Physics & Biology Group
Dervis Can Vural, Associate
Professor. Physics Department,
University of Notre Dame. Email:, Tel:
617-401-5659, Room: 384g
- M. Heidelman, D.C. Vural,
Geomorphodynamics, evolution and ecology
of vertical roots,
Frontiers in Plant Science, 14:1047 (2023) [download]
- S. Ghonge, D.C. Vural,
Counterfactual Thermodynamics:
Extracting work from a lack of
change, Physica A:
Statistical Mechanics and
Applications, 11:126893 (2022) [download]
- B. Morsky, D.C. Vural,
Suppressing evolution of antibiotic
resistance through environmental
switching. Theoretical
doi:10.1007/s12080-022-00530-4 (2022)
- V. Nguyen, D.C. Vural,
Extinction in complex communities as
driven by adaptive dynamics.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology,
January 1 (2021) [download]
- V. Nguyen, D.C. Vural,
Theoretical guidelines for editing
ecological communities. Journal
of Theoretical Biology, 534, 110945
(2021) [download]
- G. Uppal, G. Bahcecioglu, P.
Zorlutuna, D.C. Vural, Tissue
failure propagation as mediated by
circulatory flow. Biophysical
Journal, doi:
10.1016/j.bpj.2020.11.004 (2020) [download]
- G. Uppal, W. Hu, D.C. Vural,
Evolution of chemotactic
hitchhiking. Journal of
Evolutionary Biology, doi:
10.1111/jeb.13695 (2020) [download]
- G. Uppal, D.C. Vural,
Evolution of Specialization in
dynamic fluids. Journal of
Evolutionary Biology. 00:1-14,
(2020) [download]
- N. Rupprecht, D.C. Vural,
Depletion force between disordered
linear macromolecules. Physical
Review E, 101, 022607 (2020)
- N. Rupprecht, D.C. Vural,
Predictive Maxwell's Demons.
Physical Review E, 102(6):062145.
(2020) [download]
- N. Rupprecht, D.C. Vural,
Maxwell's demons with finite size
and response time. Physical
Review Letters, 123, 080603 (2019) [download]
- N. Rupprecht, D.C. Vural,
the predictability and
retrodictability of stochastic
processes. Communications
Physics, 2.1 (2019): 57 [download]
- X. Fu, S. Kato, J. Long, H.
Mattingly, C. He, D.C. Vural, S.
Zucker, T. Emonet, Spatial
self-organization resolves conflicts
between individuality and collective
migration, Nature
Communications, 9.1 (2018): 2177
- G. Uppal, D.C. Vural,
Shearing in flow environment
promotes evolution of social
behavior in microbial populations, eLife.
2018 May 22;7:e34862 [download]
- N. Rupprecht, D.C. Vural, Limits
on inferring the past,
Physical Review E, 97.6 (2018): 062155
- B. Morsky, D.C. Vural,
Cheater-altruist synergy in
immunopathogenic ecological public
goods games,
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 454,
7: 231-239 (2018) [download]
- S. Ghonge, D.C. Vural, Temperature
as a quantum observable,
Journal of Statistical Mechanics,
073102 (2018) [download]
- D. Suma, A. Acun, P. Zorlutuna,
D.C. Vural,
Interdependence theory of tissue
failure: bulk and boundary effects,
Proceedings of the Royal Society, Open
Science, 5.2 (2018): 171395 [download]
- N. Rupprecht, D.C. Vural, Collective
motion of predictive swarms,
PLoS One, 12(10), e0186785 (2017)
- V. Nguyen, D.C. Vural, Morphological
inversion of complex diffusion,
Physical Review E, 96.3 (2017): 032314
- G. Forte, D.C. Vural, Iterative
control strategies for nonlinear
systems, Physical Review E,
96.1 (2017): 012102 [download]
- S. Ghonge, D.C. Vural, Inferring
network structure from cascades,
Physical Review E, 96.1 (2017): 012319
- A. Acun, D.C. Vural, P.
Zorlutuna, A tissue engineered model of
aging: Interdependence and
cooperative effects in failing
tissues, Scientific Reports,
7.1 (2017): 5051 [download]
- I.U. Can, D.C. Vural, P.
Zorlutuna, Muscle cell-based living
diodes, Advanced Biosystems,
1.1-2 (2017) [download]
- D.C. Vural, A. Isakov, L.
Mahadevan, The organization and control
of an evolving interdependent
population, Journal of the
Royal Society, Interface, 12 (108) (2015)
- D.C. Vural, G. Morrison, and L.
Mahadevan, Aging in complex
interdependency networks.
Physical Review E 89.2 (2014): 022811.
- A.J. Leggett, D.C. Vural, Tunneling
two-level systems model of the
low-temperature properties of
glasses: Are
“smoking-gun” tests possible?
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
117.42 (2013): 12966-12971. [download]
- D.C. Vural, A.J. Leggett,
sound absorption in amorphous
solids: A theory of elastically
coupled generic blocks.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
357.19 (2011): 3528-3537. [download]
- D.C. Vural, When
models interact with their subjects:
The dynamics of model aware systems.
PLoS One 6.6 (2011): e20721 [download]
- T. Achler, D.C. Vural, E. Amir, Counting
objects with biologically inspired
regulatory-feedback networks.
Neural Networks. IJCNN, IEEE, (2009).
- S. Erkoc, D.C. Vural, Molecular-dynamics
simulations of carbon nanocage
structures: Nanoballs and
nanotoroids. International
Journal of Modern Physics C 12.05
(2001): 685-690. [download]