PIM Lite

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Tuesday, Thursday 1pm -- 3:15pm 125 Debartolo Hall


Prof. Peter Kogge, 326A Cushing Hall x1-6763 kogge@cse.nd.edu
Office Hours Mondays: 1-2, Thursdays: 11am-12pm or by appointment

Required Textbooks:

Neil Weste and David Harris, CMOS VLSI Design, 4th Ed., Addison-Wesley

Companion Web Site

The main text book, Weste and Harris 4th edition, has a strong companion web site, including ANSWERS TO ODD QUESTIONS.

Recommended or Useful Textbooks:

  • Michael Ciletti, Starter's Guide to Verilog 2001, Pearson/Prentice Hall
  • Erik Brunvand, Digital VLSI Chip Design with Cadence and Synopsys CAD Tools, Addison-Wesley/Prentice Hall

Honor Code:

ND Honor Code. CSE Guide to Honor Code


Occasional In-class Quizzes: 5%
Homework: 30%
Early Microprocessor Project Presentation and Report 10%
Individual Project Presentation and Report 10%
Exam 1: 15%
Exam 2: 15%
Final Exam: 15%

Undergraduate Projects

Undergraduates will be given some descriptive material on an early simple microprocessor (a different one for each student to keep it interesting), and then asked to use what they have learned in class to estimate:
  • what are the major building blocks in the core
  • approximately how many transistors are in each block and the processor as a whole
  • what do they estimate the area of both these blocks and their whole design would be for its implementation in several different CMOS technologies
  • what might a power estimate for their "design" look like
  • what do they believe is the critical path and why
  • how does this compare with the original implementation
The purpose of this is to give each student a chance to take the class knowledge they've gathered as an entirely, and apply it to a microprocessor design that would be simple enough for a student to implement in modern tools in a month or so. It is expected that 15 min. presentations on these projects would occur on TBD, with real-time evaluations by all students taken into account for the grade. Also, electronic versions of each presentation should be made available for posting on web site and for detailed review by the instructor.

In Class Quizzes

Occasional short quizzes will be given in class, with scoring done by students during class. Grades on quizzes are based solely on attendance, with "self-evaluation scores" used by Prof. to judge state of overall student understanding. Every student permitted one "free" quiz grade.

Late Take Home Exam policy

Take Home exams are due at the beginning, i.e. 2:00 PM, of the next class after they are assigned. 25% penalty for turning in exam after the due time and before 5:00 PM on the due date. No exams will be accepted after that. The only exceptions to this policy will be medical emergencies (doctor's note required) or family emergencies (discuss with professor preferably before the due time.)

Late homework policy:

Assignments are due in class on the due date, and will be returned in class 1 week later. There is a no-penalty grace period to turn in homework until 5:00 on the due date. After that, there is a 25% penalty for turning in the homework within 1 day, and 50% for 2 days late. No late homeworks will be accepted after that. The only exceptions to this policy will be medical emergencies (doctor's note required) or family emergencies (discuss with professor).