College News
Antsaklis Receives Presidential Appointment <more>
Brennecke Receives Professional Progress Award <more>
Construction Slated to Begin on New Engineering Buildings <more>
Corke Receives University Research Award <more>
Face Recognition Article Hits Top 25 List <more>
Flynn Named IAPR Fellow <more>
Fuja Named EE Department Chair <more>
Jena Receives CAREER Award <more>
Kogge Named to Interim Council for CCC <more>
Ovaert Named ASME Fellow <more>
Roeder Receives TMS Early Career Award <more>
Silliman Receives Global Engineering & Engineering Technology Educator Award <more>
Yang Receives Jakob Memorial Award <more>

Notre Dame Teams Place in 2006 ACM Contest

Irish Blue — senior Jeffrey Smith, junior Daniel Dugovic, and freshman Christopher Fallin — and Irish Gold — junior Nicholas Schott, freshman Joseph Schmitt, and freshman Eric Riedl — participated in the 2006 Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest, held in November 2006. Irish Blue repeated last year’s ninth place finish, while Irish Gold placed 36th, the highest of any largely freshman team.

During the competition a total of 116 teams from 64 colleges and universities in the East Central North American Region were challenged to solve eight complex problems. The team that solved the most problems in the fewest attempts, and the least amount of time, won.

The East Central region includes universities from Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, western Pennsylvania, and eastern Ontario. Ray Sepeta, academic adviser for the University’s First Year of Studies Program, served as the adviser for both teams.


Student News

Bengal Bouts: A Fighting Chance <more>

Brenner Receives Grant for Community-based Research <more>

ND-SWE Named Outstanding Student Section <more>
Nightingale and Wittich Named DEPS Scholars <more>
Notre Dame Teams Place in 2006 ACM Contest <more>
On Location in the Big Easy <more>

Alumni News

To visit College of Engineering Alumni News <click here>



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