington, 23 - 26 June, 2008, AIAA Paper 2008-4214.
- M.
Rennie, Z. Ponder, S. Gordeyev, A. Nightingale, and E. Jumper, "Numerical Investigation
of Two-Dimensional Compressible Shear Layer and Comparison to Weakly
Compressible Model ", Directed Energy
Professional Society, Beam Control Conference 2008, Monterey, California,
3-7 March 2008.
- J.P. Siegenthaler, E.J. Jumper and S. Gordeyev, "Atmospheric Propagation
Vs. Aero-Optics ", 46th Aerospace Science
Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 7-10 Jan, 2008, AIAA Paper 2008-1076.
- B.
Vukasinovic, A. Glezer,S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper and V. Kibens, "Active Control and
Optical Diagnostics of the Flow over a Hemispherical Turret",
46th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 7-10 Jan, 2008,
AIAA Paper 2008-0598.
- D.
Wittich, S. Gordeyev and E. Jumper, "Revised Scaling of
Optical Distortions Caused by Compressible, Subsonic Turbulent Boundary
Layers", 38th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers
Conference, Miami, Florida, 25-28 June, 2007, AIAA Paper 2007-4009.
- J.
Ceniceros, D. Nahrstedt, Y. Hsia, E. Jumper, S. Gordeyev, L. Weaver and T.
McLaughlin, "Wind Tunnel Validation
of a CFD-Based Aero-Optics Model", 38th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Miami, Florida, 25-28 June, 2007,
AIAA Paper 2007-4011.
- S.C. Morris and S. Gordeyev,
"Hydrodynamic and Optical Measurements in the Atmospheric Boundary
Layer", Final Technical Report for the USDOT Volpe Center, Cambridge,
MA, 2007.
"Similarities and Differences in Aero- Optical Structure over Cylindrical and
Hemispherical Turrets with a Flat Window", 45th Aerospace
Science Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 8-11 Jan, 2007, AIAA Paper
- S. Gordeyev, M. Post, T. MacLaughlin, J. Ceniceros and E. Jumper, "Survey
of Optical Environment over Hemisphere-on-Cylinder Turret Using Suite of
Wavefront Sensors", 37th AIAA Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference, 5 - 8 Jun 2006, San Francisco, California, AIAA Paper
- S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper and J. Trolinger, "Simulation
of Optical Distortions of Two-Dimensional Shear Layer Using Large
Structure Model (LSM)", 44th Aerospace Science Meeting
and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 9-12 Jan, 2006, AIAA Paper 2006-0078.
- A. Buckner, S. Gordeyev and
E. Jumper, "Conditional
Measurements of Optically-Aberrating Structures in Transonic Attached
Boundary Layers", 44th Aerospace Science Meeting and
Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 9-12 Jan, 2006, AIAA Paper 2006-0079.
- S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, T. Ng
and A. Cain, "The
Optical Environment of a Cylindrical Turret with a Flat Window and the
Impact of Passive Control Devices", 36th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and Laser Conference, Toronto, Canada, 6-9 June, 2005, AIAA
Paper 2005-4657.
- A. Nightingale, S.Gordeyev,
E. Jumper, B. Goodwine and J. Siegenthaler, "Regularizing
Shear Layer for Adaptive Optics Control Applications",
36th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Laser Conference, Toronto, Canada, 6-9 June,
2005, AIAA Paper 2005-4774.
- J. Siegenthaler, S. Gordeyev
and E. Jumper, "Shear
Layers and Aperture Effects for Aero-Optics", 36th
AIAA Plasmadynamics and Laser Conference, Toronto, Canada, 6-9 June, 2005,
AIAA Paper 2005-4772.
- A, Buckner, S. Gordeyev and
E. Jumper, "Optical
Aberrations Caused by Transonic Attached Boundary Layers: Underlying Flow
Structure", 43nd AIAA Aeroscience Meeting and Exhibit,
Reno, Nevada, 10-13 January, 2005, AIAA Paper 2005-0752.
- S. Gordeyev, D. Duffin and E.
Jumper, "Aero-Optical
Measurements Using Malley Probe and High-Bandwidth 2-D Wavefront
Sensor", International Conference on Advanced
Optical Diagnostics in Fluids, Solids and Combustion,
Tokyo, Japan, 4-6 Dec, 2004.
- D. Duffin, S. Gordeyev and E.
Jumper, "Visualizing
Index-of-Refraction Variations in Optically Active Flow Fields",
International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Notre Dame,
Indiana, 9-12 Aug, 2004.
- D. Duffin, S. Gordeyev and E.
Jumper, "Comparison
of Wavefront Measurement Techniques on a Two-Dimensional Heated Jet",
35th AIAA Plasmadynamics and
Laser Conference, Portland, Oregon, 28 Jun - 1 Jul, 2004,
AIAA Paper 2004-2446.
- S. Gordeyev, T. Hayden and E.
Jumper, "Aero-Optical
and Hot-Wire Measurements of the Flow Around the Hemispherical Turret With
a Flat Window", 35th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and Laser Conference, Portland, Oregon, 28
Jun - 1 Jul, 2004, AIAA Paper 2004-2450.
- S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, T. Ng
and A. Cain, "Optical
Disturbances Caused by Transonic Separated Boundary Layer Behind a
20-Degree Ramp: Physics and Control", 42nd AIAA
Aeroscience Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 5-8 January, 2004, AIAA
Paper 2004-0472.
