Journal publications in the following broad categories are listed by NatHaz Specific Projects :
(A lot of journal articles are duplicated in several categories due to their interrelation)
Full-Scale Monitoring of Tall Buildings |
Aerodynamic Loads Database : An Interactive Database |
Kareem, A. and Cermak, Journal E. (1979), "Wind Tunnel Simulation of Wind-Structure Interactions", ISA Transactions, Vol.18, No.4, pp.23-41.
Kareem, A. (1982), "Acrosswind Response of Buildings", Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol.108, No.4, April 1982, pp.869-887.
Kareem, A. (1984), "Model for Prediction of the Acrosswind Response of Buildings",
Engineering Structures, Vol.6, No.2, pp.136-141.
Kareem, A. and Cermak Journal E. (1984), "Pressure Fluctuations on a Square Building Model in Boundary-Layer Flows",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.16, pp.17-41.
Kareem, A. (1985), "Lateral-Torsional Motion of Tall Buildings to Wind Loads",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.111, No.11, pp.2749-2496.
Kareem, A. (1987), "Wind Effects on Structures: A Probabilistic Viewpoint",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.2, No.4. pp.166-200.
Kareem, A. (1988), "Measurements and Analysis of Pressure Fluctuations on Prismatic Structures in Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows",
Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, Vol.37, pp.229-238.
Ahsan Kareem (1989), "Mapping and Synthesis of Random Pressure Fields", Technical Note,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.115, No.10, pp.2325-2332.
Kareem, A. (1990), "Measurements of Pressure and Force Fields on Building Models in Simulated Atmospheric Flows",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.36, pp.589-599.
Kareem, A. (1992), "Dynamic Response of High-Rise Buildings to Stochastic Wind Loads",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vols. Vol.42, No.1-3, pp.1101-1112.
Ahsan Kareem (1997), "Correlation Structure of Random Pressure Fields",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.69-71, pp.507-516.
Kijewski, T. and Kareem, A. (1998), "Dynamic Wind Effects: A Comparative Study of Provisions in Codes and Standards with Wind Tunnel Data",
Wind and Structures, Vol.1, No.1, pp.77-109.
Zhou, Y., and Kareem, A. (2001), "Gust Loading Factor: A New Model",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.127, No.2, pp.168-175.
Yin Zhou, Ahsan Kareem and Ming Gu (2002), "Mode Shape Corrections for Wind Load Effects",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. Vol.128, No.1, pp.15-23.
Yin Zhou, Tracy Kijewski and Ahsan Kareem (2003), "Aerodynamic Loads on Tall Buildings: Interactive Database",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.129, No.3, pp. 394-404.
Aerodynamics of Tall Building and Long-Span Bridge |
Kareem, A. and Cermak, Journal E. (1979), "Wind Tunnel Simulation of Wind-Structure Interactions", ISA Transactions, Vol.18, No.4, pp.23-41.
A. Kareem (1981), "Wind Induced Torsional Loads on Structures",
Engineering Structures, Vol.3, No.2, pp.85-86.
Ahsan Kareem (1981), "Wind-Excited Response of Buildings in Higher Modes", Technical Note, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol.107, No.4, pp.701-706.
Kareem, A., Cermak, J. E., and Peterka, J. A. (1981), "Crosswind Response of High-Rise Buildings", Wind Engineering, Vol.2, pp.659-672.
Kareem, A., Lissaman, P. B. S., and Zambrano, T. G. (1981), "Wind Loading Definition for Structural Design of Wind Turbine Generator System", AIAA Journal of Energy, Vol.5, No.2, pp.89-93.
Kareem, A., (1981), Discussion of "Wind-Induced Lock-In Excitation of Tall Structures" by Kenny C.S. Kwok and William H. Melbourne,
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 107, ST10, p.2047.
Kareem, A. (1982), "Fluctuating Wind Loads on Buildings", Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, Vol.108, No.6, pp.1086-1102.
Kareem, A. (1982), "Acrosswind Response of Buildings", Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol.108, No.4, April 1982, pp.869-887.
