JMC : Catholic Moral Teaching / by Joseph Mausbach


AEquiprobabilism, 192
Aggressiveness, Protestant, 14
Alexander VII, 91
Alliance, Evangelical, 10, 43, 44 et seq.
Alphonsus, St, 57 et seq., 96, 99, 102, 112, 117, 126, 134, 192 et seq., 272
Ambrose, St., 488
Aristotle, 73, 84, 224, 316, 488
Arts and the Catholic Church, 412, 478
Ascetic life and life in the world, 278 et seq.
-- literature, 71
-- and speculative treatment of morals, 69
Associations, 415 et seq., 453
-- Catholic, 418, 430, 433, 460 et seq.
-- charitable, 459
-- mixed, 433 et seq.
-- political, 462 et seq.
-- for secular purposes, 417 et seq.
-- social, 459
-- for the social and spiritual welfare of the people, 417 et seq.
-- for students, 460
-- of workingmen, 429
Attacks upon Catholic Morals, 3, 7, 10, 106
Attritionism, 61, 101 et seq.
Augustine, St., 57 et seq., 85, 96, 106, 221 et seq., 314, 340 et seq., 415, 457, 480
Authority, the pastoral, 391

Baur, J. C., 24
Beghards, 239
Bellarmine, 367, 370, 387
Bernard, St., 329
Bismarck, 45, 350
Bonaventure, St., 267
Bouquillon, 62
Braun, W., 171
Busenbaum, 93

Calixtus, Georg, 174
Capecelatro, Cardinal, 67
Carlyle, Thomas (on mental reservation), 123
Casuistry, 7, 57 et seq., 79 et seq.
-- abuses in, 91
-- lax views condemned by Popes, 191
-- practised by Protestants, 213, 302
Catholic pioneers of modern science, 310
-- achievement in culture, 306 et seq.
-- books not read by Protestants, 34 et seq.
-- grievances, 49
-- clergy, enjoying more confidence than Protestant clergy, 83
-- seclusiveness, 54, 427
Cathrein, V., 137, 194, 454
Cavagnis, 345, 366, 415, 457 et seq.
Celibacy, 292
Chamberlain, 338
Charity, its central position in the
Catholic religion, 223 et seq.
Christ's teaching, 179 et seq.
Christian Trades Unions (see also Associations), 466, 471
Christianity, interdenominational,428
Church, authority of the, 377 et seq., 391
-- and the arts, 412, 478
-- and civic liberty, 402
-- universal, 36
Church, political principles of the, 350
-- her accommodation to requirements of time and people, 396
-- her authority over secular life, 399
-- and the family, 413
-- and marriage, 286, 412
-- and State, 337 et seq.
-- and worldly activities, 412
-- false view of the, 36
-- jurisdiction of the, 409
-- and subjective liberty, 475
Civil society, its dependence upon State and Church, 414
Civilization due to Catholic Church, 309 et seq.
-- false, 488
Clement, St., 399, 480
Clergy, Protestant, preaching contrary to their convictions, 124
Commandment, Sixth, 103
Commandments vs. Counsels, 270 et seq.
-- of the Church, 142 et seq., 178, 392, 396
Comte, A., 347
Confession, 105
-- Protestant praise of, 89
Confessional, its influence on morality, 105
Conscience, the law of, 131
Contrast between Catholicism and Protestantism, 10
Contrition, Imperfect, 101 et seq.
Council of Trent, 18, 24, 32, 239
-- Vatican, 386, 487
Counsels, Evangelical, 235

Dasbach, P., 94
Delbrück, H., 345
Denifle, 11, 12, 151, 271
Descartes, 477
Desire for happiness, human, 215
-- motive in morality, 215 et seq.
Difference between mortal and venial sin, 258 et seq.
Döllinqer, 18, 25, 57, 101, 122, 162, 167
Darner, 427

Eckhart, 239
Education, 459 et seq.
Encycicals, Papal, on duties of citizens, 338, 351 et seq., 428
End, the, justifies the Means? 92 et seq.
Equality, civil, of creeds, 47
Ethical scepticism, 77
Ethics, modern, 86, 252
Eucken, 333
Evangelical Counsels, 235
Evers, G., 41, 43
Explicit faith, 99
External compliance with laws of morality, 229

Faith, Catholic conception of, 17
-- explicit, 99
-- implicit, 98
-- justifying, 20 et seq., 27 et seq.
-- Protestant conception of, 23 et seq.
-- task of, 491 et seq.
Family, the, and the Church, 413
Feminism, in sexual matters, 107
Fichte, 32
Fides Implicita, 98
Fischer, Cardinal, 473
Förster, F. W., 9, 35
Freedom in teaching injurious to Protestant religion, 399
-- of will, denied by Luther, 146, 169 et seq.

