




Faculty Promotions Announced.

Electrical Engineering Hosts Advanced Device Technologies Program. <more>


College of Engineering

Each year the College of Engineering and individual departments within the college honor outstanding students and faculty for their efforts. This year’s honorees were:

2004 Kaneb Teaching Awards

Danny Z. Chen

Robert C. Nelson

Gregory L. Snider

David T. Leighton Jr.

Stephen E. Silliman

Robert A. Howland

Kaneb Awards are bestowed annually on faculty who have been active in full-time undergraduate teaching for a minimum of five years. Nominated by current students, fellow faculty, and recent graduates, the recipients are selected in recognition of their outstanding service and example as educators. This year’s recipients were Danny Z. Chen, professor of computer science and engineering; David T. Leighton Jr., professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering; Robert C. Nelson, professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering; Stephen E. Silliman, professor of civil engineering and geological sciences and associate dean for educational programs; Gregory L. Snider, associate professor of electrical engineering; and Robert A. Howland, associate professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering.

Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award

The first Teacher of the Year Award was presented in 1977. This year the College of Engineering is pleased to honor Joannes J. Westerink as the Teacher of the Year. Since joining the University in 1990, he has earned the admiration of fellow faculty and students. In fact, students describe him as “patient, laid-back, and easy to talk to.” They acknowledge that his classes are demanding, but they characterize him as personable, approachable, and accessible. “He is interested in getting to know us on a personal level and wants us to get the best out of his courses.” Westerink is an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences and director of the Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory.


Student News

Steiner Recipients Named for 2004.

Civil Engineering Students Spend Fall Break Touring Historic Bridges.

Ainsworth and Lacher Take 2004 HP Design Prize.

Aerospace Undergraduates Receive National Scholarships and Fellowships.

ND Engineering Students Enter Concrete Canoe Competition after Extended Absence.

Annual Blood Drive Nets 35 Pints.

Faculty News

Researchers Question the Safety of Herbal Supplements. <more>

Mueller Elected
AIAA Fellow. <more>

Study Offers Insights into the Storage
of Nuclear Waste.

Striegel Receives
NSF Career Award.

Talley Appointed as
a Strategic Planner for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. <more>

Alumni News

Nancy M. Haegel (’81, MET), Eric Johnson (’94, CSE-MS; ’97, CSE-Ph.D), Xenofon D. Koutsoukos (’98, EE-M.S.; ’98 APMA-M.S.; ’00, EE-Ph.D.), Mark McGraw (’80, EE), Edward S. Ojdana Jr., (’65, AME), James D. Wetherbee (’74, AME), Thomas Wilkas (’83, CBE)

To visit College of Engineering Alumni News <click here>



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