C. D. Mote, Jr.
Mote is the former long-serving President and Glenn L. Martin Institute Professor of the University of Maryland and the incoming President of the National Academy of Engineering. Mote is well known for his work on closing the achievement gap among diverse engineering students, and for his work and thoughts on educational funding models.
(click for bio)
Seeram Ramakrishna
Ramakrishna is Director of the Center for Nanofibers & Nanotechnology, National University of Singapore. He served as the Dean of Engineering from 2003-2008. He is the author of "The Changing Face of Innovation: Is it Shifting to Asia!" He is a Faculty Associate of the Global Asia Institute, and lectures on global trends of higher education, research and innovation.
(click for bio & abstract)
Tae-Eog Lee
Lee is the Dean of Education for the 3.0 Initiative at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He serves as the chairman for the creative education subcommittee for KAIST. At KAIST he has also served as Director of Library and Information Systems and Founding Director of the National Digital Science Library.
(click for bio & abstract)
John J. Tracy
Tracy is Chief Technology Officer of The Boeing Company and Senior Vice President of Engineering, Operations & Technology. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, as well as a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Royal Aeronautical Society and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He has authored more than 30 publications in the areas of composite structural mechanics, launch vehicle structures, smart structures, and aging aircraft.
(click for bio)
Planning Session WEEF/GEDC 2014 Dubai
Speakers: Alaa Ashmawy, Dean, American University of Dubai, UAE
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Hans J. Hoyer, Executive Secretary of GEDC and Secretary General of IFEES, USA
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Welcome Session (Sponsored by TBD)
Speaker: John J. Tracy, Chief Technology Officer, The Boeing Company Senior Vice President, Engineering, Operations & Technology, USA
Session: Engineering Education in a Global, Technology-
Driven Environment
Speaker: Seeram Ramakrishna, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and former Vice-President (Research Strategy) at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
(presentation [7.4mb])
Breakfast at Hotel
Speaker: Jim Tung, MathWorks Fellow, USA
(click for bio | presentation [6.4mb]
Plenary Session: Globalization of Engineering
Speaker: C. D. Mote, Jr., President, U.S. National Academy of Engineering, USA
(presentation [4.3mb])
Plenary Session: Online, Open and Digital Education
Speaker: Tae-Eog Lee, Dean of Education, 3.0 Initiative at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea
(presentation [5.4mb])
Panel Discussion - Impact of Globalization and Information Technology on Engineering Education
Panelists: C. D. Mote, Jr., President, U.S. National Academy of Engineering, USA
Tae-Eog Lee, Dean of Education, 3.0 Initiative at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea
(presentation [1.1mb])
Stephen C-Y. Lu, Professor, University of Southern California, USA
(click for bio | presentation [7.6mb])
Michael E. Auer, Professor, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria
(click for bio | presentation [9.5mb])
Lunch: Keynote Speaker(Sponsored by TBD [IBM?])
Speaker: Dr. Rajneesh Arora, Vice-Chancellor, Punjab Technical University, India
(click for bio)
Session: Digital Education (Focus on Hybrid/Blended Learning)
Panelists: Candace Thille, Director, Open Learning Initiative, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
(click for bio | presentation [6.7mb])
Mangala Sundar Krishnan, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
(click for bio & abstract)
Uriel Rubén Cukierman, Dean, Palermo University, Argentina
(click for bio & abstract | presentation [3.2mb])
Gregory Moses, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
(click for bio & abstract | presentation [84kb])
Session: MOOCS and Digital Education
Panelists: Catherine Ngugi, Open Educational Resources, Kenya
(click for bio & abstract | presentation [9.4mb])
Daphne Koller, Rajeev Motwani Professor in the Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Coursera co-founder, USA
(click for bio & abstract | presentation [1.9mb])
Patricio Del Sol Guzman, Pontifical University of Chile, Santiago
(click for bio & abstract)
Samantha Earp, Interim Executive Director, HarvardX at Harvard University, USA
(click for bio & abstract)
GEDC & Airbus Diversity Award Gala (Sponsored by Airbus)
Master of Ceremonies: Cristina Amon, Dean, University of Toronto, Canada
(click for bio)
Presenters: Charles Champion, Executive Vice President Engineering, Airbus, France
(click for bio)
Sarah A. Rajala, GEDC Chair, Dean, Iowa State University, USA
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GEDC Member Assembly
Speakers: John Beynon, Dean, University of Adelaide, Australia
(click for bio)
Hans J. Hoyer, Executive Secretary of GEDC and Secretary General of IFEES, USA
Session: Global Aspects of Research
Panelists: Kee Chaing Chua, Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
(click for bio | presentation [172kb])
Juan Carlos de la Llera Martin, Dean, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile
(click for bio | presentation [7.7mb])
M. Katherine Banks, Dean, Texas A&M, USA
(click for bio | presentation [544kb])
Jean-François Minster, Senior Vice President of Scientific Development, Total, France
(click for bio | presentation [876kb])
Lunch: Keynote Speaker(Sponsored by TBD [IBM?])(Sponsored by TBD)
Speaker: Xavier Fouger, Program Director, Global Academy Strategic Workforce Planning, Dassault Systèmes, France
(click for bio)
Session: New Dean Mentoring
Speakers: Janie Fouke, Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
(click for bio)
Laura J. Steinberg, Dean, Syracuse University, USA
(click for bio | presentation [2.1mb])
Theophilus Andrew, Dean, Durban University of Technology, South Africa
(click for bio | presentation [180kb])
Session: Accreditation in Engineering Education
Speakers: Michael K. J. Milligan, Executive Director, ABET, USA
(click for bio & abstract | presentation [5.7mb])
Hasan Mandal, Director, Research and Graduate Policy, Sabanci University, Turkey
(click for bio & abstract)
Maria Mercedes Larrondo Petrie, Executive Director, LACCEI, USA
(click for bio & abstract | presentation [7mb])
Hu Hanrahan, President, Washington Accord, Engineering Council of South Africa
(click for bio & abstract | presentation [912kb])
Barry Clarke, University of Leeds, President, Institute of Civil Engineers, UK
(click for bio & abstract | presentation [736kb])
Session: Engineering Education in a Globalized World
Panelists: Satish Udpa, Executive Vice President for Administrative Services, Michigan State University, USA
(click for bio)
Michael Richey, Associate Technical Fellow, The Boeing Company, USA
(click for bio & abstract | presentation [1.4mb])
Sirin Tekinay, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Kadir Has University, İstanbul, Turkey
(click for bio | presentation [5.5mb])
Janie Fouke, Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Conference Closing Session (Details TBD)
Panelists: Jaime Bonilla-Rios, Dean, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
(click for bio | presentation [748kb])
Paul Feigin, Senior Vice President, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
(click for bio | presentation [52kb])
Mostafa Sualp, CEO, AEFIS, Philadelphia, PA, USA
(click for bio | presentation [3mb])
Krishna Vedula, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Dean Emeritus, Francis College of Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
(bio | presentation [72kb])