- J. Siegenthaler, S. Gordeyev
and E. Jumper, "Mapping
the Optically-Aberrating Environment in a Partially-Quieted Mach 0.6 Free
Shear Layer", 34th
AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Orlando,
Florida, 23-26 June, 2003. AIAA Paper 2003-3607
- S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, T. Ng
and A. Cain, "Aero-Optical
Characteristics of Compressible, Subsonic Turbulent Boundary Layer",
AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Orlando,
Florida, 23-26 June, 2003, AIAA Paper 2003-3606.
- Gordeyev S.V. and Thomas F.O.,
"Dynamical Modeling of the Large-Scale Motion of a Planar Turbulent Jet Using POD Modes",,International
Conference 'Progress in Nonlinear Science', Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 2001.
- Gordeyev S.V. and Thomas F.O.,
"Visualization of the Topology of the Large-Scale Structure In the Planar Turbulent Jet" ,
The International Symposium On Flow Visualization, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Aug 22-25, 2000
- Gordeyev S.V. and Thomas F.O., "Characterization
of Unsteady Aspects of Jet Screech Using a Wavelet Analysis
Technique", Final Project Report, prepared for Boeing
Corporation under PO#Z70423, 1997
- Chu, H.C., Gordeyev S.V. and
Thomas F.O., "Experimental Investigation of unsteady Jet Shear
Layer Dynamics using a Wavelet Decomposition", in Unsteady
Flows, ed. W.L. Keith, H. Thukamoto. O. Baysal, T. Way, pp167-172,
ASME, 1995
- "Measurements
of Reynolds Stress Reversal in a Planar Jet by Means of a Wavelet
Decomposition", in Turbulent Flows, ed. B.F. Carroll,
T.Kobayashi, M.J. Morris, pp 49-54, ASME, 1995
- Walker S.H., Gordeyev S.V. and
Thomas F.O., "A Wavelet Analisys Applied to Unsteady Jet Screech
Resonance", in High Speed Jet Flows, ed. G. Raman, S.
Kaji, C.J. Freitas, pp 103-108, ASME, 1995
- F. O. Thomas, S. Midya, S. Gordeyev, M. Lozier, "On the Spectral Decomposition of Skewness in the Turbulent Boundary Layer",
in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 65, No.
13, Abstract E08.08, 2020
- M. Lozier, S. Gordeyev, F. O. Thomas,"Experimental Studies of the Response of the Turbulent Boundary Layer to Periodic Actuation",
in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 65, No.
13, Abstract E08.12, 2020
- M. Lozier, F. O. Thomas, S. Gordeyev, "Experimental Studies of Streamwise Response of the Turbulent Boundary Layer
to a Periodic Actuation", in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 64, No.
13, Abstract P40.01, 2019
- T. Saxton-Fox, S. Gordeyev, A. Smith, B. McKeon, "Connections between density, wall-normal velocity, and coherent structure
in a heated turbulent boundary layer", in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 60, No.
21, Abstract A20.002, 2015
- T. Saxton-Fox, S. Gordeyev, A. Smith, B. McKeon, "Simultaneous measurement of aero-optical distortion and turbulent structure
in a heated boundary layer", in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 59, No.
20, Abstract R27.006, 2014
- S. Gordeyev, T. Corke and F.O. Thomas, "An Investigation of Noise
Source Mechanism in the Axisymmetric Turbulent Jet", in Bulletin
of the American Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 46, No.
10, p. 169, 2001
- S. Gordeyev and F.O. Thomas, "Large-Scale Structure Topology in
theTurbulent Planar Jet via LSE and POD", in Bulletin of the
American Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 45, No. 9, p.
134, 2000
- S. Gordeyev and F.O. Thomas, "POD-based Modeling of the Large-Scale
Motion of a Planar Turbulent Jet", in Bulletin of the American
Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 45, No. 9, p. 134, 2000
- S. Gordeyev and F.O. Thomas, "A Low Order Model of Coherent Structure
in a Turbulent Jet", in Bulletin of the American Physical
Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 44, No. 8, p. 35, 1999
- S.
Gordeyev and F.O. Thomas, "Coherent Stucture Dynamics in Turbulent
Jet Flows via a Joint Application of POD and Wavelet Transform
Methods", in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Fluid
Dynamics, vol. 44, No. 8, p. 65, 1999
- S. Gordeyev and F.O. Thomas, "Investigation of Temporal Dynamics of
Coherent Structures in the Planar Turbulent Jet", in Bulletin
of the American Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 43, No.
9, p. 1968, 1998<
- S. Gordeyev and F.O. Thomas, "Large Scale Structure in the
Interaction and Similarity Regions of a Planar Jet via the Proper
Orthogonal Decomposition", in Bulletin of the American
Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 42, No. 11, p. 2115,
- S. Gordeyev and F.O. Thomas, "Unsteady Aspects of of
Fundamental-Subharmonic Phase Locking in Jet Shear Layer Transition",
in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 41,
No. 9, p. 1734, 1996
- S. Gordeyev and F.O. Thomas, "Large Scale Structure in the
Interaction and Similarity Regions of a Turbulent Planar Jet via the
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition", in Bulletin of the American
Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 41, No. 9, p. 1740, 1996
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