Ahsan Kareem (1983), "Mitigation of Wind Induced Motion of Tall Buildings",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.11, No.1-3, pp.273-284.
Kareem, A. (1984), "Model for Prediction of the Acrosswind Response of Buildings",
Engineering Structures, Vol.6, No.2, pp.136-141.
Kareem, A. and Cermak Journal E. (1984), "Pressure Fluctuations on a Square Building Model in Boundary-Layer Flows",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.16, pp.17-41.
Ahsan Kareem (1984), "Nonlinear Wind Velocity Term and Response of Compliant Offshore Structures", Technical Note,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.110, No.10, pp.1573-1578.
Kareem, A. (1984), Closure to "Acrosswind Response of Buildings",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.110, No.10, p.2553.
Kareem, A. (1985), "Lateral-Torsional Motion of Tall Buildings to Wind Loads",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.111, No.11, pp.2749-2496.
Ahsan Kareem (1987), "The Effect of Aerodynamic Interference on The Dynamic Response of Prismatic Structures",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.25, No.3, pp.365-372.
Kareem, A. (1988), "Measurements and Analysis of Pressure Fluctuations on Prismatic Structures in Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows",
Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, Vol.37, pp.229-238.
Kareem, A., Cheng, Chii-Ming, and Lu, Po Chien (1989), "Aerodynamic Pressure and Force Fluctuations on Smooth Cylinders",
Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol.3, pp.481-508.
Kareem, A. (1990), "Measurements of Pressure and Force Fields on Building Models in Simulated Atmospheric Flows",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.36, pp.589-599.
Kareem, A. (1992), "Dynamic Response of High-Rise Buildings to Stochastic Wind Loads",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vols. Vol.42, No.1-3, pp.1101-1112.
Suhardjo, J., Spencer, Jr., B.F., and Kareem, A. (1992), "Active Control of Wind Excited Buildings: A Frequency Domain Based Design Approach",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamcs, Volume 43, No.1-3, pp.1985-1996.
Kareem, A., and Lu, P.C. (1992), "Pressure Fluctuations on Flat Roofs with Parapets",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.43, No.1-3, pp.1775-1786.
Suhardjo, J., Spencer, Jr., B.F., and Kareem, A. (1992), "Frequency Domain Optimal Control of Wind Excited Buildings",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.118, No.12., pp.2463-2481.
Cheng, C.M. and Kareem, A. (1992), "Acrosswind Response of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.41-44, pp.2141-2152.
A. Kareem and K. Gurley (1996), "Damping in Structures: Its Evaluation and Treatment of Uncertainty",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.59, No.2-3, pp.131-157.
F.L. Haan, Jr., A. Kareem, A.A. Szewczyk (1998), "The Effects of Turbulence on the Pressure Distribution Around a Rectangular Prism",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.77-78, pp.381-392.
A. Kareem, Tracy Kijewski and Po-Chien Lu (1998), "Investigation of Interference Effects for a Group of Finite Cylinders",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.77-78, pp.503-520.
Ahsan Kareem, Scott Kabat and Fred L. Haan Jr. (1998), "Aerodynamics of Nanjing Tower:: A Case Study",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.77-78, pp.725-739.
Kareem, A., Kijewski, T. and Tamura, Y. (1999), "Mitigation of Motions of Tall Buildings with Specific Examples of Recent Applications",
Wind and Structures, Vol.2, No.3, pp.201-251.
A. KAREEM and C. M. CHENG (1999), "Pressure and Force Fluctuations on Isolated Roughened Circular Cylinders of Finite Height in Boundary Layer Flows",
Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol.13, No.7-8, pp.907-933.
Ohdo, K., Kareem, A. and Fujino, Y. (1999), "Study of Wind-Induced Accidents of Civil Structures during Construction",
Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, Vol.81, pp.59-70.
Zhou, Y., Kareem, A., and Gu, M. (2000), "Equivalent Static Buffeting Loads on Structures",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.126, No.8, 989-992.
Chen, X., Matsumoto, M. and Kareem. A. (2000), "Time Domain Flutter and Buffeting Response of Bridges",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.126, No.1, pp.7-16.
