Lecture Notes
Change Log
CSE30151 Theory of Computing: Complete Change Log
- 11/9: HW5 grades posted. HW5 Grade Distribution by problem
- 11/2: Slight modification to Project 2 description to remove confusion about output from string processing.
- 11/1: Quiz Distribution updated. TM visual simulator in Excel available
- 10/26: After discussions in class today, the following changes are made in scheduling: Project 2 due 11/3 11:59pm. HW6 due Tuesday Nov. 7 (grades not available by exam 2 review on 11/9, but answer key will be), HW7 will be due 11/28, Project 3 will be due Dec. 5, and Project 4 is now an extra credit.
Also note for Project 2, as stated in the project sheet, some test files may have both a carriage return AND a linefeed at end of each line, which looks like an extra character if you use a Linux system. This is what Windows does with.csv and some .txt files. Ignore it.
- 10/26: Satyaki Sikdar's office hours have changed to Mondays 4:30-6:30 Cushing 212
- 10/24: Extra notes on PDA to CFG process. Also simplify Problem 6 on HW5 to be q1, q2, q3, q4 only.
- 10/23: Additional test files added for project 2.
- 10/20: Exam 1 Solutions (Revised)
- 10/12: Grade as of now posted on Sakai. Midterm Grade Distribution was computed assuming Exam 1 was all exam grads, HW1-4 was all homework grades, and all 5 points for quizzes if 3 or more quizzes taken. Project 1 grades are not yet back, so everyone was assumed to get 100% (close to reality based on prior years). On the distribution, the bar to the right of a number are the number with grades larger than that number and less then the number under the bar. See Assignments tab for solution set.
- 10/11: Quiz and homework distribution charts updated. Exam grades on Sakai, and distributions displayed above.
- 10/9: Project2's description of submission directory is changed to Sakai. Format of test files fixed.
- 10/6: due date for HW5 and Project 2 delayed.
- 9/29: HW4 grades released and solutions posted
- 9/27: Added 2nd SAT presentation from 2nd day to Lectures Tab
- 9/27: Homework solutions for Sets1-3 posted in Assignments page; Project 2 and Homework 5 posted. Exam 1 is on Oct. 3 in class - no electronics and only book and notes from class permitted.
- 9/22: Some clarifications added to SAT project description, including suggestion to limit the size of the clauses tried while you are debugging. A pointer to an On-line point and click State Diagram drawing program added.
- 9/21: HW4 problem 5 is 1.37 in Version2 and 3. In the International Version it is problem 1.42. If you have the international version and did 1.37 - bravo - consider that a valid submission for problem 5 (its a tougher problem)
- 9/20: added hints to problems 5 and 10
- 9/20: HW4 accidently duplicated problem 1 from HW 3. Changed to Book problem 1.13. Homework Distribution posted.
- 9/19: date for HW4 moved 1 day to Friday. HW4-v2 had some solutions posted accidently for problems 6, 8, 9. Has been replaced.
- 9/14: other test sets for Project1 now in directory
- 9/12: Updated Quiz distribution
- 9/8: updated HW3 to reflect material covered thru 9/7
- 9/5: Clarified problems 5b and c on HW2
- 8/31: Clarified HW2 and added A Tikz tutorial. Added dates to Lecture Notes page as a rough calendar projection. Added Quiz Distribution chart above.
- 8/30: Changed "n-1" to "n+1" in problem 4 of Homework 1 to agree with book.
- 8/28: Updated homework 1 to reflect mismatch in problem numbers between Version 3 and International Ed. Added a few charts to SAT notes. Added kSAT.cnf
- 8/25: Updated notes for SAT & Intro; updated Project1 and modified the due date a bit.
- 8/24: posted first version of Project 1
- 8/23: modified the Intro notes a bit to be more in line with HW1 (added informal introduction of "transition function")
- 8/22: startup as https://www3.nd.edu/~kogge/courses/cse30151-fa17
- 1/16: First post