Math 223 Assignments, Winter `04

Reading should be completed before class on the given date. Unless otherwise noted here or in class, homework problems should be completed and turned in at the beginning of class the Wednesday after they are assigned.

Be careful to justify your solution when a problem calls for it. Good reasoning is the main point in this course.

Date Topic Reading Problems
1/14/04 Introduction to Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning preface and pp4-10 1.14 (the sets should be intervals), 1.17, 1.25, 1.33, 1.36, 1.41ef, 1.42, 1.45 (identify the `non'functions and give counterexamples), 1.47, 1.50. solutions (except for 1.50)
1/16/04 Sets, functions, and numbers pp10-20  
1/19/04 Proofs pp25-43  
1/21/04 Proofs (cont)   2.2, 2.4abd, 2.8, 2.16a, 2.21, 2.22, 2.30, 2.32, 2.40, 2.47 (in both parts,give a counterexample if the statement is false and a proof if the statement is true), 2.51a, Extra credit: 2.54 (if you get this one, turn it in directly to me on a separate sheet of paper); solutions.
1/23/04 Induction pp50-62  
1/26/04 Induction (cont) pp63-71  
1/28/04 Induction (cont)   3.11, 3.15, 3.16, 3.26, 3.33, 3.38, 3.50; solutions
1/30/04 Induction/Decimal Expansions pp76-87  
2/2/04 Decimal Expansions    
2/4/04 Injections, surjections, bijections   for practice (i.e. do not turn in): 4.1, 4.8, 4.9, 4.22, 4.24
to turn in: 4.2, 4.6, 4.12, 4.21 (assume n is odd), 4.25, 4.31, 4.34ab, 4.36a ; solutions
for extra credit (work alone, turn in directly to me): 4.21 (n even), 4.36 (prove your formula is correct).
2/6/04 Composition/Cardinality pp87-92  
2/9/04 Cardinality    
2/11/04 Cardinality   Homework assignment 5 ; solutions
2/13/04 Prime factorization pp123-126  
2/16/04 Euclidean algorithm pp126-129  
2/18/04 Review for exam   Homework assignment 6
2/20/04 Exam 1; solutions    
2/23/04 Euclidean algorithm and consequences    
2/25/04 Equivalence relations pp139-141 Homework assignment 6, extended ; solutions
2/27/04 Equivalence relations (cont)    
3/1/04 Congruences    
3/3/04 Applications of congruences pp142-145 Homework assignment 7; solutions
3/5/04 Chinese remainder theorem    
3/15/04 Invertibility mod n pp149-150  
3/17/04 Fermat's little theorem pp147-149 Homework assignment 8, solutions
3/19/04 RSA encryption handout  
3/22/04 Rational numbers pp376-377 (really!)  
3/24/04 Rational numbers--arithmetic and order pp157-162 Homework assignment 9, solutions
3/26/04 Rational numbers (cont)    
3/29/04 Real numbers pp256-258 (really!)  
3/31/04 Review for exam 2   No new homework
4/2/04 Exam 2; solutions    
4/5/04 Limits pp259-263  
4/7/04 Limits (cont)   Homework assignment 10 , solutions
4/14/04 Limits (cont) pp271--275  
4/16/04 Bounded sequences pp276-279  
4/19/04 Cauchy sequences   Homework assignment 11 (due Tuesday 4/27 by 5 PM in my mailbox); solutions
4/21/04 Decimal Expansions pp263-267  
4/23/04 Cardinality of the real numbers    
4/26/04 Decimal expansions of rational numbers    
4/28/04 Review for the final   Review sheet for final