Chen, X., Matsumoto, M. and Kareem, A. (2000), "Aerodynamic Coupling Effects on the Flutter and Buffeting of Bridges",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.126, No.1, pp.17-26.
Kijewski, T., Haan, F. and Kareem, A. (2000), "Wind-Induced Vibrations",
Encyclopedia of Vibration, Academic Press.
Chen, X., and Kareem, A. (2001), "Equivalent Static Wind Loads for Coupled Buffeting Response of Bridges."
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.127, No.12, pp.1467-1475.
Chen, X., Kareem, A. and Matsumoto, M. (2001), "Multimode Coupled Flutter and Buffeting Analysis of Long Span Bridges",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.89, No.7-8, pp.649-664.
Chen, X., and Kareem, A. (2001), "Aeroelastic Analysis of Bridges Under Multicorrelated Winds: Integrated State-Space Approach",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.127, No.11, pp.1124-1134.
Xinzhong Chen and Ahsan Kareem (2001), "Nonlinear Response Analysis of Long-Span Bridges Under Turbulent Winds",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.89, No.14-15, pp.1335-1350.
Zhou, Y. and Kareem, A. (2001), "Equivalent Static Lateral Forces on Buildings under Seismic and Wind Effects",
Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.89, pp.605-608.
Yin Zhou, Ahsan Kareem and Ming Gu (2002), "Mode Shape Corrections for Wind Load Effects",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. Vol.128, No.1, pp.15-23.
Yin Zhou, Tracy Kijewski and Ahsan Kareem (2002), "Along-Wind Load Effects on Tall Buildings: Comparative Study of Major International Codes and Standards",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.128, No.6, pp.788-796.
Xinzhong Chen and Ahsan Kareem (2002), "Advances in Modeling of Aerodynamic Forces on Bridge Decks",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.128, No.11, pp.1193-1205.
Xinzhong Chen and Ahsan Kareem (2002), "Advanced Analysis of Coupled Buffeting Response of Bridges: A Complex Model Decomposition Approach",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.17, No.2, pp.201-213.
Chen, X. and Kareem, A. (2002), Discussion on "Time Domain Buffeting Response Calculations of Slender Structures", by A. Aas-Jakobsen, E. Strommen,
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.90, No.6, pp.639-642.
Xinzhong Chen and Ahsan Kareem (2003), "Curve Veering of Eigenvalue Loci of Bridges with Aeroelastic Effects",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.129, No.2, pp.146-159.
Yin Zhou and Ahsan Kareem (2003), "Aeroelastic Balance",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.129, No.3, pp.283-292.
Yin Zhou, Tracy Kijewski and Ahsan Kareem (2003), "Aerodynamic Loads on Tall Buildings: Interactive Database",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.129, No.3, pp. 394-404.
Chen, X. and Kareem, A. (2003), "Aeroelastic Analysis of Bridges: Effects of Turbulence and Aerodynamic Nonlinearities",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.129, No.8.
Chen, X. and Kareem, A., "On the Effectiveness of Auxilary Damping in Controlling Bridge Flutter",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, in press, 2003.
Chen, X., "New Frontiers in Aerodynamics of Long-span Bridges: An Advanced Analysis Framework",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, in press, 2003.
Wavelet Analysis / System Identification |
A. Kareem and K. Gurley (1996), "Damping in Structures: Its Evaluation and Treatment of Uncertainty",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.59, No.2-3, pp.131-157.
Gurley, K. and Kareem, A. (1999), "Applications of Wavelet Transforms in Wind, Earthquake and Ocean Engineering",
Engineering Structures, Vol.21, No.2, pp.149-167.
Kareem, A. and Kijewski, T. (2001), "Probabilistic and Statistical Approaches for Wind Effects: Time-Frequency Perspectives",
Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, No.89, pp.25-29.
A. Kareem and T. Kijewski (2002), "Time-frequency Analysis of Wind Effects on Structures",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.90, No.12-15, pp.1435-1452.