Gallwitz, 398
Gass, 74, 239, 299
Gauss, 85
Geffcken, 337
Giesberts, 437
Gladstone, 350
Gnostics, 286
God, natural recognition of, 477
Goethe, 32, 213, 333
Gonzalez, 191
Görres-Gesellschaft, 460
Götz, L. K., 377
Grace, 315, 324 et seq., 486
Granderath, 488
Graveyard scandals, 41 et seq.
Grisar, 12
Grotius, Hugo, 74, 212
Grünberg, P., 93
Guilds of the Middle Ages, 418
Guimenius, 98
Gury, 108, 115, 126

Haeckel, 121
Harnack, 6, 18, 27, 28, 31, 41, 48, 57 et seq., 70, 100 et seq., 167, 174, 252, 310, 333, 376, 400, 431
Hartmann, E. von, 86, 131
Hase, K., 26
Heinrich, 387
Herrmann, W., 4, 5, 6, 9, 57, 90, 132, 136, 140, 176, 179 et seq., 194 et seq., 305, 376
Hesse, Philip of, 81, 97, 122
Hillebrand, 117
Hilty, 296, 335
Hobbes, 218
Hoensbroech, Paul von, 7, 8, 43, 62, 94, 98, 106 et seq.
Hoepel, 5
Hollweck, 368, 386, 417
Holzamer, H., 468, 492

Ihering, R. von, 88
Implicit Faith, 98
Imputation of Christ's justice according to Luther, 165 et seq.
Independent activity of the laity, 423
Independence of created things, 475
-- the Catholic's lack of, 474
Index, 34, 38
Individual, liberty of the, 376 et seq.
Individualism, dangerous, 424, 426
-- exaggerated, introduced by Luther, 252
Industrial and economic activity and the Church, 412
Infallibility of the Pope, 378 et seq.
Innocent IV, 344
Innocent XI, 191
Intention, habitual, 441
-- and will, 244
-- in Oaths and Promises, 108
Interdenominationalism (see also Associations), 431, 458
Intercourse with the excommunicated, 458
Ivo of Chartres, 371

James, W., 216, 311
Jansenius, 17, 449
Jansenism, 216
Jansenists, 191
Janssen, J., 17, 122
Jellinek, 337, 346
Jentsch, Karl, 8, 49, 89, 95, 126, 317, 395
Jesuits, 5, 6, 75, 92, 103, 249
John Chrysostom, St., 287
Joint action of Catholics with members of other creeds (see also Interdenominationalism) 427, 450, 464 et seq.
Jonas, Justus, 40
Jorgensen, J., 304
Judgment, individual, 212
Justification, Catholic doctrine on, 21, 27 et seq., 102, 150 et seq.
Justifying faith, Luther's doctrine of (see Sola Fides doctrine)

Kant, 38, 73, 84, 87, 138 et seq., 215, 218, 305, 328, 333
Key, Ellen, 108
Köhler, W., 16, 18, 26, 27, 150, 174, 349
Köln, 450, 489
Kopp, Cardinal, 473
Köstlin, 146, 188
Kötschke, H., 82
Krogh-Tonning, 23, 25, 35
Kulturkampf, 47, 49

