Spring 2025 |
Fall 2024 |
Summer 2024 |
Spring 2024 |
Fall 2023 |
Summer 2023 |
Spring 2023 |
Fall 2022 |
Summer 2022 |
Spring 2022 |
Fall 2021 |
Summer 2021 |
Spring 2021 |
Fall 2020 |
Summer 2020 |
Spring 2020 |
Fall 2019 |
Summer 2019 |
Spring 2019 |
Fall 2018 |
Summer 2018 |
Spring 2018 |
Fall 2017 |
Spring 2017 |
Fall 2016 |
Spring 2016 |
Fall 2015 |
Summer 2015 |
CSE 20232 C/C++ Programming (Substitute)
Summer 2011 |
Boeing Academic Excellence Workshop - Introduction to Computer Science
CSE 20232 C/C++ Programming (Substitute)
Fall 2010 |
Summer 2010 |
CSE 20232 C/C++ Programming (Substitute)
Fall 2009 |
Spring 2009 |
CSE 20221 Logic Design and Sequential Circuits (Teaching Assistant)
Spring 2008 |
CSE 20221 Logic Design and Sequential Circuits (Teaching Assistant)
Fall 2008 |
CSE 40881 Extreme Computing: Parallel CPU Programming (Teaching Assistant)
Fall 2007 |
CSE 30321 Computer Architecture I (Teaching Assistant)
Fall 2005 |
CSE 30331 Data Structures (Teaching Assistant)
Spring 2005 |
CSE 20212 Fundamentals of Computing II (Teaching Assistant)
Fall 2004 |
CSE 20211 Fundamentals of Computing I (Teaching Assistant)
Spring 2004 |
EG 10111 Introduction to Engineering II (Peer Mentor)
Fall 2003 |
EG 10110 Introduction to Engineering I (Peer Mentor)
2015 |
2014 |
2013 |
Peter Bui, Travis Boettcher, Nicholas Jaeger, and Jeffrey Westphal.
Using Clusters in Undergraduate Research: Distributed Animation Rendering, Photo Processing, and Image Transcoding.
IEEE Cluster (CLUSTER2013).
Indianapolis, IN.
September, 2013.
Awarded Best Paper in Education, Outreach, and Training track.
Nicholas Jaeger and Peter Bui.
To the Cloud and Back: A Distributed Photo Pipeline.
Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS2013).
La Crosse, WI.
April, 2013.
Awarded Third Place.
Jeffrey Westphal and Peter Bui.
Scalable Distributed Image Transcoding using Python-WorkQueue.
Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS2013).
La Crosse, WI.
April, 2013.
2012 |
Michael Albrecht, Patrick Donnelly, Peter Bui, and Douglas Thain.
Makeflow: A Portable Abstraction for Data Intensive Computing on Clusters, Clouds, and Grids.
Software: Practice and Experience (SPE).
November, 2012.
Irena Lanc, Peter Bui, Douglas Thain, and Scott Emrich.
Adapting Bioinformatics Applications for Heterogeneous Systems: A Case Study.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE).
September, 2012.
Hoang Bui, Peter Bui, Patrick Flynn, and Douglas Thain.
ROARS: A Robust Object Archival System for Data Intensive Scientific Computing.
Distributed and Parallel Databases, Springer (DPD).
August, 2012.
Peter Bui.
A Compiler Toolchain for Data Intensive Scientific Workflows.
Ph.D. Dissertation.
University of Notre Dame (UND).
University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, IN.
June, 2012.
Michael Albrecht, Patrick Donnelly, Peter Bui, and Douglas Thain.
Makeflow: A Portable Abstraction for Data Intensive Computing on Clusters, Clouds, and Grids.
Workshop on Scalable Workflow Enactment Engines and Technologies at ACM SIGMOD (SWEET2012).
Scottsdale, Arizona.
May, 2012.
Douglas Thain, Michael Albrecht, Hoang Bui, Peter Bui, Rory Carmichael, Scott Emrich, and Patrick Flynn.