T. Kijewski and A. Kareem (2002), "On the Reliability of a Class of System Identification Techniques: Insights from Bootstrap Theory",
Structural Safety, Vol.24, No.2-4, pp.261-280.
Kijewski, T. and Kareem, A. (2002), "On the Presence of End Effects and Associated Remedies for Wavelet-Based Analysis",
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.256, No.5, pp.980-988.
Kijewski, T. and Kareem, A., "Time-Frequency Analysis: Revisiting the Potential of Hilbert and Wavelet Transforms",
Proceedings A of the Royal Society of London, in review, 2002.
K. Gurley, T. Kijewski and A. Kareem (2003), "First- and Higher-Order Correlation Detection Using Wavelet Transforms",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.129, No.2, pp.188-201.
Kijewski, T. and Kareem, A. (2003), "Wavelet Transforms for System Identification in Civil Engineering",
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 18, No.5, pp. 339-355.
Damping Systems : TLD and TLCD |
Kareem, A., Kijewski, T. and Tamura, Y. (1999), "Mitigation of Motions of Tall Buildings with Specific Examples of Recent Applications",
Wind and Structures, Vol.2, No.3, pp.201-251.
Swaroop Yalla and Ahsan Kareem, (2000), "Optimum Absorber Parameters for Tuned Liquid Column Dampers",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.126, No.8, pp.906-915.
Swaroop Yalla and Ahsan Kareem, (2001), "Beat Phenomenon in Combined Structure-Liquid Damper Systems",
Engineering Structures, Vol.23, No.6, pp.622-630.
Swaroop K. Yalla, Ahsan Kareem and Jeffrey C. Kantor (2001), "Semi-Active Tuned Liquid Column Dampers for Vibration Control of Structures",
Engineering Structures, Vol.23, No.11, pp.1469-1479.
Yalla, S. and Kareem, A. (2002), Discussion of "Tuned Liquid Dampers for Controlling Earthquake Response of Structures", by Banerji et al. EESD (29),
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.31, No.4, pp.1037-1039.
Yalla, S. K., Kareem, A. (2003), "Semi-Active Tuned Liquid Column Dampers: An Experimental Study",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.129, No.7.
Real-Time Model Predictive Control(MPC) |
Mei, G., Kareem, A. and Kantor, J.C. (2001), "Real-Time Model Predictive Control of Structures Under Earthquakes",
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.30, No.7, pp.995-1019.
Gang Mei, Ahsan Kareem, and Jeffrey C. Kantor (2002), "Model Predictive Control of Structures under Earthquakes using Acceleration Feedback",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.128, No.5, pp.574-585.
Design of Floating Offshore System : Tension Leg Platform(TLP) |
A. Kareem (1983), "Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Compliant Offshore Platforms Subjected to Fluctuating Wind",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.14, No.1-3, pp.345-356.
Ahsan Kareem (1984), "Nonlinear Wind Velocity Term and Response of Compliant Offshore Structures", Technical Note,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.110, No.10, pp.1573-1578.
Kareem, A. (1985), "Wind-Induced Response Analysis of Tension Leg Platforms",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.111, No.1, pp.37-55.
A. Kareem, P. C. Lu, T. D. Finnigan and Shin-Lin V. Liu (1987), "Aerodynamic Loads on a Typical Tension Leg Platform", Ocean Engineering, Vol.14, No.3, pp.201-231.
Li, Yousun, and Kareem, A. (1990), "Stochastic Response of a Tension Leg Platform to Wind and Wave Fields: Frequency and Time Domain Analysis",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.36. Part 2, pp.915-926.
Kareem, A. (1990), "Stochastic Analysis of Complaint Offshore Platforms to Environmental Loads",
Energy Laboratory Newsletter, No.25, pp.8-16.
Kareem, A., and Li, Yousun (1992), "Effect of Displaced Position of TLP Drift Forces",
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME, Vol.114.
Li, Yousun, and Kareem, A. (1993), "Parametric Modelling of Stochastic Wave Effects on Offshore Platforms",
Applied Ocean Research, Vol.15, No.2, pp.63-83.
