One by One: Instructor’s Global Impact
Sometimes the most profound moments in a student’s academic
life occur through contact with one instructor. And, one instructor
can impact many students. In fact, Stephen E.
Silliman, associate
dean for educational programs and professor of civil engineering
and geological sciences, was recently singled out for the impact
he has had globally. The American Society for Engineering Education
(ASEE) named Silliman the 2006 recipient of its Global Engineering & Engineering
Technology Educator Award.
in June at the ASEE annual conference, the award recognizes ASEE members who
have demonstrated excellence in leadership, exceptional knowledge and creative
practices contributing to advancements in engineering and engineering technology
education, as well as personal and professional development in the global arenas
of service, invention, consulting work, or industry participation.
A Notre Dame
faculty member since 1986, Silliman has made many contributions internationally
over the past decade through a distance-learning course taught from Israel for
Notre Dame students, a service program for undergraduates in Haiti involving
the development of groundwater supplies, and the development of research and
educational initiatives between faculty and students from Notre Dame and at Universite
in Benin, West Africa.
studies groundwater flow and transport in heterogeneous media, stochastic
hydrology, laboratory flow and transport experiments, groundwater and
surface interaction, microbial transport, and water supplies in rural
regions of developing countries water supplies. He has also played
an integral role in the development of the College
of Engineering’s
first-year program.