Following are excerpts from my Graduate Statistics I and Graduate Statistics II notes. These pages highlight the use of Stata for various problems. In many cases, the handout is just a "Stata how to." If you want an explanation of the underlying statistical principles, you should go back to the complete course notes and look at the related handouts. In other cases, the handout will also explain the statistical principles and provide SPSS examples, but you can easily skip to the Stata examples if that is all you are interested in Other course notes, homeworks and exams contain additional examples of Stata usage that may be of interest. Some readers may also want to look at the notes from my course on Categorical Data Analysis. Also, my gologit2 and oglm (Ordinal Generalized Linear Models) programs may be of interest to those working with ordinal dependent variables.
NOTE: Some of these notes use programs listed in my Suggested Downloads, which you may want to install for yourself. Notre Dame users (especially those who work in the public labs) should check out my Suggestions for Using Stata at Notre Dame.
From Graduate Statistics 1:
Using Stata for Confidence Intervals
ci-II.dta and ci-III.dta -- Stata data files used for Cases II and III in the CI handout
Using Stata for One Sample Tests
1sample-II.dta and 1sample-III.dta -- Stata data files used for Cases II and III in the one sample tests handout
Using Stata for Two Sample Tests
2sample-II.dta, 2sample-III.dta, 2sample-IV.dta, 2sample-V.dta -- Stata data files used for Cases II, III, IV and V in the two sample tests handout
Using Stata for Categorical Data Analysis
categ-I.dta, categ-II.dta, categ-III.dta-- Stata data files used for Cases I, II, III in the categorical data analysis handout
Using Stata for One-Way Analysis of Variance
oneway.dta - Stata data file used in the Stata One-Way ANOVA handout
Using Stata for Two-Way Analysis of Variance
twoway.dta - Stata data file used in the Stata Two-Way ANOVA handout
Using Stata 9 for OLS Regression (Here is a similar handout for Stata 8)
reg01.dta - Stata data file used in the Stata Regression handout
Using Stata with Multiple Regression & Matrices
reg01.dta - Stata data file used in the Multiple Regression & Matrices handout
From Graduate Statistics 2:
mulicoll.dta - Stata data file used in the Multicollinearity handout
md.dta - Stata data file used in the Missing Data handout
Scale Construction (Very Brief Overview)
anomia.dta - Stata data file used in the Scale Construction handout
outliers.dta - Stata data file used in the Outliers handout
reg01.dta - Stata data file used in the Heteroskedasticity handout
Imposing and Testing Equality Constraints in Models
blwh.dta - Stata data file used in the Constraints handout
Interaction Effects and Group Comparisons
blwh.dta - Stata data file used in the Interaction Effects handout
Interpreting Interaction Effects; Interaction Effects and Centering
drinking.dta - Stata data file used in the Interpreting Interaction Effects handout
nonlin1.dta and blwh.dta - Stata data file used in the nonlinear relationships handout
Using Stata for Logistic Regression
logist.dta - Stata data file used in the Logistic Regression handout
shuttle2.dta - Stata data file used in the Ordered Logit handout
shuttle2.dta - Stata data file used in the Multinomial Logit handout
nonrecur.dta - Stata data file used in the Nonrecursive Models handout
blwh.dta - Stata data file used in the Manova handout
Selected other highlights
Using Stata's Margins command to Estimate and Interpret Adjusted Predictions and Marginal Effects (click here for Powerpoint version)
Comparing Logit & Probit Coefficients Between Models and Across Groups (click here for Powerpoint version)
Handout for Comparing Logit & Probit Coefficients Between Models and Across Groups
Useful sites for learning about Stata and other statistical programs
UCLA's Statistical Computing Resources Suggested downloads UCLA's SPSS Starter Kit Resources for Learning Stata UCLA - How does Stata compare with SAS and SPSS? Ben Jann's estout/esttab support page (esttab & estout are great for formatting output from Stata)