Gurley, K. and Kareem, A. (1993), "Gust Loading Factors for Tension Leg Platforms",
Applied Ocean Research, Vol.15, No.3, pp.137-154.
Kareem, A., and Li, Yousun (1993), "Wind-Excited Surge Response of Tension-Leg Platform: Frequency-Domain Approach",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.119, No.1., pp.161-183.
Ahsan Kareem and Yousun Li (1994), "Stochastic Response of a Tension Leg Platform to Viscous and Potential Drift Forces",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.9, No.1-2, pp.1-14.
Zhao, J. and Kareem, A. (1994), "Analysis of Non-Gaussian Surge Response of Tension Leg Platforms Under Wind Loads",
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME, Vol.116, No.3, pp.137-144.
Kareem, A., Zhao, Journal , and Tognarelli, M.A. (1995), "Surge Response Statistics of Tension Leg Platforms Under Wind and Wave Loads: A Statistical Quadratization Approach",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.10, No.4, pp.225-240.
Li, Y. and Kareem, A. (1995), "Stochastic Decomposition and Application to Probabilistic Dynamics",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE Vol.121, No.1, pp.162-174.
Kareem, A. and Samuel Kline (1995), "Performance of Multiple Mass Dampers Under Random Loading",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.121, No.2, pp.348-361.
Kareem, A., Tognarelli, M.A., Gurley, K.R., Kijewski, T.L. (1997), "Modeling of Nonlinear Ocean Systems", In: Shlesinger, M.F. and Swean, T., eds.,
Stochastically Excited Nonlinear Ocean Structures, World Scientific.
Kareem, A., Hsieh, C.C., and Tognarelli, M.A. (1998), "Frequency-Domain Response Analysis of an Offshore Platform in a Non-Gaussian Seas",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.124, No.6, pp.668-683.
Kurtis R. Gurley and Ahsan Kareem (1998), "Simulation of Ringing in Offshore Systems under Viscous Loads", Technical Note,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.124, No.5, pp.582-586.
Kareem, A., Tognarelli, M.A. and Zhao, J. (1998), "Stochastic Response of Offshore Platforms by Statistical Cubicization", discussion on paper #7695, by X-M. Li, S.T. Ouek and C-G. Koh,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.123, No.6, pp.699-700.
Kareem, A., Kijewski, T. and Smith, C.E. (1999), "Analysis and Performance of Offshore Platforms in Hurricanes",
Wind and Structures, Vol.2, No.1, pp.1-23.
Suhardjo, J. and Kareem, A. (2001), "Feedback-Feedforward Control of Offshore Platforms Under Random Waves",
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.30, No.2, pp.213-235.
Federico Waisman, Kurtis Gurley, Mircea Grigoriu, and Ahsan Kareem (2002), "Non-Gaussian Model for Ringing Phenomena in Offshore Structures",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.128, No.7, pp.730-741.
Stochastic Dynamics / Simulation & Modeling |
Kareem, A. (1984), "Model for Prediction of the Acrosswind Response of Buildings",
Engineering Structures, Vol.6, No.2, pp.136-141.
Kareem, A., and Hsieh, J. (1986), "Reliability Analysis of Concrete Chimneys Under Wind Loading",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.25, No.1, pp.93-112.
Ahsan Kareem (1986), "Synthesis of Fluctuating along Wind Loads on Buildings", Technical Note,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.112, No.1, pp.121-125.
Kareem, A. (1986), "Reliability Analysis of Structures under Dynamic Wind Loading",
Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Vol.12, No.4, pp.97-104.
Kareem, A. (1987), "Wind Effects on Structures: A Probabilistic Viewpoint",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.2, No.4. pp.166-200.
Kareem, A. (1987), "Dynamic Response of Structures Under Stochastic Environmental Loads",
Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Vol.14, No.1, pp.1-8.
Kareem, A., and Sun, Wei-Joe (1987), "Stochastic Response of Structures with Fluid-Containing Appendages",
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.119, No.3, pp.389-408.
