Mobius homework are due Tuesday, Thursdays or Saturdays by midnight (11:59pm) on the dates listed in Mobius unless otherwise stated. We have already included grace time into the homework schedule because of this we DO NOT encourage last minute submission of your work on Mobius. We recommend that you have a workbook to record all the computations you do as you complete the problems in the Mobius homework. There is really no difference between paper and pencil homework and Mobius homework other than how they are submitted for grading. You have eight attempts for each problem on Mobius till you get it correct; the highest score will be recorded. The Mobius system is plugged into canvas. You can access Mobius in "Modules" on your Math 10360 Canvas page.
Most homework will be on Mobius but we do have occassional written assignments. We highly recommend that you start working on the homework whenever they are assigned; we DO NOT encourage completing the entire assignment the night before it is due. Written assignments are due on Gradescope on your tutorial Canvas page on its due date. As a general rule, we DO NOT accept late assignments.
You are encouraged to work on homework problems in groups, but the assignments must be turned in individually.
Most homework questions can be done without a calculator, but it is strongly recommended that you do not rely on any of the graphing functions on the calculator. Calculators are NOT allowed in all quizzes and examinations.
Please treat all out of classroom work very seriously. They are very important to your learning; mathematics is NEVER a "spectator sport". So join in the game and get your hands dirty! You will be well rewarded for completing your a work. Homeworks and Assignments are worth 75 points out of the maximum of 600 points you could earn in this course.
All assignments turned in are meant to be read. Here's a Sample Homework showing how your assignments should be written. Sharpen your pencils and have fun!!
The Weekly Example Set is a listing of problems or concept questions that you should be able to answer or work out with some think at the end of each week. Your instructor may require you to print and bring those to class for discussion or reference. The Weekly Example Sets are not homework and are NOT turned in for grading. |