Labour Unions (see Associntions, also Trades Unions)
Legarde, 25, 174, 278
Lamennais, 18
Lammer, H., 370
Lange, Helene, 108
Law, natural, divine, human, 179 et seq.
-- of the Church, 176
Lax views condemned by Popes, 191
Laymann, 96, 98, 99, 102
Lehmkuhl, 99, 206, 283, 386
Leo XIII, 45, 50, 61, 338 et seq., 351, 401, 402, 404, 413, 416, 420, 468
Lessing, 349
Lessius, 71, 81
Leyen, von der, 91
Liberty, subjective, and ecclesiastical authority, 475
-- civil, fostered by the Church, 402
Lie, permissible, 116 et seq.
Life, ascetic (see Ascetic life)
Liguori (see St. Alphonsus)
Linsenmann, 72, 206, 261
Locke, 349
Los-von-Rom movement, 3, 10, 44
Lugo, de, 110
Love of God and daily work, 441 et seq.
-- highest aim, 440
Luther, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19, 81, 97, 252, 297, 348
-- an autonomist, 144 et seq.
-- on merit, 234 et seq.
Luther's conception of law, 187
-- denial of the moral law, 187 et seq.
-- doctrine, contradictions in, 300 et seq., 326, 347
-- essential doctrines, 22, 145 et seq.
-- opinion of woman, 299
-- persecution of heretics, 349
-- person, veneration of, 16,19,25
-- teaching about the imputation of Christ's justice, 165 et seq.
-- view on reservatio mentalis, 121
-- views causing moral harm, 148
-- wrong done to Catholic Church, acknowledged by Protestants, 174

Macdonald, George, 32
Machiavelli, 218
Macaulay, 350
Majoristic controversy, 25
Majunke, P., 41
Man, autonomous, 216
Marriage, defended by Church, 286, 412
Marriage, Luther's view on, 107
Maryland, Colony of, 349
Medina, B., 191
Melanchthon, 24, 75
Men ger, 495
Mercier, Cardinal, 489
Merit of good deeds, 232
Met hodius, St., 106
Modern ethical teaching hostile to Christianity, 252
Modernism, 424, 431
Mohler, 24, 302
Molina, 75, 81
Monism among Protestants, 305
Montanists, 286
Morality, superior to every other department of life, 480 et seq.
-- aim of Christian, 496
-- Christian, 60 et seq.
-- desire for happiness, motive in, 215 et seq.
-- external, 229
-- matter of feeling, 86
-- Protestant, 78
Morals (see also Casuistry), ascetic and speculative treatment, 69
-- Catholic, external, 131, 229
-- a matter of reason, 79
-- a matter of sentiment, 79
-- feminism in, 107
Müller, Julius, 260

Nathusius, von, 79
Natural and supernatural, connection and difference of, 487
Natural vs. supernatural, 312
Naturalism, 425
Natural moral disposition in sinners, 448
-- motives, 447
Naumann, V. (Pilatus), 8, 95, 106
Neumann, A., 319
Newman, Cardinal, 36, 40, 287, 382
Nicholas I, Pope, 351

Oath, simulation of, 109 et seq.
-- intention in taking, 108
Orders, religious (see also Religious state), 290, 294 et seq.
Origen, 288

Palmieri, 102
Pantheism, 254, 305, 494
Pascal, 92, 177, 191
Paulsen, 7, 104, 107, 302, 346, 394
Paulus, N., 97, 349
Pecca fortiter, 26, 164
Perfection, Christian, in what it consists, 271
Pesch, Chr., 102
Pesch, H., 408, 414, 418
Pfleiderer, O., 131
Philip of Hesse, 81, 97, 122
Pietism, 302
Piety, Christian, 221
-- Protestant, 251
Pilatus (see Neumann)
Pius IX, 342
Pius X, 338 et seq., 404, 409, 428, 434, 472
Plato, 135, 316, 488
Position of Catholics, 33
Probabilism, 4, 5, 6, 57, 61 et seq., 176 et seq.
-- definition of, 189
-- practised by Protestants, 213
Probabiliorism, 191
Progress in civilization not due to
Protestantism, 302
Proselytism, 43
Protestant aggressiveness, 14
-- Alliance (see Evangelical Alliance)
-- vs. Catholic consciousness, 41
-- clergy preaching contrary to their conviction, 124
-- contempt for Catholics, 34
-- faith more than Catholic susceptible to critical attacks, 322
-- influences, 38, 49
-- religion injured by freedom in teaching, 399
Protestantism, 13
-- antagonistic to arts, 303
-- offers slight resistance to dangerous ideas, 432
-- severity of, 398
Puritans of North America, 398