Kareem, A. and Journal Hsieh (1988), "Statistical Analysis of Tubular R/C Sections",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.114, No.4, pp.900-916.
Ahsan Kareem (1988), "Effect of Parametric Uncertainties on Wind Excited Structural Response",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.30, No.1-3, pp.233-241.
Ahsan Kareem (1988), "Aerodynamic Response of Structures with Parametric Uncertainties",
Structural Safety, Vol.5, No.3, pp.205-225.
Wei-Joe Sun and Ahsan Kareem (1989), "Response of MDOF Systems to Nonstationary Random Excitation",
Engineering Structures, Vol.11, No.2, pp.83-91.
Ahsan Kareem (1989), "Mapping and Synthesis of Random Pressure Fields", Technical Note,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.115, No.10, pp.2325-2332.
Li, Yousun, and Kareem, A. (1990), "ARMA Systems in Wind Engineering",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.5, No.2, pp.50-59.
Li, Yousun, and Kareem, A. (1990), "Recursive Modeling of Dynamic Systems",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.116, No.3, pp.660-679.
Kareem, A. (1990), "Reliability Analysis of Wind Sensitive Structures",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.33, No.3, pp.495-514.
Kareem, A., and Allen, R. (1990), "Development of Knowledge-Based Systems in Wind Engineering",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.36, No.1-3, pp.1245-1257.
Li, Yousun, and Kareem, A. (1990), "ARMA Representation of Wind Field",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.36, Part 1, pp.415-427.
Li, Yousun, and Kareem, A. (1990), "Stochastic Response of a Tension Leg Platform to Wind and Wave Fields: Frequency and Time Domain Analysis",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.36. Part 2, pp.915-926.
A. Kareem and W. -J. Sun (1990), "Dynamic Response of Structures with Uncertain Damping",
Engineering Structures, Vol.12, No.1, pp.2-8.
Kareem, A. (1990), "Stochastic Analysis of Complaint Offshore Platforms to Environmental Loads",
Energy Laboratory Newsletter, No.25, pp.8-16.
Li, Yousun, and Kareem, A. (1991), "Simulation of Multi-Variate Nonstationary Random Processes by FFT",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.117, No.5, pp.1037-1058.
Kareem, A., and Li, Yousun (1992), "Effect of Displaced Position of TLP Drift Forces",
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME, Vol.114.
Liu, Zhengdong and Kareem, A. (1992), "Simulation of Boundary Layer Flow Over a Rigid Wavy Surface by LES",
Journal of Wind Engineering, JAWE, Vol. No.52.
Liu, Zhendong, Kareem, A. and Yu, D. (1993), "Numerical Modelling of Flow over a Rigid Wavy Surface by LES",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.46-47, pp.245-254.
Li, Yousun, and Kareem, A. (1993), "Continuous Simulation of Multi-Variate Random Processes by FFT",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.119, No.5.
Li, Yousun, and Kareem, A. (1993), "Parametric Modelling of Stochastic Wave Effects on Offshore Platforms",
Applied Ocean Research, Vol.15, No.2, pp.63-83.
Gurley, K. and Kareem, A. (1993), "Gust Loading Factors for Tension Leg Platforms",
Applied Ocean Research, Vol.15, No.3, pp.137-154.
Kareem, A., and Li, Yousun (1993), "Wind-Excited Surge Response of Tension-Leg Platform: Frequency-Domain Approach",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.119, No.1., pp.161-183.
Li, Yousun and Kareem, A. (1993), "Multi-Variate Hermite Expansion of Hydrodynamic Drag Loads",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.119, No.1, pp.91-112.
Li, Y. and Kareem, A. (1993), "Simulation of multivatiate random process : a hybrid DFT and digital filtering approach",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE Vol.119, No.5, pp.1078-1098.
Kareem, A., Williams, A.N. and Hsieh, C.C. (1994), "Diffraction of Nonlinear Random Waves by a Vertical Cylinder in Deep Water", Ocean Engineering, Vol.21, No.2, pp.129-154.
Ahsan Kareem and Yousun Li (1994), "Stochastic Response of a Tension Leg Platform to Viscous and Potential Drift Forces",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.9, No.1-2, pp.1-14.
