In This Corner
A final check for $52,000 from the 2006 Bengal Bouts, Notre Dame’s
annual charity boxing tournament, was presented to Rev. Thomas W.
Smith, C.S.C., director of Holy Cross Missions, on November 15. In
Bangladesh, where the funds will benefit Holy Cross efforts, Smith
says that $52,000 is worth approximately $500,000. Engineering students
who participated in the 2006 bouts were: Jesse
Brawer, Andrew Breslin, Tomas Castillo, Fernando Contreras, John
Cooney, Mark Dummett, Kevin Hederman, Joseph Herzog, Phillip Hicks,
Steve Klein, Bryan Marek, Sean Mallin, Nicholas McLees, Chris Nanovic,
Alec Rackish, Jeff Schaal, Roque Strew, and Dan Ward.