Academic Level Proficiency Measure Through CAASP

We have large movement towards the intersection of technology and education. Acess to technology and wifi have made their place on the back to school checklist right up there with #2 pencils. We wanted to look at if the access to a computer hindered or prevented students from attending school, or if the presence of technology with education helps to facilitate and retain students.

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This data is taken from EdSource,California Department of Education Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division (AMARD). Research files, additional details, and definitions are available from the California Department of Education at

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Being a full time student and employee.(As if school wasnt hard enough.) Learn how districts vary in student employment.


How do students from different disctrict environments compare on a standardizes level? If its the same tests why does a different district make such a difference?


Students might spend most of their day at school, but it wont compare to their home. What effeccts do housing situations have on education aspects?
