
The material to be covered is 5.6, 6.1-6.5, 6.6-7.4, 7.6-8.8, 9.5-9.6. There will be no calculators permitted. The entire exam is multiple choice.
There will be some material similar to that covered on each of the three one-hour exams and some material which was covered after the last exam. To determine your grade for the course, we will take into account your performance on the material from each of the one-hour exams and substantial improvement on this material will be used to partially offset a bad score on that exam.

A copy of last year's exam is here.
Copies of this year's hour exams are here: 123.
Solutions to the partial credit questions are here: 123.

A list of quizzes with answers is here.

This exam will be held on Monday, May 7 starting at 1:45 pm.

It will be held in 101 DBRT for all sections. Two reviews for Final will be held on Sunday, May 6. Students are free to attend either (or both).

Berenstein    DBRT 102 4-6
Hind          DBRT 102 7-9