PAM Bulletin

May, 1996



  • Astronomy
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Membership
  • PAMnet
  • Physics

  • Announcements
  • Canceled Journals
  • Conference Sponsors
  • From the Editors
  • Vendor Update
  • Corrections & Omissions
  • Chair's Message
  • 1995 Business Meeting
  • SLA Schedule


  • Chair
  • Membership
  • Treasurer
  • Astronomy News

    Antoinette Beiser

    From the Indian Academy of Sciences:
    Asian-Pacific Astronomy: Proceedings of the 6th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting on Astronomy of the IAU (International Astronomical Union). Edited by V.K. Kapahi et al. Price is $35. Order through: Circulation Dept, Indian Academy of Science, C.V. Raman Avenue, Bangalore 560 080, India. Please note that this item is also published as a supplement to v. 16 of the Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy and is included with the journal.

    From Uta Grothkopf, ESO Library:
    Uta is interested in learning whether any other astronomy institute or library is compiling statistics on the following:

    1. The average number of articles per person (published within one year) by scientific staff members or visitors (i.e. publications based on observations using ESO telescopes)

    2. Number of monthly or annual requests and/or accesses to the World Wide Web pages created and/or provided by the library.

    Please respond to Uta.

    Also from Uta:
    Due to a number of name and address changes in recent months, an up-to-date version of astronomy librarians' names and library addresses on the Web is now available. It is searchable via the FIND command of your Web browser. If you do not find your name in the list and wish to be included, please send a message to Uta. Updates, comments and suggestions are appreciated.

    From the NRAO Library:
    The NRAO Library is pleased to announce the availability of a new World Wide Web page. The NRAO RAP/unRapsheet has a fill-in form for searching the listing of preprints received in the NRAO library from 1986 forward. Citations are added when papers are published. The file is updated weekly. You may also access the file from the link on the NRAO Library page or through the "Library" button on the NRAO Home Page.

    From Toshiaki Kaneko at Mitaka Library in Japan:
    Toshiaki Kaneko is moving to the Document Center at the Institute of Oriental Culture at the University of Tokyo. He will be replaced by Kazuko Egawa on April 1, 1996. She has experience as an aeronautical engineering librarian and as a high school teacher. She will communicate with us through the network. Please make her feel welcome. Toshiaki thanks everyone for their cooperation and friendship.

    From Andre Heck at Observatoire Astronomique in Strasbourg:
    With reference to Newsletter no. 12 of the IAU Commission 5, please be informed that the full text of his invited talk to the ICSU Press/Unesco Conference on "Electronic publishing in science" (Paris, 19-23 Feb. 1996) is available on the WWW. Other related contributions are available on the WWW.

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    Created by: Thurston Miller, April 5, 1996
    Modified by: Thurston Miller, May 8, 1996