Intro to Linear Algebra & Differential Equations  
Math 20580 - Fall 2024

Course Information -- information.pdf

Professors & Class Times

> Section 20580-01 MWF 9:25--10:15am in Hayes-Healy 117

    Prof. Han Lu; Office: Hayes-Healy 216; Email:

> Section 20580-02 MWF 12:50--1:40pm in Hayes-Healy 129

    Prof. Katrina Barron; Office: Hurley 276C; E-mail:

TAs & Tutorials

> TAs:

    Juan Ramirez; Office: 253A Hayes-Healy; Email:

    Khoi Nguyen; Office: 253A Hayes-Healy; Email:

> Tutorials:

    Math 22580-11   Thur   11:00--11:50am, Pasquerilla Center 109
    Math 22580-12   Thur     2:00--2:50pm, Pasquerilla Center 112
    Math 22580-21   Thur     3:30--4:20pm, Pasquerilla Center 112
    Math 22580-22   Thur   12:30--1:20pm, Corbett Family Hall E378

Tentative Schedule -- schedule.pdf


> Office Hours:

    Prof. K. Barron   Wed   2:00-3:00pm, or by appointment (Hurley 276C)
    Prof. H. Lu     Mon   3:00-4:00pm (Hayes-Healy 216)
    K. Nguyen   Thur   5:00-6:00pm (Math Help Room -- Hayes-Healy Basement)
    K. Nguyen   Fri   3:00-4:00pm (Math Help Room -- Hayes-Healy Basement)
    J. Ramirez   Tues   5:00-6:00pm (Math Help Room -- Hayes-Healy Basement)
    J. Ramirez   Sun   4:00-5:00pm (Math Help Room -- Hayes-Healy Basement)
    Math Help Room   MTWTH   1:00-9:00pm (Hayes-Healy Basement)
    Math Help Room   Fri   1:00-4:00pm (Hayes-Healy Basement)
    Math Help Room   Sun   4:00-9:00pm (Hayes-Healy Basement)

Course Updates and Announcements

> Here is the worksheet from the first tutorial and answer key: Week 1 Worksheet, Week 1 Worksheet Solutions.

> Your second homework assignment is due on Friday, September 6th on WebAssign.


> Past course material will be posted here.

Last updated September 18, 2024