Barcelona Die


Computer Architecture I

CSE 30321
Fitzpatrick 356a
Tuesday/Thursday, 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.


By the end of this course you should be able to:

  1. Describe the fundamental components required in a single core of a modern microprocessor as well as how they interact with each other, with main memory, and with external storage media.
  2. Suggest, compare, and contrast potential architectural enhancements by applying appropriate performance metrics.
  3. Apply fundamental knowledge about a processor’s datapath, different memory hierarchies, performance metrics, etc. to design a microprocessor such that it (a) meets a target set of performance goals and (b) is realistically implementable.
  4. Explain how code written in (different) high-level languages (like C, Java, C++, Fortran, etc.) can be executed on different microprocessors (i.e. Intel, AMD, etc.) to produce the result intended by the programmer.
  5. Use knowledge about a microprocessor’s underlying hardware (or “architecture”) to write more efficient software.
  6. Explain and articulate why modern microprocessors now have more than one core and how software must adapt to accommodate the now prevalent multi-core approach to computing.


Final Course Grades


Date Day Topic Suggested Reading HWs Labs
1 Aug. 23 Tu Introduction and Course Overview
2 Aug. 25 Th Stored Programs (Part 1) HP 1.1-1.3
3 Aug. 30 Tu Stored programs (Part 2) HP 1.1-1.3 HW 01
Datapath copy
Lab 01
Screen tutotial
.cshrc changes
4 Sep. 1 Th Performance metrics HP 1.4-1.10
5 Sep. 6 Tu MIPS ISA HP 2.1-2.3, 2.5-2.7 HW 02
(HW 01 due)
6 Sep. 8 Th MIPS examples HP 2.1-2.3, 2.5-2.7
7 Sep. 13 Tu MIPS procedure calls HP 2.8
(2.12, 2.13 recommended)
HW 03
(HW 02 due)
Lab 02
Problem 2 solutions
Lab 02 Grades
Working Mergesort
8 Sep. 15 Th MIPS procedure calls
9 Sep. 20 Tu MIPS procedure call examples HW 04
(HW 03 due)
10 Sep. 22 Th MIPS datapath HP 4.1-4.4
11 Sep. 27 Tu MIPS datapath - Examples HW 05
(HW 04 due)
12 Sep. 29 Th Pipelining (concept) HP 4.5-4.7
13 Oct. 4 Tu Pipelining (hazards) (HW 05 due) Lab 03
Lab 03 solutions
14 Oct. 6 Th Pipelining (hazards) (Lab 02 due)
15 Oct. 11 Tu Midterm Review
16 Oct. 13 Th In Class Midterm; (Solutions and Feedback).
Oct. 18 Tu No Class: Fall Break
Oct. 20 Th No Class: Fall Break
17 Oct. 25 Tu Memory hierarchies / Intro. to caches HP 5.1-5.2
18 Oct. 27 Th Cache examples (finding & placing data)
  • Finished material posted with Lecture 17.
  • Powerpoint notes (examples) (1 up PDF)
  • Powerpoint notes (examples) (4 up PDF)
  • Board notes (PDF)
(Lab 03 due)
19 Nov. 1 Tu Improving cache performance HP 5.3 HW 06
Lab 04
Lab 04 solutions
20 Nov. 3 Th Introduction to Virtual Memory HP 5.4-5.5
21 Nov. 8 Tu Virtual Memory, complete address translation HP 5.4-5.5 HW 07
HW 07 solutions
(HW 06 due)
22 Nov. 10 Th Storage class memory HP 6.3 Final Project
23 Nov. 15 Tu Parallel processing HP 7 Lab 05
Lab 05 solutions
24 Nov. 17 Th Cache Coherency HP 5.8 (Lab 04 due)
25 Nov. 22 Tu Cache Coherency
  • Board notes (PDF)
  • (PPT notes are the same from Lecture 24)
HW 08
HW 08 solutions
(HW 07 due)
Nov. 24 Th No Class: Thanksgiving
26 Nov. 30 Tu Interconnection Networks
27 Dec. 1 Th Parallel Programming (Lab 05 due)
28 Dec. 6 Tu Multicore, Multithreads (+ Review) (HW 08 due)
29 Dec. 8 Th Final exam review
Dec. 13 Tu In Class Final Exam - 10:30-12:30
Dec. 15 Th Final project report due at 3:00 p.m.


  • Labs will be held in 108 Stinson-Remick.


  • David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 4th Ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, ISBN 978-0-12-374493-7.



  • Michael T. Niemier(
    380 Fitzpatrick Hall
    Notre Dame, IN 46556
    (574) 631-3858

    Office Hours: Monday, 3:00-4:30 pm and Thursday, 2:30-4:00 pm

Graduate TAs

  • Nikhil Yadav (afs id = nyadav)

    Office Hours: available during scheduled lab periods

Undergraduate TAs

  • Chad Heise (afs id = cheise)

    Office Hours: Monday: 9:30-10:30, 213 Cushing

  • Charles Torbert (afs id = ctorbert)

    Office Hours: Friday: 3:30-4:30, 213 Cushing

  • Jacob Wenger (afs id = jwenger)

    Office Hours: Monday: 10:30-11:30, 213 Cushing