Thanks for your interest in our lab's work!

Ph.D. Student Positions

I (Prof. Milenkovic) am looking for Ph.D. students who:
- Are highly motivated, ambitious, hard-working, self-driven, and mature.
- Have strong organizational and time management skills.
- Have established leadership skills or strong leadership potential.
- Crave new and innovative work.
- Aim to rapidly grow and expand their knowledge and skills.
- Can carry out assigned tasks independently.
- Can efficiently communicate (both orally and in writing) to diverse audience.
- Enjoy working with, learning from, and mentoring others.
- Have ability to foster a positive work environment and attitude.

If this sounds like you and you would like to join my lab, please read the following information before contacting me:
1) I need to see your formal application to our departmental Ph.D. program before I can make any judgements about whether you will fit my lab (and vice versa). I cannot comment on your chances of getting into my lab until you formally apply and get admitted into our departmental Ph.D. program.
2) Please read 3-4 papers from my lab. Then, after you formally apply according to step 1 above, please email me a written summary (up to two pages) of these papers along with a related open-ended question of your interest that you would be interested to work on, explaining why. Importantly, by "summary", I do not mean that you should repeat the information from the papers in question. Instead, you should write your own commentary about the papers, in your own view/words.
3) After you formally apply, your application package is complete, and you send me the up to two page summary from step 2 above, if your application satisfies Notre Dame's and our departmental admission criteria, I will contact you to talk more about your application.


Postdoctoral and Undergraduate Researcher Positions

I am currently not looking for a postdoctoral researcher. This can quickly change, so if interested, please monitor this page for updates.

I am currently looking for an undergraduate researcher who has the above traits. If that sounds like you and you would like to join my lab, please email me the same up to two page summary as described above, along with your CV. Please note that positions for undergraduate researchers are restricted to those students who are attending a university in the United States. Also, depending on a funding arrangement, there might be some restrictions to only United States citizens or permanent residents.