Twice as Nice
According to their adviser, Eric J. Jumper, professor of aerospace
and mechanical engineering, graduate students Donald
Wittich and
Alice Nightingale are two of the seven students in the U.S. who were
awarded scholarships from the Directed Energy Professional Society
(DEPS). This is the second year they have received recognition from
the DEPS but the first that Notre Dame was the only university to
receive scholarships.
Awarded annually,
the purpose of the scholarships is to encourage graduate research in the development
and application of directed energy technologies, which includes high-energy lasers
and high-power microwaves, for national defense and civil applications. The applicants
must be full-time students who are U.S. citizens or have demonstrated interest
in becoming citizens. They must also provide details of the research area in
directed energy technology they expect to pursue upon graduation.
addition to the DEPS scholarship, Nightingale won the student paper
competition at the 2006 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Plasmadynamics and Laser Conference for her submission “Adaptive-optic
Correction of a Regularized Compressible Shear Layer.”