Quesnel, 449
Questions of conscience decided by moral sense, 85

Rade, M., 80, 81
Rationalism, 32
-- in the Protestant Church, 398
Reductions of Paraguay, 411
Reformation, 11, 13, 15, 134
-- its effect upon relation between Church and State, 347
-- "silent," 25, 31
Reichmann, M., 94
Religious state (see also Orders), 270 et seq.
Reservation, mental, 108 et seq., 113 et seq.
-- Luther's support of it, 121
-- believed in by Protestants, 122, 125
Reusch, 57, 101
Revelation, 316 et seq., 486
-- and exterior civilization, 486
Reward, supernatural, as due to good deeds, 232
-- motive for morality, 216 et seq.
Ribbing, Dr., 104
Richter, Jean Paul, 333
Riehl, W. H., 291
Right of the Church to control her own internal discipline, 391
Ritschl, Otto, 4, 72, 86, 174, 243
Rocholl, 302
Rok, P., 92
Rolffs, 205, 213
Rousseau, 349
Ruville, A. von, 35

Sacraments, efficacy of, 327
Scandals in the Church, 18, 19
Scepticism, ethical, 77
Scheeben, 58
Schiele, M., 35, 427, 474, 485
Schleiermacher, 80
Schmid, Fr., 98
Scholasticism, 151, 224, 488
Schopenhauer, 38, 288
Schulthess-Rechberg, von, 278
Schulze, O., 132
Schurz, Karl, 93
Seclusiveness of Catholics, 54, 427
Secular affairs must be subject to highest aim, 439 el seq.
Sell, K., 13, 14, 29, 30, 34, 45, 50 et seq., 78, 100, 216, 308, 337, 427
Sello, 118
Severity of Protestant discipline, 398
Shaftesbury, 215
Simulation of oath, 109 et seq.
Sillon, the, 420
Sin, 12, 150 et seq.
-- mortal and venial, 237 et seq., 258 et seq.
Sinner, yet just (see also Pecca fortiter), 26, 170 et seq.
Sins, grievous and venial, in Luther's doctrine, 165 et seq.
-- mortal, 259
-- the seven chief, 248
-- venial, 268
Social development, modern, 83
Socialism, 426, 495
Societies (see Associations)
Sola fides doctrine, 158 et seq., 166, 237, 297 et seq.
Sombart, 495
Suarez, 75, 137, 277, 368, 370, 409
Subjective conception of faith, 4
State, the, 14
-- the Catholic, 360
-- and Church, 337 et seq.
-- laws against heretics, 345 et seq.
-- superior to any association, 458
Stäudlin, 72
Stange, 131

Temptations, regarded as sins by Protestants, 246
Ter Haar, 192, 200
Tertullian, 18
Thalhofer, F., 280, 395
Thirty Years' War, 40
Thomas Aquinas, St., 38, 61, 73 et seq., 96, 99, 101, 133 et seq., 178 et seq., 184 et seq., 193, 224 et seq., 240 et seq., 255 et seq., 288, 314, 324, 330, 344, 413, 440, 441, 480, 487, 495
Titius, A., 122
Toleration, 39 et seq., 349
Tolstoi, 32
Trades Unions (see also Associations), 433 et seq.
Tradition of the Church, 7, 21
Treitschke, 341, 343
Troltsch, B., 309, 427
Tschackert, 23, 25, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 93, 163, 428, 431
Tutelage of Protestantism, 398
Tutiorism, 191

Uhlhorn, 292
Unions, Christian (see also Associations), 429, 435

Vasquez, 75, 137
Virtue, not its own reward, 228
Viva, 100, 109
Vocation, choice of, 412
Volksverein, 10
Voltaire, 105

Wagner, C., 105
Walch, 148, 162
Walter, 496
Weiss, A., 67, 415, 455
Wendt, 7
Werner, J., 5, 69
Wernle, 243
Wernz, 368
Wiese, 126
Willems, 455
Willmann, O., 210, 373
Woman, Luther's view of, 299
-- the view of the Catholic Church, 301
Worldly achievements in the eyes of the Church, 276 et seq.
Wrong done to Catholic Church by Luther acknowledged by Protestants, 174

Ziegler, 72
Zinzendorf, 35, 81
Zockler, O., 92

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