CSE 20289 is a core Computer Science and Engineering course at the University of Notre Dame that explores the fundamentals of computing systems. This course introduces students to the Unix programming environment where they will explore various command line utilities, files, processes, memory management, system calls, data structures, networking, and concurrency. Examining these topics will enable students to become familiar and comfortable with the lower level aspects of computing, while providing the foundation for further study in subsequent systems courses such as computer architecture and operating systems.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Utilize unix commands to navigate filesystems, edit files, manage processes, explore system and network properties, produce documents and plots, and manipulate multimedia files.
Employ Unix development tools to compile, link, build, debug, trace, profile, and test software applications.
Compose shell scripts to automate tasks.
Construct regular expressions and small programs to filter and process a variety of datasets.
Develop basic Python scripts that process data and orchestrate processes.
Manage memory and other system resources manually and utilize tools to help debug and profile applications.
Utilize basic system calls to create processes that interact with each other via various forms of inter-process communication such as files, pipes, and sockets.
Discuss the core tenets of the "Unix Philosophy" and how it is applied to modern software development.
Unit | Date | Topics | Assignment |
Introduction | 01/16 | Introduction, Syllabus, Shell Slides Slides | |
01/18 | Git, Markdown Slides | Reading 00 | |
Bourne Shell | |||
Using The Shell | 01/21 | MLK Celebration Luncheon | Reading 01 |
01/23 | Files Slides | ||
01/25 | Processes, I/O Redirection Slides Slides | Homework 01 | |
Scripting The Shell | 01/28 | Networking Slides | Reading 02 |
01/30 | Bourne Shell Slides | ||
02/01 | Bourne Shell | Homework 02 | |
Filtering Text | 02/04 | Regular Expressions Slides | Reading 03 |
02/06 | Filters | ||
02/08 | Filters | Homework 03 | |
02/11 | Review | Reading 04 | |
02/13 | Checklist 01 Exam 01 | ||
Python | |||
Python Scripting | 02/15 | Expressions, Variables, Control Flow Slides | |
02/18 | Data Structures, Files, Requests | Reading 05 | |
02/20 | Regular Expressions, CSV, JSON | ||
02/22 | Processes, File System | Homework 04 | |
Parallel Computing | 02/25 | Functional Programming Slides | Reading 06 |
02/27 | Iterators, Generators Slides | ||
03/01 | Parallel Computing Slides | ||
Hulk | 03/04 | Compiling, Building Slides | Homework 05 |
03/06 | Review | Reading 07 | |
03/08 | Checklist 02 Exam 02 | ||
Spring Break | |||
C | |||
Pointers, Arrays, Strings | 03/18 | Pointers, Arrays, Strings Slides | Reading 08 |
03/20 | Debugging (GDB, Valgrind) Slides | ||
03/22 | Memory Allocation Slides | Homework 06 | |
Data Structures | 03/25 | Structs, Unions Slides | Reading 09 |
03/27 | Data Structures Slides | ||
03/29 | Data Structures | Homework 07 | |
System Calls | |||
Files | 04/01 | I/O Slides | Reading 10 |
04/03 | File, Directories | ||
04/05 | File System | Homework 08 | |
Processes | 04/08 | Processes Slides | Reading 11 |
04/10 | Pipes | ||
04/12 | Signals | Homework 09 | |
Sockets | 04/15 | Sockets Slides | Reading 12 |
04/17 | TCP | ||
04/19 | Easter | ||
Thor + Spidey | 04/22 | Easter | |
04/24 | HTTP | ||
04/26 | VPS Slides | ||
04/29 | Closing Time | ||
05/01 | Project | Project | |
05/03 | Reading Day | ||
Final | 05/07 | Checklist 03 Exam 03 |
Component | Points |
Readings Weekly reading assignments. | 11 × 4 |
Homeworks Weekly homework assignments. | 5 × 10, 4 × 13 |
Projects Final group project. | 25 |
Exams Midterm and Final Exams. | 30 + 36 + 63 |
Total | 300 |
Grade | Points | Grade | Points | Grade | Points |
A | 280-300 | A- | 270-279 | ||
B+ | 260-269 | B | 250-259 | B- | 240-249 |
C+ | 230-239 | C | 220-229 | C- | 210-219 |
D | 195-209 | F | 0-194 |
All Readings and Homeworks are to be submitted to your own private GitLab repository. Unless specified otherwise:
Students are expected to attend and contribute regularly in class. This means answering questions in class, participating in discussions, and helping other students.
Foreseeable absences should be discussed with the instructor ahead of time.
Any student who has a documented disability and is registered with Disability Services should speak with the professor as soon as possible regarding accommodations. Students who are not registered should contact the Office of Disabilities.
Any academic misconduct in this course is considered a serious offense, and the strongest possible academic penalties will be pursued for such behavior. Students may discuss high-level ideas with other students, but at the time of implementation (i.e. programming), each person must do his/her own work. Use of the Internet as a reference is allowed but directly copying code or other information is cheating. It is cheating to copy, to allow another person to copy, all or part of an exam or a assignment, or to fake program output. It is also a violation of the Undergraduate Academic Code of Honor to observe and then fail to report academic dishonesty. You are responsible for the security and integrity of your own work.
In the case of a serious illness or other excused absence, as defined by university policies, coursework submissions will be accepted late by the same number of days as the excused absence.
Otherwise, there is a penalty of 25% per day late (except where noted). You may submit some parts of an assignment on time and some parts late. Each submission must clearly state which parts it contains; no part can be submitted more than once.
This course will be recorded using Panopto. This system allows us to automatically record and distribute lectures to you in a secure environment. You can watch these recordings on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. In the course in Sakai, look for the "Panopto" tool on the left hand side of the course.
Because we will be recording in the classroom, your questions and comments may be recorded. Recordings typically only capture the front of the classroom, but if you have any concerns about your voice or image being recorded please speak to me to discuss your concerns. Except for faculty and staff who require access, no content will be shared with individuals outside of your course without your permission.
These recordings are jointly copyrighted by the University of Notre Dame and your instructor. Posting them to other websites (including YouTube, Facebook, SnapChat, etc.) or elsewhere without express, written permission may result in disciplinary action and possible civil prosecution.
For the assignments in this class, you may discuss with other students and consult printed and online resources. You may quote from books and online sources as long as you cite them properly. However, you may not look at another student's solution, and you may not look at solutions.
The following table summarizes how you may work with other students and use print/online sources:
Resources | Solutions | |
Consulting | Allowed | Not Allowed |
Copying | Cite | Not Allowed |
See the CSE Guide to the Honor Code for definitions of the above terms.
If an instructor sees behavior that is, in his judgment, academically dishonest, he is required to file either an Honor Code Violation Report or a formal report to the College of Engineering Honesty Committee.
William Shotts Online Version
Al Sweigart Online Version
Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau Online Version