Data Intensive Computing with Clustered Chirp Servers.
Data Intensive Distributed Computing: Challenges and Solutions for Large-scale Information Management, IGI Global, Chapter 6 (IGIGLOBAL).
May, 2012.
2011 |
Peter Bui, Dinesh Rajan, Badi Abdul-Wahid, Jesus Izaguirre, and Douglas Thain.
Work Queue + Python: A Framework For Scalable Scientific Ensemble Applications.
Workshop on Python for High Performance and Scientific Computing at Supercomputing (PYHPC2011).
Seattle, WA.
November, 2011.
Peter Bui, Li Yu, Andrew Thrasher, Rory Carmichael, Irena Lanc, Patrick Donnelly, and Douglas Thain.
Scripting distributed scientific workflows using Weaver.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE).
November, 2011.
Irena Lanc, Peter Bui, Douglas Thain, and Scott Emrich.
Adapting Bioinformatics Applications for Heterogeneous Systems: A Case Study.
Workshop on Emerging Computational Methods for the Life Sciences (ECMLS2011).
San Jose, CA.
June, 2011.
Michael Albrecht, Patrick Donnelly, Peter Bui, and Douglas Thain.
Makeflow: A Portable Abstraction for Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing..
Technical Report.
University of Notre Dame (UND).
University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, IN.
February, 2011.
2010 |
Patrick Donnelly, Peter Bui, and Douglas Thain.
Attaching Cloud Storage to a Campus Grid Using Parrot, Chirp, and Hadoop.
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CLOUDCOM2010).
Indianapolis, IN.
November, 2010.
Andrew Thrasher, Rory Carmichael, Peter Bui, Li Yu, Douglas Thain, and Scott Emrich.
Taming Complex Bioinformatics Workflows with Weaver, Makeflow, and Starch.
Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS2010).
New Orleans, LA.
November, 2010.
Hoang Bui, Peter Bui, Patrick Flynn, and Douglas Thain.
ROARS: A Scalable Repository for Data Intensive Scientific Computing.
Workshop on Data Intensive Distributed Computing at ACM HPDC (DIDC2010).
Chicago, IL.
June, 2010.
Peter Bui, Li Yu, and Douglas Thain.
Weaver: Integrating Distributed Computing Abstractions into Scientific Workflows using Python.
Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments at ACM HPDC (CLADE2010).
Chicago, IL.
June, 2010.
2009 |
2019 |
Peter Bui.
Python Bootcamp.
Computing Research Experiences for Teachers (NDRET2019).
Notre Dame, IN.
July, 2019.
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
Chris Johnson and Peter Bui.
Madeup: A Language for Making Things Up.
Special Interest Group - Computer Science Education (SIGCSE2015).
Kansas City, Missouri.
March, 2015.
Lucas Novoa, Charles Volzka, and Peter Bui.
WIDLE: A Web Based Linux Interface.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2015).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
May, 2015.
Grant Wuerker and Peter Bui.
Obelisk: Summoning Minions on a HPC Cluster.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2015).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
May, 2015.
John Stupka and Peter Bui.
Monitoring, Analyzing, and Visualizing Distributed Computing Clusters.
Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS2015).
Grand Forks, ND.
April, 2015.
Haley Muotka, Trey Zahradka, and Peter Bui.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2015).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
May, 2015.
Matthew Kennedy and Peter Bui.
Integration of atmospheric sensors into Unmanned Aerial Vehicle platforms.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2015).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
May, 2015.
Peter Bui and Chris Johnson.
Madeup: A Language for Making Things Up.
Special Interest Group - Computer Science Education (SIGCSE2015).
Kansas City, Missouri.
March, 2015.
2014 |
Zach Zens, Hyoki Lee, Kim Pierson, and Peter Bui.
Integrating MAVLink with LABView: An Arduino-based Autonomous Robotics Platform.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2014).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
May, 2014.
Justin Feiock, Corey Feiock, Nicholas Hasz, and Peter Bui.
Social Gaming with Chromecast.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2014).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
May, 2014.