Zhao, J. and Kareem, A. (1994), "Analysis of Non-Gaussian Surge Response of Tension Leg Platforms Under Wind Loads",
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME, Vol.116, No.3, pp.137-144.
Kareem, A., Zhao, Journal , and Tognarelli, M.A. (1995), "Surge Response Statistics of Tension Leg Platforms Under Wind and Wave Loads: A Statistical Quadratization Approach",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.10, No.4, pp.225-240.
Li, Y. and Kareem, A. (1995), "Stochastic Decomposition and Application to Probabilistic Dynamics",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE Vol.121, No.1, pp.162-174.
Gurley, K.R., Kareem, A. and Tognarelli, M.A. (1996), "Simulation of a Class of Non-Normal Random Processes",
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol.31, No.5, pp.601-617.
D. Yu and A. Kareem (1996), "Two-dimensional Simulation of Flow Around Rectangular Prisms",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.62, No.2-3, pp.131-161.
A. Kareem and K. Gurley (1996), "Damping in Structures: Its Evaluation and Treatment of Uncertainty",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.59, No.2-3, pp.131-157.
Gurley, K.R., Tognarelli, M.A.,and Kareem, A. (1997), "Analysis and Simulation Tools for Wind Engineering",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.12, No.1, pp.9-31.
Tognarelli, M.A., Zhao, J., Rao, K.B. and Kareem, A. (1997), "Equivalent Statistical Quadratization and Cubicization for Nonlinear Systems",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.123, No.5, pp.512-523.
Yousun Li, Ahsan Kareem (1997), "Simulation of Multivariate Nonstationary Random Processes: Hybrid DFT and Digital Filtering Approach",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.123, No.12, pp.1302-1310.
Tognarelli, M.A. and Kareem, A. (1997), "Analysis of a Class of Nonlinear System Under Deterministic and Stochastic Excitations",
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, Vol.10, No.4, pp.162-172.
Ahsan Kareem (1997), "Correlation Structure of Random Pressure Fields",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.69-71, pp.507-516.
K. Gurley and A. Kareem (1997), "Analysis Interpretation Modeling and Simulation of Unsteady Wind and Pressure Data",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.69-71, pp.657-669.
Da-hai Yu and Ashan Kareem (1997), "Numerical Simulation of Flow Around Rectangular Prism",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 67-68, pp.195-208.
Michael A. Tognarelli, Jun Zhao and Ahsan Kareem (1997), "Equivalent Statistical Cubicization for System and Forcing Nonlinearities", Technical Note,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.123, No.8, pp.890-893.
Kareem, A., Tognarelli, M.A., Gurley, K.R., Kijewski, T.L. (1997), "Modeling of Nonlinear Ocean Systems", In: Shlesinger, M.F. and Swean, T., eds.,
Stochastically Excited Nonlinear Ocean Structures, World Scientific.
Kareem, A., Hsieh, C.C., and Tognarelli, M.A. (1998), "Frequency-Domain Response Analysis of an Offshore Platform in a Non-Gaussian Seas",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.124, No.6, pp.668-683.
K. R. Gurley and A. Kareem (1998), "A Conditional Simulation of Non-Normal Velocity/Pressure Fields",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.77-78, pp.39-51.
Dahai Yu and Ahsan Kareem (1998), "Parametric Study of Flow Around Rectangular Prisms Using LES",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.77-78, pp.653-662.
A. Kareem, M. A. Tognarelli and K. R. Gurley (1998), "Modeling and Analysis of Quadratic Term in the Wind Effects on Structures",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.74-76, pp.1101-1110.
Kurtis R. Gurley and Ahsan Kareem (1998), "Simulation of Ringing in Offshore Systems under Viscous Loads", Technical Note,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.124, No.5, pp.582-586.
Kareem, A., Tognarelli, M.A. and Zhao, J. (1998), "Stochastic Response of Offshore Platforms by Statistical Cubicization", discussion on paper #7695, by X-M. Li, S.T. Ouek and C-G. Koh,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.123, No.6, pp.699-700.
