Student Team Receives Honorable Mention from Metcalf & Eddy
A student team from the Department of Civil Engineering
and Geological Sciences was awarded an honorable mention for finishing
second in the Academic Design Competition for 2004-05 sponsored by Metcalf & Eddy,
Inc.. Margaret
Martin, Maryanne McElwee, Derek Ray, Nicholas Shultz, and Manuel
Urcuyo were acknowledged for their design report and poster submission, “Development
of a Biological Treatment Process for Cost Effectively Achieving Low Nitrogen
Effluents from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Anaerobic Sludge Digestion Centrate/Filtrate.”
Each student team in the competition was responsible for developing an engineering
solution to a real-life problem faced by City of New York wastewater treatment
plants. The Notre Dame projects were carried out as part of CE443: Wastewater
Disposal, a class taught by Assistant Professor Robert Nerenberg. The
graduate teaching assistant for the course was Leon Downing, who
also helped advise the students.
The design competition provides environmental engineering
students with the opportunity to expand their horizons in a team atmosphere
while focusing on an environmental challenge. According to James Anderson,
chief engineer and senior vice president of Metcalf & Eddy, the company’s hope
is that “this experience will further motivate students to pursue a
career in environmental engineering.”
An AECOM company, Metcalf & Eddy provides planning, design, construction,
and operations services for water, wastewater, wet weather, and hazardous
waste management facilities and programs. Metcalf & Eddy publishes the
classic wastewater textbook Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse.
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