Big Brother Biometrics
“Big Brother is watching.” It’s a phrase that
will make even the most innocent person scan the surroundings for
a surveillance camera. The connotation is always negative. But the
truth is that video is a crucial tool for the good guys — those
who serve and protect — whether the footage is used to identify
potential terrorists, capture thieves moving between buildings, or
detect troublemakers on a university campus. Unfortunately, the quality
of the video, the lighting conditions, and the distance a subject
is from a camera affect how well the footage can help law enforcement
identify subjects and track their movements.
W. Bowyer, the Schubmehl-Prein Chair of the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, along with Professor Patrick
J. Flynn and
Research Assistant Professor Nitesh V. Chawla, are co-investigators
on a project dealing with videographic biometric technologies, which
is being funded by the Department of Justice. The goal of their project,
titled “Face Recognition from Video,” is to study the effects
of using a variety of video sources (which feature varying levels of
quality) and to develop algorithms which will select and compare multiple
frames from several video streams — the type acquired from surveillance
applications — in order to maximize recognition levels.