PAM Bulletin Online

May 1997



  • Astronomy
  • Mathematics
  • Membership
  • PAMnet
  • Physics

  • Announcements
  • Conference Sponsors
  • PAM Dinner
  • PAM Open House
  • Volunteer Opportunity
  • From the Editors
  • Corrections
  • Chair's Message
  • SLA Schedule


  • Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Message from the Chair

    Joanne Goode

    On To Seattle!

    It is not hard to tell that the '97 Conference in Seattle is approaching quickly. On almost every page of this issue can be found information about the Conference including some details not found in your preliminary programs. Pam Yorks and Martha Tucker have planned what promise to be wonderful opportunities to get together informally to network and socialize at Nikko's for the Networking Dinner and the Open House at the University of Washington, as well as at our traditional Open House in the Division Suite (Westin Hotel). We hope these events will complement a very busy series of programmed roundtables and sessions. The Networking Dinner on Saturday night provides a great way to kick off the Conference Week and to make connections with other PAM members before schedules get too hectic. Save some energy to attend the joint reception sponsored by several Science Divisions, including PAM, on Tuesday night. This is a ticketed program to be held at the Pacific Science Center - a not too be missed event!

    Be sure to take a look at the list of our Division sponsors and set aside some time at the Conference to visit with them and to thank them for their support, which is so important to the Division.

    As I have participated in conference planning sessions, I made notes on some of the programs being planned by other divisions that I thought might be of special interest to PAM members. On Monday, the Engineering Division and the Information Futurist Caucus are co-sponsoring "Beyond Information: Coping with Technology in the 21st Century." The speaker is Edward Wenk, Jr., the author of several books on technology, people and politics. The PAM Division is co-sponsoring two programs this year: "Serials Pricing" and "Contemporary Collection Development," scheduled consecutively on Monday afternoon. On Tuesday, Richard Wiggins of Michigan State University will be discussing the "Post Web World". This program is co-sponsored by the Sci-Tech Division and Engineering Division. Also on Tuesday, Sci-Tech is co-sponsoring a program entitled "Partnering with Vendors."

    As for next year, your incoming Chair, Liz Bryson, has a wealth of ideas in development for the coming year. Talk to her about opportunities to serve on committees and how to get involved in what promises to be a very rewarding year for the Division.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the PAM officers, Committee Chairs and members, and other volunteers who gave their time and energy to the Division during the past year.



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    Created by: Thurston Miller, April 14, 1997
    Modified by: Thurston Miller, April 30, 1997