Math 230, Spring `99

Classroom Mathematica Demonstrations

(You will be able to download these shortly after I present them in class)

Mathematica Assignments

Downloading from this page: Save the link to the demo directly to a file. Pick any name you like for the file as long as it ends in ".nb" (for Unix machines--use whatever suffix is appropriate for Mathematica notebooks on your computer). Once the file is saved, open it using Mathematica.

Downloading from AFS: go to the afs directory "/afs/". You should find copies of the worksheets there under names like "demo1_1.nb", where the "1_1" refers to the corresponding section (1.1) in the textbook. Copy whichever worksheet you like into one of your own directories and then open it with Mathematica. I haven't tried it yet, but you might be able to use Mathematica to open the worksheet from the AFS course folder directly (without copying).

Credits: I would like to thank Heide Gluessing-Luersson and John Derwent for providing me with copies of their classroom demos. The demos listed above borrow a great deal from theirs.

The End: If you like, you can go up one page, or go to Jeff Diller's Home Page.