PAM Bulletin

May 1997



  • Astronomy
  • Mathematics
  • Membership
  • PAMnet
  • Physics

  • Announcements
  • Conference Sponsors
  • PAM Dinner
  • PAM Open House
  • Volunteer Opportunity
  • From the Editors
  • Corrections
  • Chair's Message
  • SLA Schedule


  • Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Annual Financial Statement
    for Year 1996

    Pam Yorks

    Opening Balance, January 1, 1996 $13,435.62

    SLA Allotment $1,634.00
    Interest Income $307.65
    Contributions/Sponsorships $5,250.00
    Bulletin Subscription $36.00
    Directory Sale $10.00
    Total Income $7,237.65

    Bulletin Costs (less outstanding) $562.60
    Meeting Costs (some from 1995 + 1996) $12,123.43
    Other Costs (Bank charges, Directory) $40.36
    Total Expenditures: $12,726.39

    Closing Balance December 31, 1996 $7,946.88

    Outstanding Expenditure as of 12/31/96 (Bulletin costs owed to Irene Laursen - waiting for receipts) ca. $2,200.00

    Audited by: Kari J. Anderson
    Submitted by: Pamela F. Yorks

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    [Announcements] [Chair's Message] [SLA Schedule] [Chair's Report] [Treasurer's Report]

    Created by: Thurston Miller, April 15, 1997
    Modified by: Thurston Miller, April 25, 1997