Kareem Receives Scanlan Award with Medal
Ahsan Kareem, the Robert M. Moran Professor
of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences, has been named the recipient
of the 2005 Robert H. Scanlan Award with Medal by the Engineering Mechanics
Division of the American Society of Civil Engineering. He was cited for “outstanding
original contributions to analysis, quantification, modeling, and simulation
of wind-load effects for structural design, achieved by merging the fundamentals
of structural mechanics and fluid dynamics.”
Specializing in probabilistic structural dynamics, fluid-structure
interactions, structural safety, and mitigation of natural hazards, Kareem
has been a member of the Notre Dame faculty since 1990. His research focuses
on the environmental loads of wind, waves and earthquakes on structures,
the associated dynamic behavior of the structures, and risk assessment.
In addition to developing models for predicting structural
responses to environmental hazards, Kareem uses computer models and laboratory
and full-scale experiments to better understand the impact of natural hazards
on the constructed environment.