PAM Bulletin

May, 1996



  • Astronomy
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Membership
  • PAMnet
  • Physics

  • Announcements
  • Canceled Journals
  • Conference Sponsors
  • From the Editors
  • Vendor Update
  • Corrections & Omissions
  • Chair's Message
  • 1995 Business Meeting
  • SLA Schedule


  • Chair
  • Membership
  • Treasurer
  • Montreal Business Meeting

    June 13, 1995

    Bob Seeds,***

    Minutes of P-A-M Division of SLA

    The meeting began at 7:30 A.M. with a breakfast sponsored by the American Mathematical Society. David Stern, chair, thanked the American Mathematical Society (AMS) for sponsoring our breakfast as well as the American Physical Society, another division sponsor. Guests Don Babbitt, AMS publisher, and Maria Lebron, American Physical Society (APS) representative, were introduced. The Special Libraries Association (SLA) Board proctor was Susan Mattea.

    After the current officers and chairs were introduced, it was noted that the previous business minutes had been approved and were already in the PAM Bulletin of August 1994. The Treasurer's report was read, approved, and already distributed via the May 1995 Bulletin. A revised version is submitted with this report (i.e. August 1995 Bulletin)

    The PAM Division's award went to Dr. Daniel Egret on behalf of SIMBAD, the "Set of Identifications, Measurements, and Bibliography for Astronomical Data", operated by the Centre de Donnees de Strasbourg, Observatoire de Strasbourg, France. It has filled a huge gap in the bibliographic research for astronomical objects by indexing the literature to a level of detail that far surpasses the traditional databases. Unfortunately, Dr. Egret was not able to attend the SLA conference. Our congratulations and an honorary plaque were mailed to him.

    Deborah Kegel and Janice Jaguszewski co-chaired the nominating committee. There was a motion to accept the slate. It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved. The officers and terms for 1995-96 are: Diane Fortner, Chair; Joanne Goode, Chair-elect; David Stern, Past-Chair; Pat Allen, Treasurer (through 96); and Bob Seeds, Secretary (through June 97).

    Thurston Miller, Bulletin editor and Irene Laursen, assistant editor, reported on a number of proposed initiatives including its electronic distribution (WWW), viability of thematic special issues, and exploration of several cost-saving configurations.

    The Division publicly thanked SLA for its contribution of $2,000.00 that helped 20 librarians from economically-challenged nations to attend the Second Libraries and Information Services in Astronomy (LISA II) Conference in Garching, Germany, May 95.

    There was a discussion about "netiquette" for PAMnet. The most common "faux pas" was using it as a substitute for traditional inter-library loan pathways. After important guidelines were re-iterated, it was decided to include them in the welcome message of PAMnet.

    The PAM schedule for Boston '96 Conference was discussed and approved, including dates and times for vendor roundtable, PAM-wide roundtable, and open houses at the division hospitality suite. Nancy Anderson was thanked for arranging the pre-conference informal dinner. Irene Laursen will host it in Boston.

    Dorothy McGarry has been elected Chair-elect of SLA Division Cabinet. Everyone sends their congratulations.

    Kathleen Robertson was thanked for establishing PAM home page on the World-Wide-Web. Everyone was reminded to submit additional URLs, especially in physics and math, to Kathleen. She also wants to hear from anyone interested in creating an Ariel consortium.

    Diane Fortner will write to OCLC on behalf of the Division requesting IP address security access and use statistics for subscribers to their Electronic Journals Online (EJO).

    The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 A.M.

    ***note This record is normally the responsibility of the current secretary. Due to extenuating circumstances, the incoming secretary graciously agreed to supply a written summary of this meeting, although at that time he was not responsible for it.

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    Created by: Thurston Miller, April 23, 1996
    Modified by: Thurston Miller, April 30, 1996