Gurley, K. and Kareem, A. (1998), "Simulation of Correlated Non-Gaussian Pressure Fields",
MECCANICA, Vol.33, No.3, pp.309-317.
Kareem A. and Mei, G. (2000), "Stochastic Decomposition for Simulation and Modal Space Reduction in Wind Induced Dynamics of Structures",
Applications of Statistics and Probability, pp.751-764.
Baudic, S. F., Williams, A. N., Kareem, A. (2001), "A Two-Dimensional Numerical Wave Flume- Part 1: Nonlinear Wave Generation, Propogation, and Absorption",
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol.123, No.2, pp.70-75.
Federico Waisman, Kurtis Gurley, Mircea Grigoriu, and Ahsan Kareem (2002), "Non-Gaussian Model for Ringing Phenomena in Offshore Structures",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.128, No.7, pp.730-741.
Dynamic Load Simulator / Hardware-in-the-Loop |
Swaroop K. Yalla, Ahsan Kareem, Scott Kabat and Fred L. Haan, Jr. (2001), "Dynamic Load Simulator: Development of a Prototype", Technical Note,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.127, No.12, pp.1310-1315.
Wind Load Effects in Gust Fronts |
Kareem, A. (1985), "Structural Performance and Wind Speed-Damage Correlation in Hurricane Alicia",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.111, No.12, pp.2596-2610.
Kareem, A. (1986), "Performance of Cladding in Hurricane Alicia",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.112, No.12, pp.2679-2693.
Kareem, A. (1987), Closure to "Structural Performance and Wind Speed Damage Correlation in Hurricane Alicia",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.113, No.11, pp.2322-2323.
Codes & Standards and Design Tools |
Kijewski, T. and Kareem, A. (1998), "Dynamic Wind Effects: A Comparative Study of Provisions in Codes and Standards with Wind Tunnel Data",
Wind and Structures, Vol.1, No.1, pp.77-109.
Giovanni Solari and Ahsan Kareem (1998), "On the Formulation of ASCE7-95 Gust Effect Factor",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.77-78, pp.673-684.
Zhou, Y., and Kareem, A. (2001), "Gust Loading Factor: A New Model",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.127, No.2, pp.168-175.
Yin Zhou, Tracy Kijewski and Ahsan Kareem (2002), "Along-Wind Load Effects on Tall Buildings: Comparative Study of Major International Codes and Standards",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.128, No.6, pp.788-796.
Yin Zhou, Ahsan Kareem and Ming Gu (2002), "Mode Shape Corrections for Wind Load Effects",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. Vol.128, No.1, pp.15-23.
Yin Zhou and Ahsan Kareem (2002), "Definition of Wind Profiles in ASCE 7", Technical Note,
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.128, No.8, pp.1082-1086.
Kareem, A and Zhou, Y., "Gust Loading Factor: Past, Present and Future",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, in press, 2003.
Miscellaneous Topics |
Kareem, A. (1983), "Rapporteurs Comments and Discussion on the Papers in the Session on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Mathematical Models of Wind Loading - Sixth International Conference on Wind Engineering",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.14, No.1-3, pp.479-482.
Kareem, A. (1990), "Recent Advances in Wind Engineering: Part I",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.36, Part 1, pp.1-15.
Kareem, A. (1990), "Reduction of Wind Induced Motion Utilizing a Tuned Sloshing Damper",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.36, Part 2, pp.725-737.
Kareem, A. and Samuel Kline (1995), "Performance of Multiple Mass Dampers Under Random Loading",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.121, No.2, pp.348-361.
Kareem, A. and Kijewski, T. (1996), "7th US National Conference on Wind Engineering: A Summary of Papers",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.62, No.2-3, pp.81-129.
Kareem, A. (1996), Closure to "Performance of Multiple Mass Dampers Under Random Loading",
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.122, No.8, p.982.
Ahsan Kareem (1997), "Modelling of Base-Isolated Building with Passive Dampers Under Winds",
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.72, No.1-3, pp.323-333.