Fundamental Science Research
At its heart, science is about understanding the world about us. To this end, we study the basic principles behind light energy conversion, photocatalysis, graphene chemistry, and electrochemistry. Research into the fundamental science behind these processes can further our insight and understanding and ultimately allow us to create better, more efficient, devices.
Light Energy Conversion
Converting photon energy into free charge carriers (an electron and a hole) is the fundamental process behind all solar energy. By understanding the processes that govern photoactive systems (electron transfer, fluorescence, FRET, etc.), we can harness the desireable processes and inhibit those processes that reduce performance.
PhotocatalysisThe exiton (electron-hole pair) generated upon light absoption can directly be used to either reduce (electron) or oxidize (hole) a chemical species. By tuning the energy of the exiton, it can be used to promote or accelerate specific, desireable, reactions such as, the destruction of organic pollutants, the production of chemical fuels, and air purification.
Graphene ChemistryGraphene, a 2-dimensional conductive carbon sheet, has a wide variety of applications in energy conversion as it stores and shuttle electrons. To utilize these properties in devices, a better understanding of graphene's properties and behavior in a different systems is needed.
ElectrochemistryElectrochemistry is study of chemical reactions between a semiconductor or metal electron conductor, and an electrolyte where an electron is transferred at the interface between the semiconductor/metal and the electrolyte. These types of interactions can be found in a wide variety of systems including batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, and solar cells