Project Idea:

Whether we like it or not, Twitter has morphed into the main communication bridge between politicians and the American public. Additionally, Millenials increased usage of technology only strengthens the necessity of social media platforms for politicians. How do various politicians use twitter to promote their popularity and disperse messages? Moreover, what specific rhetorical strategies help craft a successful tweet? Is it a plethora of hashtags? Is it achieved by using Political nicknames? Does the lenght of a tweet matter? We hope to answer such questions, however niche.

Click below to see an overview of Trump's tweets.

Click Here

Click below to see an overview of Obama's Tweets.

Click Here

Click Here to see an overview of AOC's tweets.

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Within our project, we included multiple comparisons of these three politicians. While one rhetorical aspect may be successful for one politician, it could be harmful for another. For instance, hashtags could increase likes for Trump, but decrease likes for Obama. Click below to view all the comparisons.

Click Here for Comparisons