MABILLEAU, 122, 218.
Macrobins, 83, 140, 246.
Maimonides, 237, 238-39, 251, 329, 412.
Magalliano, 494.
Magister Petrus, 281.
Maistre, 147.
Malebranche, 487.
Malpighi, see John.
Mandonnet, 144, 221, 242, 249, 253, 258, 260, 262, 263, 269, 299, 300, 302, 306, 307, 309, 346, 347, 353, 356, 380, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 491, 497.
Manegold of Lautenhach, 176.
Manfred, 245, 248, 383.
Mangenot, 124.
Manlius, see Boëthius.
Manser, 117.
Mansion, 306.
Manuel Chrysoloras, 461.
-- da Natividade, 496.
-- de Goes, 494.
Manzolus, 489, 491.
Marbodius, 220.
Marchesi, 244, 245, 253, 309.
Marcus Aurelius, 64.
Marechaux, 167.
Marguerite Porrette, 444.
Maria Canali, 501.
Mariétan, 135, 136, 147, 347.
Marius Nizolius, 466.
-- Victorinus, 83, 90, 135, 138, 139, 140.
Marsilio Ficino, 468.
Marsilius of Inghen, 417, 429, 430, 431.
-- of Padua, 420, 441, 442.
Martène, 198, 223.
Martianus Capella, 84, 134, 135, 143-44, 148, 155, 158, 168, 173.
Martigné, see De Martigné.
Martin, A., 366, 498.
-- J., 90, 97.
-- of Tours, 134.
-- of Troppau, 384.
-- Pollich, 489.
-- V., Pope, 260.
-- Van Velden, 505.
Matilda of Magdeburg, 454.
Matthew of Aquasparta, 289, 290-93, 296, 337, 348, 408.
Maurenbrecher, 347.
Maurice of Spain, 222, 252.
-- the Irishman, 499.
Maurus, S., 496, 497.
Mausbach, 97.
Maximus of Tyre, 72.
-- Planudes, 246, 422.
-- the Confessor, 99, 143, 168.
Maxwell, 259.
Medina, see Bartholomaeus.
Meinecke, 123.
Melanchthon, 473, 480-81, 495, 503.
Melchior Canus, 493, 497.
Melissus, 7.
Menendez Pelayo, 276, 389.
Mercier, 150, 151.
Mercurius Trismegistus, 141.
Meunier, 432.
Michael, 301, 306.
Michael Apostolius, 468, 470.
-- Cesena, 420.
Michael, De Montaigne, 484, 485.
-- of Breslau, 499.
-- of Ephesus, 225.
-- Parapinakes, 224.
-- Psellus, the Elder, 224.
-- -- the Younger, 224, 225, 356, 467.
-- Saravetius, 489, 491.
-- Scot, 247, 248, 249, 272.
-- the Stammerer, 168.
Michel, M., 147.
Migne, 122, 147, 148, 153, 162, 166, 173, 177, 185, 186,, 188, 190, 198, 202, 205, 212.
Mignon, 212, 218.
Miguel Asin y Palacios, 236, 239, 310, 347, 382.
Minges, P., 371, 378.
Miraeus, 120.
Moliere, 486.
Molina, 495.
Monchamp, 505.
Monica, St., 90.
Montaigne, see Michael.
More, see Thomas.
Morinus, 116.
Moses Maimonides, see Maimonides.
-- of Narbonne, 412.
Mougel, 437.
Muller, 306.
Munck, 239.