Math 365 Assignments, Spring `03

Reading should be completed before class on the given date. Unless otherwise noted here or in class, homework problems should be completed and turned in at the beginning of class the Monday after they are assigned.

Date Topic Reading Problems
8/27/03 In the beginning...   paper folding problem (described in class)
8/29/03 Rational versus real numbers pages 1-17 some problems of my own devising;
pp 21-23: 1, 2, 6, 8, 10
9/1/03 Real numbers (continued)    
9/3/03 Cardinality pp 26-30 extra credit problem about decimal expansions
9/5/03 Cardinality (cont) pp 30-36 my problems ; pp 43-46: 2, 4
9/8/03 Metric spaces    
9/10/03 Compact sets pp36-43  
9/12/03 Compact sets (cont)   my problems ; pp43: 6, 9, 11 (explain what fails if not), 12, 23
9/15/03 Connected sets, Cantor sets    
9/17/03 Convergent Sequences pp47-51  
9/19/03 Subsequences   my problems ; p44: 20; pp78-82: 1, 2; my solutions
9/22/03 Limsup, Liminf pp52-57  
9/24/03 Cauchy sequences    
9/26/03 Series pp58-63 p78: 4, 14abc, 16ab, 20, 23; my solutions
9/29/03 e; the root and ratio tests pp64-69, look at page 78: 6abc*, 7, 11*, 15*, 17, 21*, 22*, 23*  
10/1/03 Absolute versus conditional convergence pp71-78, continue looking at problems from Monday  
10/3/03 Exam review Solution to p82: 22  
10/6/03 Continuity pp83-89  
10/8/03 Continuous images of compact and connected sets look at pp98-102: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13  
10/10/03 No class   my problems ; p98: 2, 6, 10, 14; my solutions
10/13/03 Discontinuities, monotonicity pp94-98; look at pp98-102: 16, 18, 19, 23, 26  
10/15/03 Differentiation pp104-111  
10/17/03 Differentiation (cont) look at p115-119: 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 pp100-101: 17 (treat only the cases f(x+) < f(x-) and f(x+) = f(x-) < f(x); the others are similar ), 23;
p114: 6, 9, 13abcd, 14, 19ac, 22abc; my solutions
10/27/03 Differentiation (cont) look at p115-119: 1, 2, 3, 4, 11  
10/29/03 The Riemann Integral pp120-134  
10/31/03 Riemann Integration (cont)    
11/3/03 Integration (cont) look at pp138: 2, 5 my problems; pp138: 7; my solutions
11/5/03 Solutions to homework 7    
11/7/03 Sequences and series of functions read pp143-149  
11/10/03 Uniform convergence and continuity read pp149-154 my problems; pp139: 10abc, pp165: 1, 4; my solutions
11/12/03 Uniform convergence, differentiation, and integration    
11/14/03 Power series read pp172-178  
11/17/03 Power series (cont)   my problems; pp165-166: 2 (just the product part), 3, 9; my solutions
11/19/03 Yet more on power series    
11/21/03 (Double feature) Ordinary differential equations read pp220-221, look at p170: 25  
11/24/03 (Double feature) ODEs: existence and uniqueness theorm   Last homework assignment! my solutions
11/26/03 (Double feature) Yet more ODEs    
11/27/03 - 12/5/03: lull      
12/8/03 TCEs, etc    
12/10/03 Fundamental theorem of algebra