
Metrology Equipment



The Agilent B1500A Semiconductor Device Parameter Analyzer is a complete solution for characterization of various devices. It supports various measurement capabilities for IV, CV, pulsed IV and fast IV measurement and enables a wide range of electrical characterizations and evaluations for device (FETs, inverters, ring oscillators, etc.), material, semiconductor, active/passive component, and any electric devices. Embedded Windows and powerful EasyEXPERT software support efficient and restorable device characterization on the GUI basis operation. The operation is available through the 15-inch wide touch screen in addition to keyboard and mouse operation for ease of use. The EasyEXPERT software also provides an efficient test environment for intuitive operation, analysis, and exploratin in device characterization.

Allowed Materials

Semiconductor-based materials, dielectrics, metal films, and resists.

Prohibited Materials

Magnetic materials, organics, epoxy, rubbers and plastics, and liquids of any kind.

Cleaning procedure

Samplesgenerally do not require special cleaning, unless needed to remove prohibited materials before processing. All materials to enter the equipment will be handled with wafer tongs by an operator wearing latex, poly, or nitrile clean gloves..

Contact Information:

For additional information, please contact the NDNF Staff at pfay@nd.edu.


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