John Rankin, Travis Boettcher, and Peter Bui.
A Web Portal For An Animation Render Farm.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2014).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
May, 2014.
John Fisher, Robert Fisher, and Peter Bui.
Dark Nebula: Using the Cloud to Build a RESTful Web Service.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2014).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
May, 2014.
Justin Feiock, Corey Feiock, Nicholas Hasz, and Peter Bui.
Social Gaming with Chromecast.
Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS2014).
Verona, WI.
April, 2014.
2013 |
Peter Bui.
Scientific, Distributed, Cloud Computing.
Student Association of Computing Machinery (SACM2013).
Eau Claire, WI.
December, 2013.
Peter Bui.
Work Queue: A Master/Worker Framework for PDC Education and Research.
Broader Engagement and HPC Educators Program at Supercomputing (HPCED2013).
Denver, CO.
November, 2013.
Peter Bui.
Using Work Queue Inside and Outside the Classroom.
Cooperative Computing Lab Workshop (CCL2013).
University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, IN.
October, 2013.
Peter Bui.
Using HTCondor for Teaching and Research at UWEC.
HTCondor Week (CONDOR2013).
University of Wisconsin - Madison. Madison, WI.
May, 2013.
James Felton, Adam Al-Ibrahim, Peter Bui, and Chris Johnson.
Buster: Distributed Graphical Visualizations on a Budget-minded Cluster.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2013).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
April, 2013.
Jeffrey Westphal and Peter Bui.
Scalable Distributed Image Transcoding using Python-WorkQueue.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2013).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
April, 2013.
Nicholas Goble, Cameron Bjorklund, and Peter Bui.
Media Server Portal.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2013).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
April, 2013.
Nicholas Jaeger and Peter Bui.
Collaborating Graphical Evidence: Distributed Photo Processing.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2013).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
April, 2013.
Nicholas Jaeger, Trey Zahradka, and Peter Bui.
A Music Filled Flask: Real Time Distributed Transcoding.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2013).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
April, 2013.
Travis Boettcher and Peter Bui.
Using Distributed Computing to Decrease Render Times.
Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA2013).
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eau Claire, WI.
April, 2013.
James Felton, Adam Al-Ibrahim, Peter Bui, and Chris Johnson.
Distributed Graphical Visualizations on a Bramble of Raspberry Pis.
Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS2013).
La Crosse, WI.
April, 2013.
2012 |
2010 |
2022 |
Outstanding Teaching Award (Computer Science and Engineering) |
University of Notre Dame |
2021 |
Edmund P. Joyce Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching |
University of Notre Dame |
2017 |
College of Engineering Outstanding Teacher Award |
University of Notre Dame |
2017 |
Frank O'Malley Teaching Award |
University of Notre Dame |
2016 |
Outstanding Teaching Award (Computer Science and Engineering) |
University of Notre Dame |
2010 - 2012 |
GAANN Fellowship |
US Department of Education |
2011 |
Computer Science Engineering Student Poster Award |
University of Notre Dame |
2006 - 2010 |
Schmitt Fellowship |
Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation |
2006 |
Outstanding Computer Science Undergraduate |
University of Notre Dame |
2006 |
Summa Cum Laude |
University of Notre Dame |
2022 |
Paul Gierl. |
2018 |
Michael Eisemann. |
2015 |
Charles Volzka, Grant Wuerker, Haley Muotka, John Stupka, Lucas Novoa, Matt Kennedy, Trey Zahradka. |
2014 |
Ben Singer, Chris Haynes, Corey Feiock, Hyoki Lee, John Fisher, John Rankin, Justin Feiock, Nate Carr, Nicholas Hasz, Robert Fisher, Travis Boettcher, Zach Zens. |
2013 |
Adam Al-Ibrahim, Cameron Bjorklund, Corey Feiock, James Felton, Jeffrey Westphal, Mitchell Wood, Natalie Wolf, Nicholas Goble, Nicholas Hasz, Nicholas Jaeger, Travis Bischell, Travis Boettcher. |